With 35 million big money and 200,000 people, Zhang Yu saw a big fat pig, how could he not slaughter it.

Population is now a strategic resource, and every prince attaches great importance to it.

Nowadays, Liu Yu really values ​​the people very much, so he has great prestige among the people.

However, the territory of Youzhou suffered this Huns invasion, and a large number of refugees had no fixed homes, which was indeed a big problem.

Then Liu Yu's messenger agreed in one go.

Although population is a strategic resource, there are too many people today, and they do not lack population.

On the contrary, because the money is used for war and there is no money to take care of so many refugees, it is a good way to dump these people to Zhang Yu.

He is Liu Yu's important staff, knowing that Liu Yu is having a headache.

Liu Yu loves his feathers, so he can't ignore these people.

However, these people do have to pay too much.

It was okay before, but now where there is extra power to arrange the battle.

Zhang Yu also set out the conditions, how many old and weak, how many young and strong, the refugees choose to have their own people to supervise the whole piece, regardless of old or weak, but can not deliberately choose.

After various conditions were negotiated, Zhang Yu also formally made a promise that he would not use a single soldier against Liu Yu, but if Liu Yu took the initiative to harm Zhang Yu's interests, Zhang Yu could void all the conditions.

After the discussion, Liu Yu's envoy left.

Zhang Yu relaxed, Dian Wei leaned forward.

"My lord, they both fight and are vying to give you money. I'm really sick. I don't understand Laodian." Dian Wei shook his head and thought.

With that, Guo Jia flashed in with a tired face.

Guo Jia and Zhang Yu came to Liaodong, but they never appeared, even during the battle with Wuhuan.

"My lord, the intelligence agency in the north has been established, and it has become a system, which can be used." Guo Jia said.

"Fengxiao has worked hard. This period of time has really exhausted you. Then take a good rest." Zhang Yu said.

In this time and space, Zhang Yu is not afraid that Guo Jia will die early, because there is not only Hua Tuo in the territory, Zhang Yu also gave Guo Jia pill before, and the body is no longer sick.

This time Guo Jia was transferred to the north, and he has been allowed to operate the intelligence system in the north.

Guo Jia didn't bring Guo Jia to fight with Wuhuan.

Guo Jia is really good, but fighting with Wuhuan is just a head-to-head encounter. There is relatively little room for strategy.

The intelligence system is too complicated, and it must be done by someone who is capable and can trust it.

The previous intelligence system established by Zhang Yu focused on the South, while the North only took care of it.

And Zhang Yu split them out this time.

After the split, each has its own key points and can confirm each other.

The two systems work together, and there is a line that Zhang Ning has mastered himself. At this time, it is much easier to handle.

"Lord, as long as there are enough good wine tubes, the others are not important." Guo Jia smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Haha, strategist, this is how you have an appetite for my old man. I don't have much to drink with me." When I heard that I only need wine, Dianwei immediately found a confidant.

Guo Jia has something to report this time.

Guo Jia handed over the transcript to Zhang Yu, and Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu had a very clear understanding of various situations.

"According to the current situation, even if we don't do anything, Liu Yu estimates that it will last a year, but this time with our intervention, it will be the fastest for six months and the slowest for eight months. Liu Yu will lose." Guo Jia concluded.

This is not much different from Zhang Yu's judgment, but Zhang Yu's judgment is based on the history of later generations for reference.

Guo Jia analyzed in detail from all aspects.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "The situation in Youzhou has indeed come to a big change, what advice does Feng Xiao have."

Guo Jia didn't think about it. Obviously he had already made his mind. He said: "The best plan, be prepared. When Gongsun Zan is about to defeat Liu Yu, we suddenly attack Gongsun Zan and destroy Gongsun Zan. We will annex most of Youzhou."

"Zhongce, the two don't help each other and cannibalize Youzhou. After a few more years, the whole Youzhou will definitely fall into our hands."

"The next step is to intervene in the war immediately. The advantage is that we can obtain other territories earlier and use our advantages to develop."

Guo Jia gave three strategies for Zhang Yu to choose.

After thinking a little bit, Zhang Yu said: "Then the middle policy, the best policy may allow Liu Yu to survive, and we will also be in the name of unjust. Liu Yu must die, otherwise we won't be righteous if we take Youzhou. "

"Second, Youzhou must end the war quickly. Youzhou is our own Youzhou, which consumes too much internally and consumes our own strength. We also have foreign enemy Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao must eat Youzhou. It is only good for us to let Gongsun Zan go and die with Yuan Shao."

Zhang Yu focused on the overall situation, he did not confine himself to Youzhou to consider issues.

Zhang Yu believed that his power was consumed in the battle in Youzhou.

After all, Zhang Yu regarded Youzhou as his back garden.

After listening to Zhang Yu's account, Guo Jia nodded triumphantly, as if thinking that Zhang Yu would definitely choose the middle strategy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ instead of the best strategy that could get a lot of territory.

Although the best policy is good, there are too many sequelae.

The strategy is long-term.

Zhang Yu gave Guo Jia a white look, knowing that Guo Jia was showing off his talents to himself again, he seemed to have known that Zhang Yu would choose Zhongce for a long time.

But Zhang Yu also understood that Guo Jia knew how to be a minister and knew what not to do.

Talented, but also wise, obviously Guo Jia is still very wise.

The basic things Zhang Yu was finalized, and the next step was nothing more than execution.

A few days later, Gongsun Zan agreed to Zhang Yu's condition and also asked Zhang Yu to buy more equipment, and Zhang Yu also agreed.

Qian Zhangyu, who was delivered to the door, naturally couldn't refuse.

Then Liu Yuna replied, also readily agreeing to Zhang Yu's terms.

Liu Yu's messenger came to win Zhang Yu to deal with Gongsun Zan again, but Zhang Yu refused, Zhang Yu could only agree to sell them strategic materials.

And Zhang Yu also assured them that they can send troops to **** them personally, and they will definitely not go wrong, and they will be responsible for any problems.

This is equivalent to betting on the dart board, but the form of betting on the dart is different.

Liu Yu himself might be robbed by Gongsun Zan when transporting grain and grass to the front.

And Zhang Yu sent troops to help Liu Yu transport grain and grass, and collected their "freight", so he was not afraid of being robbed at all.

Once Gongsun Zan dared to rob Zhang Yu and the food and grass they transported, Zhang Yu could stab Gongsun Zan's back completely.

"Zhang Yu is definitely a vampire. He dares to make any money. The key is to make any money. Both sides fight a war, and they can even come up with this wonderful way to make money." Liu Yu's envoy left Zhang Yu with speechlessness.

This Zhang Yu was able to discover "business opportunities", and it is estimated that only people like him would dare to think of it.

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