The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 476: Xuzhou Salt Merchants Have Ways

Soon, all salt merchants in Xuzhou discovered such a strange phenomenon.

They both thought each other was crazy.

However, they immediately used their energy to inquire, and soon discovered that the other party was indeed a lunatic.

Because this is Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu is a recognized lunatic.

A madman is a madman, and he is also crazy about doing things. The salt they sell turned out to be half the price of theirs.

"Lunatic, lunatic, how could it be possible to produce such white and high-quality table salt at such a low price." When the salt merchants saw the salt sold by Zhang Yu, they shouted.

It's not that they haven't seen this kind of salt, but they eat this kind of salt every day.

Because what they eat is the salt sold by Mi's family.

The price of salt sold by Mi's family is ten times what they sold.

But they think it's worth it, because the salt is white and contains no impurities. It is incomparable with their own table salt.

Therefore, these salt merchants believed that Mi used special methods to produce, and the output would not be high, and the cost would be high, so it would not have any impact on them.

The Mi family is also smart. In order not to touch the interests of these people, the salt he sells is high-end, sold to those families and wealthy families.

But what is the situation now?

Zhang Yu sells this kind of thing they usually buy for ten times the price.

And now it is large-scale, and the price is only half of theirs.

So, where would someone buy their salt.

Several salt merchants panicked.

"Go and contact several other salt merchants to discuss matters."

If it was someone else, they would definitely suppress it immediately. They had too many ways, but they were facing Zhang Yu this time.

Tao Qian had nothing to do with Zhang Yu, how dare they treat Zhang Yu?

None of these salt merchants really dared to fight Zhang Yu directly, so they wanted to unite.

Soon, the six major salt merchants in Xuzhou gathered together.

"I believe everyone knows the situation. There were disagreements and competitions in the past. Those are all things in the future. What we have to do now is to face Zhang Yu's crazy behavior." Yan Cheng said to several patrons.

These patrons directly breaded a teahouse in the teahouse in Xia Picheng. After all, they all had conflicts with each other, and it was not suitable to go to anyone's house.

After Yan Cheng spoke, none of the other five people objected, nodded silently, and then began to think.

Liu Shan said: "I think we can use our own strength to unite, suppress them together, and drive them out of Xuzhou."

"It's nothing more than others. You dare Zhang Yu's people? I can guarantee that if you really do that, he will dare to bring the army and directly punish your Liu family. Zhang Yu is a lunatic, so he dare to do so." An aristocratic family leader said.

Liu Shan immediately came down, Zhang Yu had done too many crazy things, they were really scared.

Originally Liu Shan knew that he couldn't do it like this. One family didn't dare, so he wanted to work with the six.

Everyone was struggling to find a way. Yan Cheng looked at everyone and said: "The salt sold by Zhang Yu is already close to our cost. We can observe for a few more days how much salt he can sell, but we need information. Sharing, one of our six major salt merchants is basically responsible for a place."

This is also something that everyone doesn't understand. Zhang Yu's table salt is of such good quality, even if it is the same price as them, or higher than them, you don't have to worry about not being able to sell it, but why should Zhang Yu sell it at half price?

Everyone did not understand.

In fact, the table salt sold by Zhang Yu in Xuzhou has been sold at a high price, and the price he sold in his territory is much lower than this price.

The way to get salt in this era is to boil water to get salt.

The method is very simple, set up a large pot and boil the sea water with wood fire.

Think about it, you know how big this cost is.

Among other things, cooking a large pot requires one or two people to operate it, and then consumes a lot of firewood, and the salt is often not much cooked.

Therefore, the cost of table salt in this era is very high.

However, Zhang Yu's table salt is directly used in the sun-dried salt method, so the cost is very low and the amount obtained is very large.

Under Zhang Yu's rule, there were many beaches in both the north and the south, where salt could be dried.

Therefore, the salt sold by Zhang Yu in Xuzhou is profitable in itself.

Suddenly, Xu Ming, a salt merchant, said: "This is too passive, but I have a way."

Xu Ming spoke, and everyone looked at him.

When everyone focused their attention, Xu Ming smiled, took a sip of the tea and said, "In fact, you don’t have to be so nervous. Zhang Yu will not be able to sell salt for a long time. This is fine in the short term, and he won’t lose him in the long term. . So my solution is that we each take out the money and collect all Zhang Yu’s salt."

Everyone's eyes brightened. This is a good solution in the short term. When Zhang Yu raises the price, they can make a lot of money from the salt they buy.

"It is feasible. I think Zhang Yu just wants to squeeze us out in the short term, and then monopolize it by himself, so as to obtain huge profits. He must have other ways to follow up. We will work together to break Zhang Yu's first strategy, and then see his follow-up. Is there any way." Liu Shan said.

Everyone felt that this method was good, and they expected that Zhang Yu must have been planning for a long time, and it was impossible to sell salt like this all the time.

Several companies discussed a solution, and they all felt a lot easier, so they broke up and went back to make arrangements.

In the short term, this kind of thing didn't cause any confusion, only a few salt merchants felt the pressure, Tao Qian didn't even know.

At this time Tao Qian had been focusing on military affairs, always trying to make Xuzhou stronger again, against Cao Cao and Zhang Yu.

When these salt merchants went back, they had money in their hands, so they went to various places and started buying large amounts of Zhang Yu's table salt.

Two days later, Zhang Yu received the news. It will be so fast because in some places Yangzhou and Xuzhou are close to each other, and Zhang Yu has already deployed an intelligence system, so there will be fast horses running day and night.

" great, we can again ship a lot and earn real money." Zhang Yu received the news and immediately laughed happily.

He called Zhang Zhao and told Zhang Zhao what had happened in Xuzhou.

"Master, the subordinates will immediately increase the supply to Xuzhou, and try to keep our salt merchants in stock."

Zhang Zhao is the happiest and most active. This allows him to obtain a large amount of copper in a short period of time to solve the money shortage.

Zhang Zhao understands that over the years, there has been too much salt in Kuaiji County, and too much salt has been stocked here. A lot of this salt is backlogged in the warehouse and cannot be sold.

When Zhang Yu produced salt, he did not control it and kept producing it.

Now the sales area is limited, except for its own territory, that is, Jingzhou plus the grassland. Although these quantities are large, they are not enough to consume Zhang Yu's table salt.

Therefore, Zhang Yu seems to have found a group of people who are taking over the goods that are pressing the warehouse, so that Zhang Yu's salt can be realized. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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