The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 712 An accident happened to Grandpa Huo

But the next day, Su Jiu still failed to do so.

Xing Jiu'an couldn't go out to play with him.

The old man of the Huo family was hospitalized with a sudden illness, and his life was at stake. It was reported early the next morning.

Xing Jiu'an was eating at that time, and when he heard the news, he could hardly hold his chopsticks.

She asked again, but Mu Qing still nodded.

Xing Jiu'an has feelings for Grandpa Huo and Grandma Huo.

She also didn't know why this happened.

They are also really good to Huo Chulan, and the life-changing thing is also true.

However, they were also kind to her.

Xing Jiu'an thought about many possibilities. In the end, she still felt that it might be because the two old people were getting old. Although the so-called warlock's life change had an impact on them, it did not affect Huo's father and mother as much as Huo Jinyuan and Huo Jinqi. big.

In this life, after knowing a lot of truth, Xing Jiu'an still felt unable to face the Huo family.

It's fake that they don't love her, but the hurt they've suffered is real.

She can choose to forgive, but still can't accept it.

However, when she suddenly heard the news of Grandpa Huo's accident, she was really scared and nervous.

She asked a few more questions, but Mu Qing didn't know much, so she couldn't give her any answers.

Su Jiu knew that it was Xing Jiu'an's grandfather, so she didn't say anything, and patted her on the shoulder to comfort her.

Xing Jiu'an said that he wanted to go over and take a look.

They all agreed and offered to go with her.

Because of what happened, I lost the appetite to continue eating, so I left immediately after speaking.

Of course the five of them went there together.

Lu Zhichen also got the news, and because the two families have a good relationship, and Grandpa Huo and Grandpa Lu have been friends for many years, he is in the hospital at this time.

Xing Jiu'an contacted the director of the hospital where he was on the road and asked about his condition.

After all, she still has the identity of a descendant of ancient medicine, and she can understand all these things.

Xing Jiu'an met the gentleman when he was ten years old.

When the other party wanted Xing Jiu'an to study medicine with him, Xing Jiu'an also regarded the other party as a liar, but later found out that the other party was really a very powerful ancient doctor, or the kind with a certificate.

After Xing Jiu'an confirmed the identity of the other party, he did not intend to study medicine with him.

At that time, she already had a lot of things to do, and in her impression, being a doctor was a difficult thing, and she had to learn a lot. She was worried that she had made mistakes in her studies, and she would not be able to become a doctor.

There was no other reason why he agreed to it later.

The other party provoked her twice, and the little girl was the proudest, so she agreed at that time.

After agreeing, there is no way to regret it.

She also doesn't like being the kind of person who can't lift her emotions for a long time because she regrets one thing.

If you agree, you agree, and if you learn medicine, you learn medicine.

Thinking of those days now, Xing Jiu'an felt that it was really amazing that he could survive.

If it were Xing Jiu'an now who was so lazy, he only liked to eat, drink and have fun, and had no interest in learning at all, it would definitely not be possible.

However, her efforts paid off.

Walking into the hospital, because of her status as a descendant of ancient medicine, she can also get a lot of respect, and some illnesses are easier for her to solve.

Of course, she can't cure everything. She only studied with the gentleman for a few years. Later, the person left her with a few books and a bunch of notes, so she went to play around again.

The two have never been in contact.

The gentleman does not have WeChat, and usually only has a mobile phone number to contact, but he did not give his mobile phone number to many people.

Before going out, he also told Xing Jiu'an, don't call him if he has nothing to do, he may not answer, if he doesn't understand because of a disease, he will ponder for several days, the mobile phone is just a decoration.

The gentleman taught Xing Jiu'an for seven years. When Xing Jiu'an was seventeen years old, the other party began to play around. During this time, the phone calls between the two of them could be counted with one hand.

Xing Jiu'an frowned tightly after seeing the condition.

She was at a loss.

Grandpa Huo is also getting old. If he struggles too much, it will not be good for his recovery.

Xing Jiu'an hopes to use a more gentle way.

But she really had no confidence in herself.

It's not that she lacks self-confidence. She doesn't know much about this aspect.

Grandpa Huo seems to have some problems in his head, but Xing Jiu'an didn't study much in this regard, and even the medical books and notes left by ancient doctors did not have much detailed records.

And the news from the hospital was not very good.

Xing Jiu'an decided to contact the ancient doctor, if possible, maybe the other party would have a solution.

Xing Jiu'an called and hung up automatically after ringing for a while.

The other party obviously didn't have time to answer the phone.

He was so busy that he might not call back for a few days, and there was no other way to know his news.

Xing Jiu'an can only wait.

I hope the other party can realize this time as soon as possible and call back.

Soon, they arrived at the hospital.

When I went outside the rescue room, the Huo family and the Lu family were there.

When Lu Zhichen saw Xing Jiu'an, he came over, hugged her and touched her hair lightly.

Grandma Huo, Father Huo, Mother Huo, and Huo Jinyuan and Huo Jinqi were all waiting there. When they saw Xing Jiu'an who came over, they wanted to go and were afraid of being hated by her.

Finally, Grandma Huo came over.

Xing Jiu'an called out to grandma softly.

Grandma Huo seemed to want to cry, but she held back.

"Good boy, don't worry, Grandpa will be fine."

Xing Jiu'an lowered his head and said nothing.

"You and Zhichen..."

"He's my fiance." Xing Jiu'an held Lu Zhichen's hand, his voice soft but firm.

"Okay, they're all good kids, you're a good match."

"When I get married in the future, can I invite grandma to the wedding?" The old man's eyes were full of anticipation.

Xing Jiu'an responded in a low voice.

The old man curled his lips into a smile.

"Grandma is looking forward to it."

Huo's father and Huo's mother also wanted to come, but remembered Xing Jiu'an's previous estrangement, worried that they would make Xing Jiu'an want to leave in the past, and had to stop in place, but still looked at Xing Jiu'an.

Xing Jiu'an is their child.

But they don't know anything about her.

Even the fact that Lu Zhichen was her fiancé was only found out just now.

At this time, several doctors came over, and Xing Jiu'an walked over to communicate with each other.

They went to the side, and the voice seemed to be deliberately lowered, and it was not very clear to hear.

After a while, Xing Jiu'an seemed to frown and made another call with his mobile phone.

This time, the call was connected.

The voice of the person on the other end of the phone was a little anxious.

"Girl, what's the matter with you? My phone is about to run out of power, so hurry up and tell me."

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