The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1942: Watermelon fried

The mining area is open. This barren land does not need a fence, but the refinery is tightly secured. The outermost periphery of the mine is not only surrounded by a barbed wire fence, but also a high fence.

Including the fence, a centralized monitoring system has been deployed throughout the plant, and the warehouse area is the focus of security.

When entering and leaving the factory, all personnel must go through strict security inspections. There is a platoon of security contractors stationed here, and the people in the guard booth at the gate use AKM.

Zhang Nan quickly saw a bucket of lumpy and powdery yellow cakes, inspecting the whole process while wearing industrial dust masks.

These yellow things don't seem dangerous, and there is no problem with physical contact. Even after holding them with your hands, washing your hands is fine, but if they are sucked into the lungs, it won't be fun!

The amount of radiation is not large. The problem is that once inhaled, it is difficult to discharge, and a single trace of radiation will be accompanied for life.

The half-life is desperately long!

Compared with the refinery located on Botswana's own core site, the security here is a bit looser, but it's not bad.

Most of the factory over there is simply inside the mountain, and the atomic bomb can't penetrate it.

"Use this thing to stuff into an ordinary bomb, is it the simplest dirty bomb?"

Zhang Nan asked casually before leaving.

When the accompanying Vasily heard this, he replied: "Yes, boss, the easiest way is to use these.

However, the direct use of yellow cake has limited lethality, and it is almost impossible to achieve a short-term lethal dose after inhalation of dust.

Maybe you will get some cancer after more than ten or twenty years, but if you die within a few days, it is more realistic to eat yellow cake as flour.

The real high-grade dirty bombs are best to use the nuclear waste left after refining. Those with large radiation doses, such as the waste warehouse in Russia with more than 10,000 tons, are the most suitable for making dirty bombs.

There is also the use of radioactive sources on some medical equipment, but we don’t have to go this way at all."

Zhang Nan smiled and said, "Because we have a better, perfect quality."

There is a nuclear bomb, who still uses a dirty bomb?



Leaving the mine, stayed in Walvis Bay for two days, and went out to sea to catch the yellow flag tuna. By the way, I teased the special products, the big pelicans and seals that are not afraid of people.

Instead of returning to Botswana, he took Tu 144 to Gambia. After meeting with the president there, he returned to New York. As a result, he received a satellite call from the Russian Far East halfway through.

It was Joseph who rushed to see his aunt the last time. The red devil had an urgent and big trouble, and he couldn't solve it!

"A big earthquake?"

This was in the Gambia’s own base. Zhang Nan was about to rest. After receiving an emergency call from Joseph, Andre ran over to report.

"In the early hours of this morning local time, not long after dawn, a strong earthquake occurred in the northern part of Sakhalin Island.

At present, the specific conditions of the earthquake level and the scope of impact are temporarily unknown. According to Joseph's judgment, it is estimated that it will be 7.5. Later, we will be able to obtain data from other sources.

The city of Neftegorsk where Aunt Joseph’s home was located was almost flattened. All the Khrushchev buildings in the city should have completely collapsed, and there is no one left!

Joseph himself is fine, he is habitual to get up early and exercise, and he is lucky. By the way, his aunt passed away two days ago. He caught up with him and met for the last time. He was buried just yesterday, but several cousins ​​who worked in the oil field over there were all buried.

He first urgently contacted the group's office in Moscow, hoping to get help, but the latest news is that Moscow may only help itself and not accept external assistance.

At least a few thousand people were buried in the city of Dannevtegorsk alone. The Russian army alone is fast in the rescue, but there will be a lack of professionalism."

"Does Sakhalin always prohibit foreigners from entering?" Zhang Nan asked, frowning.

"It has always been. It is probably because of this that Moscow has had such news." Andrei said.

"Help me get through Ye's call. Sakhalin also has our investment. Although it is operated by a Russian branch the group has to send a rescue team, and most of the personnel are composed of Russians at most."

While Zhang Nan was talking on the phone with Ye's, Joseph, with a gray head and dusty hair, was standing next to a row of collapsed Khrushchev buildings.

Fierce, screaming middle-aged man with a Steechkin automatic pistol in his hand and a shot in the thigh in front of him.

There were several men a little further away, all of them were shocked by Joseph, and they didn't dare to move!

Joseph glared at these people and said loudly and kindly: "I came out of the KGB. If any scumbag wants to make money from the earthquake, he will end up!"

With that, a shot was fired at the head of the man on the ground.

The watermelon is fried.

Slowly resume writing, still in Shanghai, just ate a bowl of rice, and later went to watch the light show on the Bund.

(End of this chapter)

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