The System Asks to Uninstall: The Male God is Poisonous

Chapter 673: True phoenix and fake phoenix, CV **** made a diary 42

Night fell, gradually drowning the awns on the horizon.

And on the ground, the lights gradually turned on.

After coming out of the vegetable market and turning a few streets, Luo Bai asked someone for directions, and found that there was only one small town in this area.

The bad thing is that this town is very small, so small that there are only two commercial streets for buying clothes.

And here, the distance to the next nearest town is more than fifty or sixty kilometers.

Later Luo Bai learned that there was no bus to the nearby town at this time.

After a while, the black-haired boy smiled lightly, "Can I borrow your phone?!"

The youth under the night light has an elegant smile, as far away and handsome as a famous ink painting.

The owner of the small shop is a woman in her 40s. She looked straight and nodded quickly.

Phones are not mobile phones, but the kind with telephone lines.

When Xi Duo pressed the key, her fingers were still shaking, but it was much better than the beginning.

Her brother's phone number, fortunately I remember it.


After two beeps, the call is connected.


The familiar deep male voice is full of irritability and anxiety.

When she heard this, Xi Duo's eyes were red with excitement, "Brother!"

The breath was clearly tight over there, "Duoduo, where are you?!"

Xi Duo hurriedly said: "Brother, I'm in Ning Province, Xingyuan Township, come here..."

She originally wanted to say 'Come and save me', but looking at the small shop owner in front of her, she swallowed the last two words cautiously.

Xi Yan quickly asked, "Who are you with?!"

Xi Duo was stunned, then turned to look at Luo Bai.

Who? !

She doesn't know yet...

The young man under the light is as beautiful as a monster, quiet and quiet, with a delicate and picturesque face.

Luo Bai raised his eyes, "Just report the approximate address, we don't have time."

Xi Duo was startled and hung up the phone subconsciously.

Luo Bai smiled and left a note of five yuan. After saying thank you to the shop owner, he quickly pulled Xi Duo away.


On the other side, when the phone was hung up without hesitation, Xi Yan's eyebrows jumped.

Soon, another call came.

This time, it was Yin Feng.


"Ayan, I found out... the place where my baby went missing, coincides with Duoduo's!"

Xi Yan stood up suddenly, "What?!"

The whole day today, Xi Yan and Yin Feng are busy.

Yes, two.

Originally, Yin Feng only thought about lending people out, so he didn't care.

But later, when he got news that Luo Bai didn't go back to the hotel overnight, and the phone still didn't work, he couldn't sit still.

Adjust store monitoring.

Yin Feng was shocked to find that a group of people followed Luo Bai. The black-haired boy in the surveillance screen seemed to realize something, and suddenly changed the direction back to the hotel and turned into a small alley.

After that, never came out!

Yin Feng of course went to that alley to see, but found that on the other side of the alley, not far from the urban village, and there was very little surveillance in this area.

He looked one by one and found nothing.

So Yin Feng went to the village in the city again, and scattered people to ask everywhere.



It seems that the world has evaporated, and no one can be found anywhere!

In the afternoon, Yin Feng suddenly remembered, why didn't he go to those gangsters? !

Soon, people found it.

The group of people no longer have the viciousness in the surveillance screen, and now they are all cowardly like a quail.

They said that Brother Ahu asked them to teach the boy a lesson. They didn't know him, so they only had two photos.

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