The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 276: Summoning the Great General

"Why did you come so early? I have never tidied up my clothes." Xiao Shushen said coquettishly, she wanted to show Fusu her most beautiful side.

"It's okay, I'll tidy it up for you." Fusu stood behind Xiao Shushen, picked up the comb on the table, and helped Xiao Shushen comb her soft hair.

Xiao Shushen remained motionless, her eyes filled with tenderness.

After Fusu finished combing, he picked up the gold hairpin and jade hairpin beside her and helped Empress Xiao tidy it up.

More than half an hour later, Empress Xiao stood up, her peerless face made people feel refreshed, Empress Xiao's white rabbit stood tall, tall and 1.7 meters tall, she looked unusually slender, wearing a sky blue tight-fitting silk dress , wrapped in that moving figure, with a slender figure, a graceful and enchanting figure. A pair of eyes are like autumn water, full of charm, the white rabbit on the chest seems to tear the clothes, the collar of the palace dress is stretched high, the fragrant shoulders are half exposed, you can clearly see the large snow-white and deep ravine.

This is a stunning beauty in the world, with a devil's figure and an angel's face.

Fusu looked at Empress Xiao with eagerness.

Empress Xiao looked at the undisguised longing in Fusu's eyes, and felt hot all over her body, which she hadn't felt for a long time.

Eagerness, excitement, and anticipation on top of that.

Empress Xiao groaned, her body softened, and she fell directly on Fusu's body, her cheeks were flushed, and her body exuded a fragrance.

Fusu saw Empress Xiao hugging him tightly, looking at him with feminine eyes, as if there was a puddle of clear water in it.

Fusu felt that the dual-cultivation qi in his body was boiling violently, Fusu lowered his head, and personally refused to hold Empress Xiao's Yingchun.

The skin is like suet white jade, exquisite and translucent, without any blemishes, just like a peerless work of art.

For some reason, looking at Empress Xiao's icy muscles and bones, Fusu suddenly thought of the statue of "Sister Immortal" in Langhuan's Blessed Land in "Dragon and Babu".

The skin is as creamy and smooth.

Fusu's breathing quickened.

After a while, Empress Xiao's high-pitched cry sounded in the room, wave after wave, as if there was no intention to stop.

I don't know how long it took before the battle gradually calmed down.

At noon, Empress Xiao's face was bright and sunny, she looked unusually energetic, with a faint smile on her face, radiating with happiness.

The skin is smooth and delicate, just like a thirsty grass has experienced a spring rain, and it instantly rejuvenates and grows vigorously.

Empress Xiao ordered the chefs below to make a tiger bone soul-soothing soup, and then a black-bone chicken soup, all of which were great tonics.

Empress Xiao knew that Fusu went to Daji first, and then came here, so she knew that Fusu needed to make up for it.

Fusu looked at the food on the table with constipated face, all of them were great tonics, including sheep intestines, scorpions, ginseng, tiger bones, black-bone chicken and so on.

Fusu looked at the food in front of him, and then at Empress Xiao beside him, "Shushen, I haven't fed you yet."

After eating this table of dishes, Fusu didn't fry it anymore.

Empress Xiao couldn't help but blushed when she heard Fusu's words, and turned pale like Fusu, "What are you thinking? I am thinking of you, Sister Yanfei, Sister Jinlian, Sister Xuenv, Sister Nongyu, where are you going?" Haven't gone yet."

Fusu couldn't help sweating when he thought of this, it was true, and he really should make up for it.

Like Daji, Fusu also stayed with Empress Xiao for a day, and left early the next morning.

In the next half month, Fusu successively lived in Pan Jinlian, Xuenv, Nongyu, Zinv, Zhao Feiyan and the others, sometimes with one, sometimes with two, enjoying the blessing of being equal.

Especially in Zhao Ji's place, relying on her own identity, she occupied Fusu for three days.

Coupled with the strong fighting power, when Fusu came out, his legs were trembling a little, and Fusu——was weak.

After that, Fusu didn't go anywhere, and took a good rest.

