After a long while, Duanmu Yawang almost finished reading a book, and the man never spoke again.

And Xiao Bailu was probably irritated, so this time he was unexpectedly serious and kept practicing without disturbing her.

Until halfway through the book, Duanmu Yawang almost forgot what she was doing this time, and the man suddenly said, "Are you interested in Qimen Dunjia?"

"Well, I'm a little bit interested."

Duanmuya turned a page without looking up.

In fact, she had studied the so-called Qimen Dunjia in her previous life, but the description of Qimen Dunjia in the book of her previous life was incomplete, and the book she had on hand was more complete.

A lot of it was something she hadn't seen before.

It's also interesting.

"Some people say that Qimen Dunjia is a nonsense technique, which is not credible."

"Believe or not, it depends on what you think. The so-called so-called can't believe everything, let alone a book?" Duanmu Yawang said indifferently: "Everyone has a destiny, and the trajectory of life is different. The world is great. , There are so many lives, how can a book be able to describe them all?"

When the man heard it, he took a serious look at her, and saw that her profile was meticulous and beautiful, serious and indifferent, and said: "You are very emotional."

Duanmu Ya looked at the action of turning the book.

In her last life, she had carefully studied Qimen Dunjia and calculated it for herself. However, there must be some reasonableness. After all, she calculated that her life was not long in the previous life.

However, Qimen Dunjia didn't tell her that she could have another life.

So, life is full of accidents and uncertain numbers. There has never been any divination technique that can divvy a person's entire life.

Of course, she also violated the rules in her previous life, that is, a person can fortune telling to anyone, but not to herself, and she thought it was fun at the beginning, so she did it in her life.

So, it's no wonder that it's not allowed.

Seeing her thoughtful appearance, the man looked at the book in her hand and said lightly: "The feeling is reasonable, but is a little scribbled."

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows without explaining, she closed the book, took a sip of the poured tea, stood up, and said, "Since your Excellency didn't say the purpose of inviting me today, then I will go first."

The man glanced at her without stopping him.

Duanmu Yawang left the room.

When she was out of the hall of Daoluochenfang, she was pulled over by a few people to help diagnose the patient and answered a few questions. Duanmu Yawang was able to get away and go back.

After returning, she continued to practice seriously.

Duanmu Yawang thought that the matter would just pass, but he didn't expect that she was called by the man again the next day.

This time, Ning Xiu and a few people were still not there, and there were fewer men than the last time. Duanmu Yawang didn't get annoyed. He continued to sit at the table and read the book as he did on the first day, and then left.

On the third day, the man sent someone to look for her again.

Duanmu Yawang originally planned to refuse, but after thinking about it, he went.

She wanted to see what a man wanted to do!

This time, the man was still very silent. Duanmu Yawang continued to look for a thin new book. Little Bailu couldn't help it: "Master, he told you to come and didn't speak, what exactly did he want to do?"

"You care so much, practice hard!"

"My little master will meet, I'm just thirsty and want to drink water." Little Bailu pouted, and ran to the depths of the source of Linghu after replying.

Duanmu Yawang ignored him and continued reading. The man hadn't spoken since she came in. However, every time Duanmu Yawang came in, he could see that he was sitting on the bed with a book in his hand.

Today is no exception.

However, after two or three days of recuperation, his face is now much better, and the whole person's spirit has recovered very quickly. Sitting like this, Duanmu Yawang doesn't have to worry about him getting wounds.

In fact, since the first day he did not listen to persuasion, Duanmu Yawang stopped persuading him to lie down. He liked to sit and let him go. After all, people don't worry about their own body. Why is she worrying about being an outsider?

After reading most of the book, the man suddenly said, "Two days have passed, and I haven't said anything. Why are you here today?"

Duanmuya didn't move her eyelids and didn't answer.

The man seemed to be very talkative today. She didn't speak, but he continued: "Actually, you should have guessed it. Why am I calling you here?"

Duanmuya turned a page at her fingertips, finally raised her eyes to look at him, and shrugged: "No, I don't know."

The man stared at her, noncommittal.

After a while, he continued: "You know, how long has the Gu in my body been raised?"


Little Bailu had just returned from drinking the water, and when he heard the man's words, his eyes widened, "Why does he use this word? Could it be the Gu in his body, or he couldn't put it in by himself?"

Duanmu Yawang was not surprised. He reached in and patted his head so that he could practice hard and stop talking before repliing: "I don't know how long it has been, but I know the attributes of this kind of gu. It is indeed you who put it in."


The man said: "Since I was five years old, I have constantly oozes and bleeds like that day, but it was not serious at the beginning. It only became severe day by day after I grew up."

"Because of this, my father invited great pharmacists one after another, and then accidentally raised this kind of Gu and put it into my body to suppress the condition. I heard that with this kind of Gu, the pump in my body The blood can be relieved."

After listening to it, Duanmu Yawan sneered and shook his head: "It is impossible at all. Gu is raised in one place for a long time, and it will mutate. Feeding people with Gu is like sleeping with a giant python. When it is full Maybe I don’t want to slander you, but when he is hungry, you are the best food for him."

"You are right."

The man's eyes darkened: "However, the great pharmacist at the time did not expect that Gu would change. In the past two years, they no longer have any effect on my disease and have begun to eat away at my veins. A great pharmacist said However, if I don’t get rid of the Gu, my whole person will turn into a pool of blood!"

"The words of the great pharmacist are true, but no one can get rid of the gu in your body?"


The man looked at her deeply, "Even the two heads of Luochenfang have nothing to do, but I didn't expect you to be so young, but it is unexpected."

After finishing speaking, before Duanmu Yawang expressed his opinion, he looked at her and said: "Although there have been many severe wounds on my body in recent days, I can feel that my whole person has become relaxed, and the burden of veins has also been relieved. I think, isn’t it just that the Gu in my body is removed, you also healed the illness I brought to me since I was a kid?"

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