The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 2035: How dare to resist!

Latest website: Shi Tao could see clearly that after just a short while, the Lumenggai Wharf was covered by shells and bullets, and several houses next to the wharf were ignited in raging fire.

That should be a building such as a simple oil depot, which will be fully reimbursed.

As for voluntarily stopping shooting, the overkill is part of it. Another reason is that no one came out after being beaten up by such a storm at the dock. Then this AГC-17 would be a waste of ammunition.

The AГC-17 is equipped with high-explosive anti-personnel bombs, which are originally used to deal with living targets. The effect of blasting is not good.

Not long after the dawn of this meeting, the people in the target area should basically be sleeping, but in the end they were confused and either died in the boat, or the meeting was still trapped inside and couldn't get out.

The group doesn't care much about the value of these old Soviet-style ammunition itself. There are too many, and they have to be estimated based on normal consumption. When these ammunitions are too old to be used, there are still too many in the warehouse.

However, transportation is always costly, and it takes effort to even move onto the ship and load the ammunition into the ammunition chain, so all personnel in the group do not have the habit of wasting ammunition.

When the large-caliber machine gun of the patrol boat fired, the people at the fish market in Lumenggai felt that something was wrong, but at first they didn’t understand the situation: they hadn’t heard the gunshots before, but they couldn’t hear the sound coming from hundreds of meters away. What is the weird "wind sound".

Until someone discovered the dense tracer barrage and the fine smoke rising from the patrol boat dock, it was the effect of a waterfall of dense large-caliber machine gun bullets hitting the target.

Just yelled out

Unlike these reminders, the violent explosion hit like the wind, and the fish market people screamed and fled in all directions!

The entire city was awakened by the explosion. Due to the terrain, many citizens could see the Great Lake as soon as they left their homes or opened the windows, and they could also see the situation on the dock.

There were also garrisons here. After the commander was awakened by the explosion, he quickly saw the explosion at the pier, but it took a while to figure out that the attack came from the lake.

This quality is already pretty good, and if you change to another person, you may not understand the direction of the attack for a long time.

All three boats have completed the first round of five magazines and 20 rounds of shells. A total of 60 rounds of 82mm shells covered the target area once.

The grenade launchers of all ships also ceased fire. Only the "unknown" Ma Zhiqiang on Yao Sifu's boat blasted out 100 rounds of grenades. Shi Tao and the "shoemaker" Wu Wei on the other boat stopped work ahead of schedule.

The three 12.7mm four-barreled Gatling on the three boats basically only fired a few long and short bursts, and it took less than half a minute to add up. Each boat fired more than a thousand rounds of bullets and temporarily ceased fire.

After the ceasefire, Hu Xiaoping directly asked the mechanic to get down from the weapon station, and he stood up and took out the binoculars to observe.

Basically no militants were seen, and no bullets came from the shore, but many people in the city were escaping from the nearshore area.

The four large and small patrol boats at the dock should have been hit by artillery shells. I don't know how many bullets hit. The first round of shelling had a good effect.

But still not enough, the fire is not big enough!

He picked up the intercom and said loudly: "I am the No. 1 boat, and I am the No. 1 boat. I am ready for precise bombardment, with a speed of three knots, eight rounds per boat, and a single shot.

Target enemy patrol boats, all boats can shoot freely! "

Soon I got a reply from the other two boats.

Once the "boom" is sent, see the effect, and then send it again.

After playing these 24 shells, the effect was good. There was a circle on the lake, and it slowly continued to show its existence at a position 800 meters from the shore.

It seems that there are no more military targets to fight. Hu Xiaoping is about to issue an order to return. As a result

Meyer, who took a telescope to observe, suddenly yelled: "The bow is at nine o'clock, RPG!"

The classic slogan that the US military chanted in Somalia, I didn't expect it would be chanted on board the ship.

Meyer was a professional sniper observer. He noticed a faint smoke rising from a house not far from the shore, and then a smoke followed and immediately issued a warning.

There is no way for such a shouting method. He doesn't know how the ship is habitually shouting for positioning. He can only say that he uses the bow as the reference, otherwise he stands in the direction of 12 o'clock.


Nothing. Then, Meyer has used that AГC-17 automatic grenade launcher to shoot a long burst at the target area that he saw, and when he pointed out the target accurately for others, he was almost 100 meters away from the three boats, and the height was close. Two explosions occurred at a position of ten meters.

It's two rockets!

The two brave Burundians were able to use the rocket launcher but they used the RPG-7 to shoot at a small patrol boat more than 800 meters away.

The explosion of the 30mm grenade indicated the target for others. This is good, the guys who can reach all greet that area-I beat you, how dare you actually resist?

It's the other way around!

After a while, at least 80 rounds of artillery shells, 300 rounds of high-explosive grenades and 3000 rounds of large-caliber machine gun bullets were smashed into that area!

Just demolish all the houses in that area!

No matter whether it is ordinary or not, go to hell!

In the end, Hu Xiaoping gave the order to cease fire, and this round of revenge stopped.

Turning the course, the fleet took a half circle to a position about 1,500 meters offshore, and began to conduct precision artillery bombardment.

At this distance, the "cornflower" is relatively accurate, and it can also pour shells into any place within three kilometers of the target area. At this distance, the large-caliber machine guns that may be on the shore are not substantive to oneself. threat.

As for the mortar, they must have it and use it, and the self-destruction distance of the RPG-7 rocket is less than one kilometer.

The new goal is also easy to determine. The tallest houses and the most beautiful building on the north side of the city are good choices. Fight, don't worry.

Now the city of Lumenggai is completely chaotic, and there are people who fled everywhere, and some people are hiding in the strongest bottom area of ​​the house, hoping that those shells will not fall on their heads.

There is no problem with the temporary selection of targets. Those relatively tall buildings are basically owned by public institutions, and the city hall is also just selected.

This may not have gone to work, but after more than a dozen high-explosive bombs and a few white phosphorus smoke bombs, the city hall building ignited a raging fire!

White phosphorus smoke bombs, if you really believe that they are designed purely for the purpose of smoking, pointing targets, or disturbing the line of sight, then you are not a thorough layman, but a pure war boy like an angel of thought.

This is the devil's cannonball. As soon as it explodes, the scattered pieces of white phosphorous will stick to wherever it falls and start to burn. Even if the people in the area covered by the explosion are immortal, it is better to live than to die!

(End of this chapter)

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