Fortunately, the place where Fusu practiced is "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic", and his fighting power is strong. Thinking about the three thousand imperial daughters of the Yellow Emperor, they are really role models for our generation.

Fusu knows that he has a long way to go, and he still has a long way to go. When he reaches the level of the Yellow Emperor, it will be enough.

Finally, Fusu went to Concubine Yan.

Chapter 411 Concubine Yan's Thoughts Six Fingers Black Man

Concubine Yan is the eldest sister of everyone, a marriage bestowed by Yingzheng, agreed by Queen Zheng, and is Fusu's official wife.

Although in Fusu's heart, everyone's status is average and he treats them equally, but in the eyes of outsiders, they are different.

In the eyes of outsiders, apart from Fusu, Concubine Yan is the biggest.

It was also because of this identity that Donghuang Taiyi didn't dare to order her, and could only discuss with her.

Fusu also respects and loves Concubine Yan very much, holding it in his hand for fear of falling, holding it in his mouth for fear of melting, he loves Concubine Yan very much, and he has always had an idea, that is to make peace with Concubine Yan A lovely daughter like "Yue'er".

But I don't know why, Fusu worked hard on Concubine Yan's stomach, but there was no movement, which made Fusu very anxious, and what made Fusu even more frightened was that there was no movement in the stomachs of the other women, if it wasn't for the system to detect himself There is no problem with his body, and Fusu is worried that because of his rebirth, his body will have a major hidden disease.

Fusu was the last one to come to Concubine Yan, who regarded Concubine Yan as the finale.

In the Sun Palace, on the phoenix couch, Fusu tightly hugged the jade man in his arms.

"Fei Yan, you seem to have something on your mind." Fusu has been at Concubine Yan's place for the past two days, and she can see that something is wrong with Concubine Yan.

"No", Concubine Yan didn't want to say, she rubbed her head into Fusu's arms, looking for a more comfortable place.

"I still said no." Fusu lowered his head and kissed Concubine Yan lightly. "I can see that although we are not married, we are husband and wife. What can you not tell me?" Fusu touched Concubine Yan's smooth back.

Concubine Yan hesitated for a moment, but said the matter anyway.

"His Excellency Donghuang asked me to deal with the leader of the Mohist family—Six Fingers Heixia, I want to cause trouble for you," Concubine Yan said out of her psychological hesitation.

The Mohist family is a member of the Hundred Family of Organizations. It is very powerful and powerful. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It also sits down to five leaders, each of whom is highly skilled in martial arts. If Concubine Yan kills Six Fingers Heixia Well, it's okay if the Mo family doesn't know, after knowing, they will definitely provoke a strong enemy for Fusu.

After hearing this, Fusu smiled, "Fool, you can do whatever you want, and don't worry about causing trouble for me. In this way, Six Fingers Heixia is not weak, so I will accompany you."

Mohism is destined to go against Fusu, not because Fusu doesn’t like Mohism, but because Mohism wants to oppose him. Fusu wants to unify the seven kingdoms and establish a unified country, but Mohism is different. They oppose war and don’t want to be unified by themselves. Seven Kingdoms, there must be a conflict between the two.

Already doomed to be an enemy, and worried about causing trouble.

"You want to go too," Concubine Yan looked at Fusu in surprise.

"En", Fu Su nodded, "Six Fingers Heixia is not such a simple opponent, I am worried that you will be in danger."

"Okay, let's go together." Concubine Yan sat up directly regardless of the spring on her body.

"Hey, where are you going?" Fusu was a little dumbfounded.

"I'm going to get the weapon." Concubine Yan took the Baihuang Palace Que skirt that was put aside, and put it on her body. With her smooth jade feet, she walked to a corner and took out the sword hanging on it.

It was the Chengying Sword that Fusu gave to Concubine Yan back then.

Concubine Yan has always lived in seclusion, staying in the prince's mansion, and never used the Yingying Sword. This can be said to be the first true manifestation of the Yingying Sword in this period.

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