The System Forces Me to Be the Emperor

Chapter 461: Rules are also constraints

After leaving Jingyuan, Xiao Rui returned to the palace.

When I came to the East Palace, I saw Li Yuanfang brought back the martial arts training equipment from the Champion Hou's residence, and was arranging for people to sort out a martial arts training ground. Zhuge Liuying was quite happy, seeing Xiao Rui came back, she hurriedly stepped forward to say thank you, looking at Xiao Rui with love in her eyes.

Xiao Rui was talking with her, and when he glanced at Lu Zhi, who was serving at the side, Lu Zhi's eyes dodged, and he immediately lowered his head to avoid his gaze. It seemed that the joke in the tub yesterday made her very embarrassed.

Xiao Rui had fun, and continued to stare at her, until she was so frightened that she ran away.

After chatting with the two wives for a while, Xiao Rui went to Zhan Shifu.

On the way, Xiao Rui couldn't help thinking about his current life, how boring it was.

The Hall of Mental Cultivation is on duty, the East Palace is resting, and Zhan Shifu is discussing matters. These are the three main tasks. When I feel bored, I go out for a stroll, and come back after looking around. I didn’t do anything meaningful.

I am only a prince now, and I haven't become His Majesty yet. If I really ascend the throne, I may devote my life to this country just like my father. To put it bluntly, this is for the country and the people, for the great inheritance and inheritance of the ancestral foundation. To put it bluntly, I am a senior migrant worker.

But think deeply, what kind of life is meaningful?

This question stumped Xiao Rui for an instant.

People are born to suffer, to suffer in this world, maybe all they can do is to have fun while suffering.

Thinking of this, Xiao Rui's mood suddenly improved.

When they came to Zhan Shifu, Jia Xu, Guo Jia and Zhang Liang were discussing the plan of the college. Xiao Rui had an idea, but it took a long time for the three of them. After all, they needed to choose a site for construction and determine the subjects of the college. Selecting the right teachers, recruiting members, etc., if you want to fully launch a junior college, you can't do it in a few words.

Apart from the college, the three of Jia Xu still have a lot to do. They are responsible for everything in Zhan Shifu and Huben Pavilion, nautical trade, planting of corn, potatoes and peppers, management of Daxia Daily, and paying attention to the situation in the world. ,etc!

As the saying goes, once the leader speaks, the subordinates will be exhausted. This sentence is very appropriate. Looking at Jia Xu, Guo Jia, and Zhang Liang, Jia Xu and Guo Jia are good at strategy, but they are not proficient in internal affairs. Zhang Liang is an all-rounder, not only in terms of strategy, but also proficient in internal affairs, but after all, he is alone! Xiao Rui also doesn't want Zhang Liang to be bound by internal affairs, his strategy should be placed on the world!

Therefore, it is imperative to descend a person who is proficient in internal affairs, but now the system is half dead, and there is no task for Xiao Rui to earn descending points.

Xiao Rui stayed at Zhan Shi's Mansion all morning, and then he was going to sit in Ruyang Prince's Mansion.

Before going, Guo Jia took out a letter, handed it to Xiao Rui, and said: "Your Highness, this is a letter that just arrived, it was sent by someone sent by Zhao Kuangming, the sixth prince of the Zhao Kingdom, and his subordinates ordered him to investigate the matter. There are some eyebrows!"

"Oh? Really?" Xiao Rui was overjoyed, and quickly opened the letter to browse.

Now it is known that King Ruyang and Xiao Feng are in the same group, but Xiao Feng and Zhao Guo colluded, and King Ruyang's son was killed by someone sent by Emperor Zhao, how could King Ruyang support Zhao Guo together in revenge for killing his son? What about Xiao Feng?

Coupled with what Xiao Qingqing learned from Princess Ruyang after inquiring about her, the change of King Ruyang began after his son was killed. Although many soldiers saw his son and Zhao Guo's assassin fall off the cliff with their own eyes, only the body of the assassin was found, but not the baby's body.

But everyone understands a truth, to live you need to see people, and to die you need to see corpses, what if all this is a well-designed conspiracy?

Therefore, Jia Xu, Guo Jia, and Zhang Liang analyzed it and believed that the son of King Ruyang was probably not dead and had been taken back to Zhao. Therefore, Zhao Kuangming was ordered to secretly investigate in Zhao Guohuang's capital. He is a prince with a prominent position and can get access to the core secrets of many things.

And following Zhao Kuangming's investigation, he found something.

At that time, King Ruyang served as the Generalissimo of the Army and Horses, and followed Emperor Xia to enter the State of Zhao. The situation was overwhelming, and Emperor Zhao was furious, so he sent the Jiuyin Forbidden Army to Kyoto to deal with King Ruyang's family. But he himself did not participate in the attack on the Ruyang Palace, so Xia Guo did not know that this person had been there. Later, after the great commander returned to Zhaodu, not long after, he heard that he had adopted a baby boy and adopted him as his adopted son.

This baby boy has now become the deputy commander of the Nine Yins Forbidden Army, a young talent with both civil and military talents.

In the letter sent by Zhao Kuangming, there is also a portrait, which is the portrait of this young man, and he looks a little like King Ruyang!

Xiao Rui smiled and said: "It seems that the matter has already been settled. King Ruyang knows that his son is not dead, so naturally he has no blood feud with Zhao Guo, so he will help Xiao Feng together and help him seek the crown prince!"

