The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 672 Not a lie


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PS: In the second update, the Star Wars plot of "The Traveler of the Marvel World" is unfolding, please support the genuine subscription!

Although Liu Ruian was somewhat disdainful of the Jedi system, the people who should be saved still had to be saved.

After all, in addition to the Jedi, there are many people of their own.

Even if the lost manpower was only transferred from the left pocket to the right pocket, the Temple of Light cannot lose half of its main force at once.

However, saving is necessary, but Liu Ruian has the final say on how to save and to what extent.

After Liu Rui'an inserted forcefully, oh no, after entering the enemy's mothership, it didn't take too long to lock on to the previous action team.

At this time, the action team that was divided into two groups to collect enemy intelligence was completely disabled.

There are only twelve people left in the Temple of Light who are still struggling to support it, and the Jedi side is even worse. Except for Owan Keno, all the remaining Jedi have been "killed".

It included Anakin Skywalker, the child of destiny, and also brought along the Bright Templar, Skye, who came to rescue him.

In fact, Anakin Skywalker, under the protection of his master Owan Keno, has been supported until the stage of rejoining the light templar.

It is a pity that the fleet of the Black Temple is not the fleet of the Republic or the Trade Union.

Not to mention that the strength and technological level of its own equipment are much stronger, and the starship itself is not just as simple as a starship.

Although such a statement is a bit of a mouthful, it is a fact, a cruel fact, to Owan Keno and the others.

After sacrificing many people, the operation team discovered that the previous successful invasion was nothing more than a trap from beginning to end.

The so-called mothership is actually of the same nature as those fusiform monsters. It is a living beast itself, the only difference is that it is many times bigger.

In this case, what is the difference between the invasion behavior of the action team and "meat buns beating dogs"?

To take the initiative to run into other people's "stomach", to a large extent, "meat buns beat dogs" is still speechless.

This kind of behavior is no longer as simple as courting death, but a desperate death!

If it wasn't for the Dark Temple's desire to capture "living mouths". Coupled with the targeted restraint effect of the light templar on the power of the dark temple warriors, the entire operation team has long been dead.

However, after discovering that Anakin Skywalker was also "killed", Liu Rui'an said that he was not surprised, but that was bullshit.

Just kidding, the other party is the child of destiny. Coupled with the fact that the Force is naturally powerful, no matter how you say it, it will not be so fast to get the lunch.

The result was good, when the two crippled teams reunited. Because of a momentary carelessness, Anakin Skywalker was in danger.

As a mother, Skye couldn't stand by and watch. As a result, he was attacked in order to save his son, and was seriously injured to the point of death.

As a son, Anakin Skywalker, seeing his mother being dragged away by the biochemical beast that came from the bee pupae in order to save him, suddenly went crazy.

Not to mention, this madness has really revealed the true power of Destiny's Child.

But it's of no use...

After the outbreak, Anakin Skywalker followed in the footsteps of being dragged away in order to avenge and protect his master Owan Keno.

Ever since, when Liu Ruian arrived, only Owan Keno was left in the entire Jedi team.

On the side of the Bright Templar, except for Skye's official warriors. All of the apprentices were also killed in the brutal attack.

Fortunately, Liu Ruian appeared in time, otherwise, depending on the battle situation at that time, the exhausted survivors would not be able to support them for long.

Fortunately, although this operation was extremely sacrificing, it was not without gains. Both Owan Keno and the light templar brought back some data about the dark temple.

Even if the data is not much, and some are repeated. But at least it won't be as dark as before,

I don't know anything.

"Dark Temple..." Mace Windu, who saw this name, subconsciously fell on someone.

There is no way, the two titles of the Temple of Darkness and the Temple of Light really match too well.

Not to mention Mace Windu, even the clone commanders present at the meeting looked at Liu Rui'an with strange eyes.

"I didn't expect them to appear so soon..." Liu Ruian, who didn't explain anything, said solemnly.

"Your Excellency Taiyi. Do you know them?" Owan Keno asked first, pointing at the fleet and various enemies displayed on the holographic projection screen.

"The Temple of Darkness and the Temple of Light are actually similar to Sith and Jedi." Liu Ruian, who did not deny it, nodded, and said seriously:

"It's just that I didn't expect that the opponent would appear so quickly, and his strength would become what it is now."

Faced with such an answer, Owan Keno, who was in grief, was not ready yet.

But Yoda and Mace Windu, who are the elders of the Jedi, used their Force skills in an instant, wanting to know the authenticity of this answer.

But to the astonishment of these two, it was the result of feedback through the corresponding force skills. Show that this answer is not false.

In fact, what Liu Ruian just said was indeed not a lie, or from a certain point of view, it was not.

Needless to say, the relationship between the dark temple and the light temple, a dark side and a light side, are indeed similar to Sith and Jedi.

As for the statement that he didn't expect the other party to appear so soon, and his strength would become what he is now, Liu Ruian did not lie.

Before sending out the Dark Temple army, Liu Ruian had indeed made a lot of plans, but these plans were just a general outline.

As for how far he can really do it, why he came to the Geonosis star, hehe... Liu Rui'an really doesn't know.

And the strength of this dark temple fleet is obviously much stronger than when it set off from Endor.

Liu Ruian said that he did not know that the opponent's strength would become what it is now, and he did not lie.

"Your Excellency Taiyi, can you tell us about the situation of the Dark Temple?" Mace Windu asked, pressing his thoughts.

"The matter has developed to this point, and there is really no way to keep it secret." Liu Ruian, who nodded, said solemnly:

"I will send a copy of the relevant information to the Jedi Council later, but right now we need to deal with another matter."

Liu Ruian didn't say anything about the world, but everyone present knew that it was a strategic shift, commonly known as retreat.

No way, who made the enemy's troops too strong.

When Liu Rui'an saved people just now, a group of biochemical beasts from the Dark Temple had descended on Geonosis.

In addition, the fleet of the Republic and the fleet of the Templar Knights of the Light have suffered great losses. If they continue to hold on at this time.

Hehe...that's purely courting death! (To be continued.)

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