The System Forces Me to Be the Emperor

Chapter 220: Shen Wansan's plan to make a fortune

When Jia Xu returned home from work outside, he heard that His Royal Highness had recruited another capable person, and he was very arrogant. He just borrowed two million taels, saying that he wanted to help His Highness make money, and His Highness agreed.

Sometimes Jia Xu thought, what kind of courage made His Highness trust the person who came to seek refuge so frankly? Li Kui, Li Yuanfang, and now Shen Wansan are not at all worried about whether they are spies or betrayal.

Is this confident, or bold?

But after thinking about it, when I had no reputation to seek refuge with His Highness, I boldly wanted to drink Jinlong Koi Fish Soup, but His Highness actually agreed directly, and tried his best to do it.

"Maybe that's why we voted in good faith!" Jia Xu seemed to have a clear understanding and nodded in approval.

It's just that as soon as he entered the dining hall, he saw Shen Wansan, who was newly recruited, eating happily, and his food was not very good-looking, so Jia Xu raised his eyebrows. Could it be that Li Kui No. 2 was recruited again?

When Xiao Rui saw Jia Xu coming back, he quickly introduced a few people. Then Xiao Rui continued to ask Shen Wansan: "Old Shen, why are you so down and out? There are only two copper coins left on your body. You said you like doing business, so it's possible that you didn't succeed in any business."

Shen Wansan sighed when he said this: "Your Highness does not know that the villain is from Nanxun, Wu Xing. He started farming and developed a family business in the local area, and later used the developed waterways in the local area to do business. He also made a lot of wealth. The family business It's quite big. But it's a pity that I offended the government, and ended up dissipating all the family's wealth before saving my life. At that moment, the villain understood that if the government and businessmen don't get along, how can they make the business bigger and stronger? So I came to the capital, ready to find The biggest official collusion. It's a pity that I met hungry people on the way, so I took out silver alms, I didn't expect the wealth to be revealed, and was discovered by the gangsters, and finally robbed. But it's luck, at least I saved my life."

Xiao Rui said he didn't want to talk.

Come to rely on yourself because of collusion between officials and businessmen? But what you say makes sense!

"When you come to the capital, who does the villain want to turn to? Hearing that the people praised His Highness for his benevolence, he even came up with a strange trick to take money from the family to help the poor through auctions. This action made the villain clap his hands. I have come here to seek refuge. I never thought that when I saw His Highness, His Highness would trust the villain so much, and actually agree to the villain's rude request. This trust, the villain has nothing to repay, and he will earn countless gold and silver for His Highness to repay His Highness's kindness. !" Having said this, Shen Wansan's eyes filled with enthusiasm.

Xiao Rui asked: "After you get two million taels, how do you plan to do business?"

"Overseas trade!" Shen Wansan suddenly became excited, and said: "This is a plan that the villain has long thought of. With Zhouzhuang as the center, go to Shanghai and Du in the east, and go to Zhejiang in the south, and transfer the porcelain, silk, and grain from the land of Suzhou and Hangzhou to China. And handicrafts are transported by sea to Dayan State, Great Wei State, and even further south to Nanyu, and from there, jewelry, ivory, rhino horn, spices and medicinal materials are transported to Daxia, and so on. Although it will take a long time, as long as you go out to lay out the route and negotiate the price, you will be able to do it on a large scale in the future! Now that the Daxia Kingdom and the Great Yan Kingdom have formed an alliance and started trade exchanges, it is more conducive to sailing southward. Through this kind of competition The strategy of getting rich for work can quickly accumulate a lot of wealth!"

"Of course, the villain also knows that the sea is dangerous and the road ahead is vast, but the villain has already recruited a lot of sailors who are proficient in navigation, and the villain was lucky enough to get a nautical chart. It can be said that everything is ready, except for the start-up funds!"

Xiao Rui nodded in approval, because he knew that Shen Wansan in his previous life earned a lot of money through overseas trade, making him the richest man in Ming Dynasty, a total of 20 million taels of silver, and he also helped Zhu Yuanzhang build the city wall, which shows that he is generous.

Now in this world, his unique vision has found this way to make a fortune again.

It’s not that the Chamber of Commerce in Great Xia Kingdom does not do maritime trade, but maritime trade is not so easy. If you are not familiar with sea routes and do not have accurate navigation charts, once there is a problem, the ship will be destroyed and people will die. Many chambers of commerce have tried it before giving up. For this choice of getting rich, they would rather transport by road and trek across mountains and rivers.

"Maritime trade is extremely difficult. You said you got the navigation chart?" Jia Xu asked.

Shen Wansan nodded, and said: "There was a navigator in Nanyu back then. He set out from Nanyu, passed through Wei and Yan, and came to Daxia. The nautical chart was written by this navigator. Later, countless chambers of commerce competed for this nautical chart, but they disappeared. The villain got it by chance! All these years, it has been kept as a secret and dare not reveal it to anyone!"

Jia Xu nodded and said again: "But two million is not enough. You need to buy porcelain and silk, and you need to rent a boat. It is not easy to rent a boat for sailing, because they are also afraid that the boat will be destroyed, and the boat will not return. Come, so the rent is almost equivalent to buying, two million sounds like a lot at first glance, but the funds are still not enough!"

"Naturally not enough! But I have already thought of a way!" Shen Wansan said: "The last time His Highness held a charity auction, he had some connections with the top ten chambers of commerce in the capital. I wonder how it is related to the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce? According to the plan of the villain, it is with Hengtong The chambers of commerce are united, they provide ships and personnel, we prepare the goods, and share the profits, and the headquarters of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce is in Hangzhou, which is just right for us to cooperate with."

