The Superstar Happned To Find Me

Chapter 378: Motionless, like a fake sheep

Tangtang originally wanted to hug the colored forehead, standing stupidly, like a lamb like a silly roe, and hugged it directly in front of the director.

It's a pity... She is small and has little strength, so she can't hold her at all.

Bend down, with the strength of milking, he hugged the lamb's belly, but couldn't lift it up.

In order to please the little mermaid, the silly roe deer raised his foot and took the initiative to shrink into Tangtang’s arms. However, he was afraid that Tangtang could not hold it and did not dare to press the weight. He could only shrink one foot and that one was busy. Hold your body...

All of a sudden, the little guy bends down and hugs the lamb, spinning around in place. The lamb has a look of helplessness and helplessness. Several hooves are alternately in the same place.

And around the little guy, the other lambs dispersed automatically, giving the little guy an open space, and never came forward to disturb.

The director was both surprised by the bravery of the little guy, and admired the loyalty of the little guy. After a brief daze, for fear that Tangtang would be hurt by the lambs' hoofs, he ran over in two steps...

Tangtang saw the director running over and eagerly dragged the lamb towards him.

Unexpectedly, the bald director didn't care about the lamb with the painted head. Instead, he picked up Xiao Tangtang, pulled her from the ground, put her on her arm, and looked around worriedly:

"Has Tang Bao been kicked by a sheep? Was he injured?"


When the sheep saw her, they were motionless, like fake sheep. Who could hurt her?

Tangtang shook his head and pointed at the lamb on the ground: "Uncle, your lamb..."

Just as Tangtang pointed past, the sheep was tiptoeing back towards the director, intending to escape!

Seen by Tangtang's fiery eyes and golden eyes, he was shocked, his whole body stiffened, and an awkward "Bao" yelled. He tried to lower his innocent eyes and showed weakness to Tangtang, proving that he was just an ordinary little lamb.

The director glanced at the lamb moved and asked Tangtang, "Tangbao, you came in to help uncle catch the goat?"

Tangtang nodded: "Yes, sheep and sheep are afraid of Tangtang, Tangtang will help uncle catch the sheep..."

The director was amused by Tangtang's simplicity.

Ignore the fact that the sheep are really afraid of Tangtang.

"Even if you want to help uncle next time, you can't directly rush into the flock, don't you know?" The director said worriedly after witnessing the flock of sheep rioting on the grassland.

Tangtang was right to the little finger, "Okay then~~~~"

The director didn’t want to teach Tangtang a lesson, he hurriedly comforted the little guy, and got close to the little guy’s ear: "Tangtang would you like to drink Wahaha?"

When Tangtang heard it, her eyes sparkled and she nodded her chin.

The director is mysterious: "Then Uncle will get it for you later!"

Tangtang happily patted Chubby's hand, expressing her inner joy.

Seeing that Tangtang was happy, the director asked Gu Tingwei to come over, handed the little guy to Gu Tingwei, and took out the sheepfold.

Looking back at the dyed lamb, he still stood trembling on the spot, and had no intention of fleeing.

The other lambs beside them changed their previous attitude of protecting the calf and turned their heads, just as if nothing had happened.

Director: "..." What's weird.

But... is it better to catch a lamb than being shirtless and being laughed at by Mo Heng and others?

The director felt more calm when he thought of this, and ran over to pick up the lamb and successfully completed the task.

Mo Heng brought Yu Jianrong and Mo Yun, waving the flowers of the villagers' welcome program group all the way, and walked over:

"Congratulations to the director for completing the task and getting the yurt for Teacher Yu."

I like the top-liu brother picked me up, please collect it: ( The top-liu brother picked me up, and the literature update is the fastest.

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