Liu Bei was gloating for misfortune, but he also devoted himself to development, thinking that one day he would swing his army east and attack the princes of Kwantung.

Cao Cao also received the news.

After Cao Cao received the news, he began to study.

He had known Zhang Yu's safe escape from Chang'an, but he didn't expect Zhang Yu to directly intervene in the battle between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao.

"Lord, this Zhang Yuxin is big." Cheng Yu said to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao nodded and said, "Zhang Yu's heart is very big, but Zhong De still needs to help me analyze it."

Cheng Yu said: “Yuan Shao intends to be in Youzhou, and Xuantuo County of Liaodong is Zhang Yu’s territory. If Yuan Shao enters Youzhou, Zhang Yu will have to face Yuan Shao directly, so Zhang Yu would rather take great risks by himself. Help Gongsun Zan to hold Yuan Shao. It can be seen that Zhang Yu takes the Liaodong area very seriously. With Kuaiji in the south and Liaodong in the north, Zhang Yu actually wants to keep both sites at the same time."

Cao Cao shook his head and said, "Zhang Yu also said that he was a talented person, but he didn't even know which one to choose. The north and south lines cannot communicate with each other, which will only bring a huge burden.

Generally speaking, if two sites are so far apart, it is true that one can only be abandoned.

At that time Zhang Yu didn't know how to manage this two strategic directions, the north and the south.

With a big ship, one north and one south can be connected to each other, and Zhang Yu's forces are completely okay not to mention offense, defense.

Although the business site has important points, it will not give up a direction.

Zhang Yu's lone army went deep into Jizhou, indeed, to contain Yuan Shao.

Nowadays, there are no powerful enemies from north to south.

The biggest enemy of Liaodong is Yuan Shao. As long as Gongsun Zan falls, Yuan Shao will attack Liaodong.

Zhang Yu only needs to hold Yuan Shao for a period of time. He has a lot of property and population, and he will be able to develop soon.

Cao Cao looked at Zhang Yu's actions and thought he didn't understand it, while the other princes watched the excitement and didn't think so much.

When Dong Zhuo received the news, he was pleased with the banquet men.

"Haha, the two of them fight, it's great, it's best to lose both, it's best to die in Jizhou, Zhang Yu."

Yuan Shu: Zhang Yu also dared to oppose our Yuan family. Although Yuan Benchu ​​was not good at it, he could easily defeat Zhang Yu.

Liu Yu: They are all courtiers of the Han Dynasty, and they should love each other.

Liu Biao: Rebellious courtier.

Sun Ce: Brother Zhang is still so reckless.

Gongsun Zan: Kill.


Most people watch the fun, anyway, Zhang Yu is a big scourge, whatever the trouble is normal.

And Zhang Yu, the party in Yuanshi County, was drinking tea in the county office leisurely at this time.

Yuan Shao has attacked for five days, and both sides have suffered a lot in five days. Yuan Shao has lost more than 20,000 people, and Zhang Yu has also lost more than 5,000 people.

But Zhang Yu was not worried at all, he was not worried at all.

When the time comes, he will inevitably retreat.

The city was besieged these days, and he had only received sporadic news.

But he also knew that Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun were not in the same place long ago, and they obviously started to act long ago.

In other words, Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun acted immediately after receiving Zhang Yu's letter, without daring to delay at all.

It took them a few days to reach the area where Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan fought.

Then it took a few more days to start investigating.

At this time, Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun had been hiding in the fighting place for several days.

"Han Sheng, in the past few days, we have roughly figured out the situation here and can start to act." Zhao Yun said to Huang Zhong at a temporary camp in the forest.

"Well, according to the plan, I will pretend to be Yuan Jun to attack Gongsun Zan's soldiers and horses, and you will pretend to be Gongsun Zan's soldiers and horses to attack Yuan Jun." Huang Zhong also felt that he could not delay too long and must act immediately.

After the two discussed, they started to act.

The first thing they will attack is the other side's food.

In the past few days, they have figured out the food and food channels of both sides, and they are going to attack at this time.

Of course, those who are attacking are all small targets, and the big targets must be heavily guarded by the opponent, and they can't be beaten.

But small targets that attack them can also achieve their goals.

On the first day, Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun attacked each other's five grain transport teams and burned their grain.

The next day, Huang Zhong burned down a granary of Gongsun Zan. Although it was a small granary, there was not much food, but it also made Gongsun Zan and the others very nervous.

At the same time, Zhao Yun also attacked Yuan Shao's two granaries and burned one, but failed.

On the third day, they continued, not only intercepting and killing their food brigade, but also attacking several of their barracks.

Of course, Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun both focus on harassment. Once the momentum is wrong, they will immediately give up and leave. If there is a chance, of course they will rush to destroy them.

For four or five days, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan were very nervous.

Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao both started to move more frequently, sending troops to patrol, and at the same time increasing their troops to the warring areas.

For Yuan Shao, Ju Yi is a general.

Ju Yi looked serious in the handsome account.

"Maybe Gongsun Zan is about to start the offensive, and he should respond to Zhang Yu. Now the lord is leading a large army to encircle Zhang Yu. We must stabilize the front here and not let Gongsun Zan succeed. From now on, strengthen the alert and all parties support each other at any time." Ju Yi was right. Several of his lieutenants said Zan was also nervous over there.

There is an opportunity for the two sides at this time, and a war will break out.

Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun still sent troops to harass them, creating tension.

Finally, an opportunity came. Yuan Shaojun planned to transport a batch of grain to the front line. Zhao Yun and the others received the news and planned to use this as a tipping point.

On that day, Zhao Yun personally took 5,000 people to prepare for the attack. The other party escorted only 3,000 people to transport grain and grass, and the grain and grass they transported were quite a lot.

The soldiers and horses led by Huang Zhong were divided into two groups and acted separately.

The plan begins.

Zhao Yun suddenly attacked Yuan Shao's food transport team.

The team immediately fell into chaos, Zhao Yun sent people to attack while sending people to set fire.

In order to increase the momentum, Zhao Yun ordered the people to set the surrounding vegetation ablaze.

The fire went up into the sky, and people in the distance mistakenly thought that Zhao Yun had lit the grain.

When Zhao Yun set fire, Huang Zhong also began to act.

While pretending to be Yuan Jun to support, while pretending to be Gongsun Zan's soldiers and horses to go to support.

Soon, the spies on both sides received the news and hurried back to report.

"Report, General, the grain and grass in front of our army was burned. In addition, five thousand Gongsun Zan soldiers were found moving towards the battlefield. The purpose is unknown." Soon, Ju Yi received the news.

Without thinking about it, Ju Yi immediately gave an order and said: "Let General Ma lead 10,000 soldiers and horses to support immediately."

At the same time, Gongsun Zan also received the news.

"General, an army of our army is burning the enemy's grain and grass on the front line. At this time, the enemy is sending thousands of troops to support it."

Gongsun Zan looked serious after receiving the news.

"Whoever does not have a military order will attack the opponent's grain and grass without authorization."

However, Gongsun Zan did not have time to pursue it, so he immediately gave an order and said: "Let Gongsunfan take 10,000 soldiers and horses to meet him, and he will deal with it when he comes back."

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