Xiao Rui and Jia Xu looked at each other, hey, what do you really want, Jin Bao is the young owner of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce, it seems that this maritime trade is definitely settled.

"Wei Guang, go for a run and call me the golden leopard." Xiao Rui ordered.

Wei Guang responded and went immediately.

Shen Wan was overjoyed, "Your Highness knows the young owner of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce?"

Xiao Rui nodded, and Jia Xu smiled and said, "It's not just acquaintance, Mr. Shen, your business plan is stable."

Shen Wansan was overwhelmed with emotion, and there was an indescribable joy in his heart.

When the leopard arrived, Xiao Rui pointed at Shen Wansan and said, "He wants to use the financial resources of your Hengtong Chamber of Commerce to organize maritime trade. You can chat with him and give me an answer after the chat."

Money Leopard raised his brows, and immediately communicated with Shen Wansan in detail. Both of them are business geniuses, and this chat was rather late. If it weren't for Shen Wansan, he would have been his father, and the two of them almost became sworn brothers.

After the chat, the Golden Leopard respectfully said: "Your Highness, don't worry, the villain hereby guarantees that the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce will use all its strength to assist Mr. Shen in completing the maritime trade, and the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce will not take any profits."

Shen Wansan secretly admired this kid's courage, and he seemed to be loyal to His Highness, so he was willing to spend his money.

Xiao Rui is very satisfied with his attitude. It is true that a businessman seeks profit and power, but he must have brains and courage. The Golden Leopard may not pass the imperial examination, but his courage is not small at all. No wonder the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce can do so big. I believe His dad is also a great guy.

"How can you let the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce only work hard and not make money? This king is not so stingy. Old Shen, you and the leopard have full power to connect, and profit distribution is entirely up to you. After this year, after his imperial examination, he will start maritime trade. Big plan!" Xiao Rui made a final decision.

"Yes!" Shen Wansan and Jin Bao quickly clasped their hands together.

Afterwards, Gao Quan took Shen Wansan down to rest, and Jin Bao respectfully said: "Your Highness, I just heard Mr. Shen talk about the two million silver, do you need a villain to find a way to turn around?"

Xiao Rui asked: "You Hengtong Chamber of Commerce has such a large cash flow?"

"Of course there is, it's just that the villain doesn't have such great rights. But please rest assured, Your Highness, if His Highness needs it, the villain is the young boss after all, so he can still do it." Golden Leopard said respectfully.

Xiao Rui got up, patted the leopard on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "No need, this small amount of money is a piece of cake for me, I take your thoughts. How do you read the test book recently?"

"I've been reciting it all the time, don't worry, Your Highness." Golden Leopard said respectfully.

"Very good, go down and keep working hard!" Xiao Rui said.

Only then did the leopard retreat.

Only Xiao Rui, Jia Xu, and Wu Zhanfa were left in the hall.

Shao Yao wondered, "Your Highness, does the palace still have money?"

Xiao Rui stared, and said: "I don't know if I have money? You shut up, don't mention any steamed buns and eat them in half. Besides, have I ever eaten steamed buns?"

Shao Yao smiled awkwardly, and muttered, "Doesn't this show that His Highness is diligent and thrifty in managing the family?"

Xiao Rui really regrets taking in this girl, no matter how big or small, what is even more angry is that bastard Wei Guang. howl of terror

Now that Shen Wansan has come, Wei Dabao's private treasury has to be emptied as soon as possible. He is going to act at night, with more than a dozen boxes of silver, it will be a bit difficult to rely on Li Yuanfang and Li Kui alone. Even with Wu Zhanfa and Wei Guang, it is not easy to transport. After all, two carriages are needed for so many boxes. The carriage is too conspicuous, and once discovered by the patrol battalion, all previous efforts will be wasted.

So Xiao Rui could only find foreign aid.

The first among them is Zhuge Yuanba.

Let Li Yuanfang go to the Northwest Camp in person and meet Zhuge Yuanba. When he came back, he not only brought back four confidants, but also an official document issued by the patrol battalion. Many yamen need to transport supplies at night. In order to avoid wasting time in the search, the patrol battalion will not search if they have this kind of official document.

Of course, these are not enough.

This time, not only will Wei Dabao's money be seized, but Xiao Yiheng's troubles will also be caused. Now he and Xiao Jing are pinching each other, and Xiao Jing is colluding with Wei Dabao again!

That night, Wu Zhanfa monitored Wei Dabao's travel near Dongchang to prevent him from suddenly going to the vault to check.

As the curfew approached, Li Yuanfang, Li Kui, Wei Guang and four iron dragon knights drove two carriages to the house at the entrance of the tunnel, then entered the secret room through the tunnel, and then transported twelve boxes out.

Loaded into the wagon and headed right into curfew.

Then a group of people changed into the clothes of the guards of Chu Palace, and drove up the street in a carriage.

Li Yuanfang deliberately went around and came across the patrolling battalion. A captain of the patrolling battalion stepped forward to check, and Li Yuanfang revealed the official documents.

The school lieutenant checked the official documents, and noticed that it was the carriage and guards of Chu Palace, so he hurriedly let them go.

In this way, the two carriages circled around King Chu's Mansion, and after confirming that no one was following them, they quietly came to the back of King Xian's Mansion, and moved the box into the secret room through a secret passage without disturbing anyone in King Xian's Mansion.

Twelve large boxes were opened at the same time, gold, silver, jewelry, banknotes and jades were dazzling. The treasury that Wei Dabao has accumulated for so long now belongs to Xiao Rui. have to pass out?

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