The System Forces Me to Be the Emperor

Chapter 256: Civil and Military Advances Together

On the ninth day of February, it is advisable to consecrate light, receive money, go out, open the market, and receive wealth. If you follow the law and stick to your own heart, you will see all the changes and get what you want, which just means that the imperial examination officials will achieve their wishes and be listed on the imperial list.

Xiao Rui served as a supervisor of the martial arts examination, so he was unable to participate in the hustle and bustle of the liberal arts examination. He had to go to the military school.

The chief examiner of the martial arts examination is Qiu Zhigang, the servant of the Ministry of War. When Xiao Rui came, this person greeted him personally and explained the whole process of the martial arts examination to Xiao Rui.

Unlike the Liberal Arts Examination, which consists of three consecutive exams, each three days different, the Martial Arts Examination is divided into two internal and external exams. The outer exam is conducted first. According to the previous process, the three-day outer exam is over, and the fourth day is the inner exam. It's over. Then there is grading, and candidates can wait for the results to be announced.

When Xiao Rui came to the school grounds, the officials of the Ministry of War were verifying his identity and allowing candidates to enter the school grounds in an orderly manner. At this time, the school field has been divided into multiple areas according to the content of the exam.

Qiu Zhigang accompanied Xiao Rui and introduced him to the examination content of the martial arts examination.

The first test in the outfield is "bow horse", that is, riding and foot shooting. As the name suggests, in horseback archery and in-situ archery, one of the three arrows is considered a pass, and all of them are "good". Those who fail one of the tests are not allowed to take the next test.

The second test, called "Skills and Courage", is actually a test of strength.

The first item of the skill test is to draw a hard bow. You can try it three times, and the bow is drawn to the top of your head. Bows are divided into four grades. A strong bow with three stones or more is "number one", a bow with three stones is "number one", a bow with two stones is "number two", and a bow with one stone is "number three".

The second item in the skill test is to lift big stones, which is also divided into four grades. More than 300 catties is the "number one", 300 catties is the "number one", 250 catties is the "number two", and 200 catties is the "number two". "No. 3" requires lifting the big stone between the chest and abdomen, and then turning over the left and right sides of the bottom of the big stone once, which is called "offering the seal", and it is qualified once completed.

The third item of the skill test is knife dancing, which is divided into four grades. Those who weigh more than 120 catties are the "number one", those who weigh 120 catties are the "number one", those who weigh 100 catties are the "number two", and those who weigh 80 catties are the "number three". Candidates need to raise the sword above the head from the left and right sides first, and then complete the movements such as dancing the sword on the front and back chest, and they are qualified if they complete it once.

In the skills and bravery test, those who have reached "No. 2" and above in two items are qualified and can take the "infield" test, and those who are "No. 1" and above in all three items are "good".

In the outfield test, two "good" ones are called "double good", and the answers in the next infield are not too much, and they can basically be listed on the list.

The infield examination is a literary examination, and the content of the examination is divided into silent answers and policy theory. The silent answer is to fill in the blanks by silently. It extracts famous sentences from the Seven Books of Wu Jing for you to write silently. The tests are all famous sentences, so it is not difficult. The policy theory is the basic topic to describe a policy theory, which is basically how the two armies confront each other, how to arrange troops, and what tactics to use to defeat the enemy.

After Xiao Rui was familiar with the content of the entire martial arts examination, he became bored and simply sat on the stage, chatting with Qiu Zhigang.

As soon as the auspicious day arrived, the military imperial examination officially began.

There are special examiners, deputy examiners, and supervisors in charge of each area. It is very difficult to cheat in the field exam. If you miss the shot, you will miss the shot. Record grades.

Xiao Rui and Qiu Shi had just chatted for a while, and felt more and more boring. This person is the confidant of Huo Xingye, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Huo Xingye is the uncle of the Fourth Prince Xiao Feng. Naturally, he strongly supports Xiao Feng, so Xiao Rui will not try to win him over. .

With nothing to do, Xiao Rui strolled around to see how the candidates were doing.

When Xiao Rui came to the riding and archery area, he saw candidates mount their horses and gallop, shooting bows and arrows in one go, with the look of a cavalryman. Coming to the area of ​​pulling the strong bow again, some candidates are eight feet tall and can easily pull the two-stone strong bow. With this level, they are all elite archers in the army. In the area where the sword is danced, the light of the sword is even more shining, and the big knife of one hundred catties can easily slip away.

Those who came to participate in the martial arts examination were basically rich children from rich families who had no intention of studying. They could not embark on official careers, and they did not have prominent officials in their families. Although the promotion of military generals in the Great Xia Kingdom depends entirely on military merit, the military imperial examination is after all a springboard. After entering the guards, the treatment they receive is much better than that of recruited soldiers. After all, he has fame, so his promotion speed is faster than that of ordinary soldiers.

And Xiao Rui also noticed that those who can take part in the martial arts examination are all recommended by the local government or even the state. Naturally, they are not cowards, and they are all masters in the army.

Therefore, for these candidates, although the external examination is difficult, it is not the most difficult. It is estimated that the internal written examination is the most difficult. They can wield knives and guns, but they may not necessarily be familiar with the art of war and martial arts.

This reminded Xiao Rui of Su Qi'er, who has amazing martial arts skills, but can't even write his name, how can such a person be on the list?