Guo Jia nodded, and said: "Your Highness, I suspect that the kidnapping of Prince Ruyang's son may be a plot by the Duke of England! It's a pity that the Duke of England is dead. Too much time has passed, and there is no way to investigate."

Back then, the Duke of England made friends with many people in Zhao Guohuang. Zhao Huang used him to kill Xiao Rui's mother and concubine, which shows the strength of the Duke of England's connections at that time. So it's not surprising that he set up a plan.

Xiao Rui raised the letter and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, with this, I want to see what King Ruyang will do next!"


During this period of time, King Ruyang was very low-key, living in a simple place, and he didn't know what kind of conspiracy he was planning.

Today, he was playing chess with his confidants and staff, and his subordinates came to report in a hurry, saying: "Report to the lord, the guard of honor of His Royal Highness will arrive soon, and the prince's personal guards have sent someone to notify!"

Ruyang Wang Luozi's hands were in the air, and then he put the sunspot into the chess box and said, "It's still here."

The middle-aged aide smiled and said: "It is said that although the prince is treacherous and cunning, he also has fatal flaws and weaknesses. The flaw is kindness, but he has realized this and corrected a lot. But the weakness has not improved much. Today he Coming here really proves this statement.”

From the very beginning, Emperor Xia saw Xiao Rui's shortcomings and weaknesses, and other smart people could also see it.

The disadvantage is in character, Xiao Rui's character is too kind, lacks decisiveness in killing, and does not have the kind of cruelty to kill anyone who is against him. This shortcoming has been realized by Xiao Rui and is gradually changing.

The weakness is in human nature, and it is not easy to change. And Xiao Rui's weakness is not even realized by himself, it is bound by his own rules.

Xiao Rui lived in a civilized and orderly society in his previous life. He lived for 30 years in his previous life. What he learned from childhood was to obey the law, what to do and what not to do. This is a rule that has been subtly influenced since childhood.

To do things in a down-to-earth manner, to be an honest person, this is the portrayal of everyone in the previous life!

Therefore, even if Xiao Rui traveled to Great Xia and became the prince, his self-restraining rules have never changed.

He also understands that this society is different from the past, the competition for the crown prince is full of thorns, and there is no brotherhood at all. He knows this truth, but his actions are affected by his own rules.

Looking at Xiao Rui in the past few years, although he designed to deceive many princes, he always used tricks to win. Has he really hurt them?


It wasn't that he didn't have a chance, or that Jia Xu and the others didn't know how to do it, but that Jia Xu and the others saw Xiao Rui's weakness and didn't expose it, but followed Xiao Rui's attitude.

On the other hand, the king of Chu assassinated the king of Jin for the crown prince, and Xiao Feng even sent someone to kill the king of Chu just to frame Xiao Rui. They use everything for their own purposes. There are too many such things, and it is not uncommon.

Of course, these are just examples. Changing his weaknesses does not mean that Xiao Rui will become a devil who disowns his relatives and betrays his family ties. It just makes him change the solidified rules. The previous values ​​and social outlook are no longer suitable for this era.

He still can't do Cao Cao's "I would rather let the world bear the world than the world bear me." If he can understand the true meaning of this sentence, then he will have no weakness at all.

So, when he heard that he was coming, King Ruyang said with emotion: "It's still here!"

The correct attitude should be: If you fucking dare to harm me, I will have to mess with you! Blindness is a waste of time!

"Although it is a weakness, I have to admit that it is also a kind of charisma of his personality. One day he will truly grow up, just like His Majesty today!" King Ruyang sighed with emotion.

Talking about the Emperor Xia, the middle-aged staff said with emotion: "It's a pity... Your Majesty will not ascend the throne until his thirties. If he ascends the throne with a weak crown, then the previous emperor created a better internal and external environment for him. Then today's Great Xia must be the most powerful country in the Chinese mainland, and it can sweep the world!"

Emperor Xia is now fifty-five years old. Although he has great ambitions, his deteriorating health makes him unable to sweep the world. So these years he has been governing the country with benevolence, hoping to create an excellent internal and external environment for the prince and inherit his ambitions. . If he could be ten years younger, it would be completely different!

King Ruyang nodded, he had followed Emperor Xia for so many years, how could he not know what kind of person His Majesty is? It is because he knows it well that he is unwilling to be an enemy.

"Forget it, let's not mention this matter, this king should go to meet the prince." Ru Yang Wang stood up and walked out.

When Xiao Rui got off the carriage, he saw King Ruyang coming out of the palace. He cupped his hands and said with a smile, "His Royal Highness is still here in his busy schedule. I hope that the Prince will forgive me if I miss you!"

Xiao Rui returned the salute and said with a smile: "King Ruyang, don't do this. I am here as a junior to visit today. My father taught me many times, and asked me to come to the prince when I have nothing to do, and learn how to behave and deal with others. Based on my business experience, I didn’t have time to go north to Qi State some time ago, but now that I’m back, I’m just resting for two days, so I came to bother the prince.”

"Haha...Your Highness, Liao Zan, please enter the mansion for tea!" King Ruyang stretched out his hand, and Xiao Rui followed him into the mansion with a smile.

Go into the hall and sit down, and the servants will bring tea.

After sitting down, the two chatted about some common things, and the guest of honor was in harmony. King Ruyang is the master, and he puts on a defensive posture. Xiao Rui is the guest room, so he naturally wants to show an attacking momentum, so after talking about ordinary things, Xiao Rui is ready to attack.

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