In fact, from the perspective of the Great Xia Kingdom, the martial arts examination is very important, but it is a pity that it is ridiculed by the proud civil examination as a foil. The significance of the existence of the military imperial examination is to select potential officers for the country, because one must have both civil and military skills to become a military Jinshi, and basic officers and middle-level officers are the backbone of the army. Such people are one of the factors that make an army strong.

If a country wants to be strong, it doesn’t matter whether it emphasizes culture over military or military over culture. Both civil and military advancement is the right way. Emperor Xia deeply understands this, so the treatment of soldiers and soldiers has been improved year after year, but the strength is not enough. However, Your Majesty still has difficulties. Now that the civil service group has boycotted it, if the treatment for the army is strengthened, the military governor's mansion of the five armies will be beaten to death by the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Households will directly hold you back.

Xiao Rui shook his head and put his inner thoughts behind him. When he continued to observe, apart from the candidates with good martial arts skills, there were also some existences that surprised Xiao Rui.

One of them was thin and thin, and he barely passed the test of riding and infantry, but in the test of skill and bravery, he couldn't draw a crossbow, barely lifted a boulder, and couldn't wield a big knife.

Looking at his height of 1.5 meters, he is a short man, and he is also very thin. Which state capital is this boy, and he is still recommended to take the imperial examination?

Look at the others, all of them are short at seven feet tall, and they are all strong men with thick backs and waists. After all, the martial arts examination is all about physical fitness. It is a miracle that he can participate in the imperial examination with such a small body.

Not surprisingly, he was eliminated and unable to take the written test.

Xiao Rui became interested and asked Yuan Fang to call him.

Hearing that His Royal Highness King Xian personally summoned him, he hurried over and cupped his fists respectfully: "Grassman Lu Xian, pay homage to His Highness King Xian!"

Xiao Rui asked, "Where are you from?"

Lu Xian respectfully said: "People from Changshan Mansion in Lower Jizhou."

"There are so many warriors in Jizhou!" Xiao Rui was surprised, and couldn't help asking: "You went to the capital to take part in the martial arts examination, and you just failed?"

Lu Xian looked ashamed, and said: "I let His Highness see a joke, I am deeply ashamed, I am ashamed of my elders in my hometown, and I am ashamed of my recommendation from the magistrate."

Xiao Rui saw that he was not surprised by honor or disgrace, that he had no timidity in facing himself, and that his eyes were extremely bright, which is definitely not the bearing that a weak person should have, so he asked: "You must have something special in order to take part in the martial arts examination. , can you show me a thing or two?"

"The honor of a villain is only here..." Lu Xian looked around.

Xiao Rui said: "You wait outside the school ground first, are you willing?"

Lu Xian said excitedly: "This is the honor of the villain!"

Xiao Rui nodded, continued to lead Li Yuanfang on a tour, and at the same time asked Li Yuanfang: "What do you think of this person? Does he have martial arts?"

Li Yuanfang is a fifth-rank peak master with a very high level. When Xiao Rui asked Lu Xian, he observed him carefully, so he said: "Your Highness should have found a piece of gold! Although this person is thin and weak, he can't draw a strong bow. If you don’t have a big sword, you can’t be a general who fights against killers, but who stipulates that you must be weak if you are thin? I think he walks very lightly, and his lightness skill must be good, above me.”

Xiao Rui let out a sigh, and his eyes lit up: "Qinggong is higher than yours? So this king has picked up the treasure?"

"Your Highness is laughing. In terms of lightness skills alone, I can barely be regarded as first-class. For a real first-class master, it is easy to explore the palace at night." Li Yuanfang said: "Commander Yan Qing and Deputy Commander Mu Chen in the palace are very good at it. Qinggong, they are all first-class masters. Otherwise, they would not be able to keep the masters who sneaked into the palace."

Xiao Rui nodded, becoming more interested, looking forward to the end of the boring imperial examination as soon as possible.

At the end of the application period, the first day of testing came to an end, and it will continue tomorrow.

Xiao Rui met the chief examiner, Qiu Zhigang, and set off back to the palace.

Jia Xu and Guo Jia stared at the situation of the Wenhui Examination, and they also came back at this time. According to them, in order to target Zhou Mingfa, the right servant, Xiao Jing strictly played his role as an accompanying prisoner, and closely watched the withdrawal inspection when entering the Tribute Court. Anyone who dares to carry a cheat sheet with the intention of cheating will be directly disqualified and honored.

Many candidates who were lucky enough to do so were dragged out by the Imperial Army after they were discovered.

"There will be three subjects in the exam. This is the day, and the body search of the Gongyuan Court is only the first hurdle. Even if it is strict, it can only find out some cheating candidates. Other cheating candidates have various methods, how can they be searched?" Xiao Rui laughed.

Jia Xu nodded, and said: "It's hard for these candidates. They have tried their best to cheat, and they have come up one after another. Unfortunately, this time they will inevitably be implicated in the fraud case, and the bamboo basket will be wiped out."

"No hurry! When the fraud case is revealed after the rankings are released, hand this butcher knife to Xiao Jing. He will not be stingy with swinging the knife." Xiao Rui said with a smile: "This time, in order to confirm the fraud case, We hid the examination question book and didn't disclose it until five days ago, just to prevent the news from leaking out, and now, even if Zhou Mingfa heard the wind, he has nothing to do."

Guo Jia also said with a smile: "The source of the fraud case was found out, and it was leaked from Zhou Mingfa's son Zhou Xingchen. Even Xiao Yiheng will be powerless to recover."

The three of you said what you said to me, Zhou Mingfa's crime is a certainty, and there is no chance to get rid of the crime!

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