The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 166: Long farewell wins newlyweds

Xiang Heng calculated for a while and then said, "Lord, there are currently about 300 people in the Xiang clan who can be used for management."

Three hundred people, about six people from one county, and some manpower allocated to them, the county should be able to operate in the initial stage.

"Three hundred people, then fifty counties will be set up at the beginning." Zhang Yu said loudly.

Everyone was shocked. Now there are only 15 counties in Kuaiji County, and Zhang Yu wants to set up 50 counties in one breath.

Everyone thought Zhang Yu was crazy.

In fact, there are not many counties in fifty counties. It is normal for a province to have hundreds of counties in later generations. Moreover, Kuaiji County is not only as big as one province.

"Lord, how much population does a county need? If there is no population, then what is the point of setting it up?" Zhang Zhao reminded.

Zhang Yu couldn't explain the existence and rules of the system to them, so he could only force it.

"One needs a population of 1,000, and a population of tens of thousands is selected, and the shelf is set up first. Later, I will naturally have population to fill the population of each county." Zhang Yu said.

The requirement of the system is that the area of ​​each county should be large enough, have a certain population, and set up the county's administrative system.

As long as these requirements are met, regardless of whether Dahan admits it or not, the system can be calculated based on the county.

These requirements are simple, but Zhang Yu can't just draw a circle on the map and treat it as a county.

Zhang Yu forced the arrangement, and none of his subordinates had any objections. Zhang Yu asked them to start preparing, and three days later, they had to come up with a plan.

Let’s take a brief look at the situation in the county, and arrange some other things. After doing this, it’s dark.

When Zhang Yu came back, he began to deal with government affairs non-stop.

"Okay, let's go back and rest each. When I came back from a victory, I would have to Zhang Luo a celebration banquet, but now things are busy, let's talk about it later." Zhang Yu said.

Several people understand that the entire Kuaiji County is indeed very busy now.

"It's been a long time since I saw Wan'er and Xin'er. I don't know if they miss me." After everyone left, Zhang Yu thought of the two little wives.

"I haven't seen each other for a year, I have to bring them some gifts when I come back." Zhang Yu thought of the two little wives, and his whole body became hot.

"Right, just send cosmetics to make sure they like it," Zhang Yu thought.

Just do what you say, Zhang Yu checked the system.

"My wife, I have to get it right."

So Zhang Yu exchanged two bottles of whitening cream, and Zhang Yu didn't understand it anyway, the price given by the system was 20,000 points a bottle.

It is twice as expensive as for the queen, and the effect must be better.

The effect of the Queen's use is very good, and the effect can be seen in a few days.

Zhang Yu felt that if it was twice as expensive, the effect would definitely be better.

I asked the system, this whitening cream not only has a whitening effect, but also makes the skin better.

And the whole body can be used, not just for facial expressions.

An evil smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Yu's mouth.

"Go, go back and apply makeup to my wife." Zhang Yu thought happily, walking a lot lighter.

The so-called long-before wins Xinhuan, not to mention Zhang Yu hasn't seen them in a year.

Zhang Yu also thought of Zhang Ning, but he sent many people to find him, and there was no news of Zhang Ning.

When Zhang Yu came to the backyard, Wan'er and Xiang Xin had known Zhang Yu's return for a long time, and they had been waiting there.

"The two ladies, come in your husband's arms soon." After entering the room, Zhang Yu saw the two waiting for him and opened his arms very happily.

The two didn't refuse, they rushed over and threw themselves into Zhang Yu's arms.

Regardless of being shy, the two held Zhang Yu tightly.

One year apart, I miss it very much.

"Two daughters-in-law, have a meal first, and there will be gifts for you after the meal," Zhang Yu said.

"Thank you husband, husband is the best." Wan'er said happily.

"Thank you husband" Xiang Xin also whispered.

Zhang Yu accompanies the two to eat, you give me a bite, and I give you a bite.

Zhang Yu and Wan'er have nothing to do with each other, but Xiang Xin hasn't done anything with Zhang Yu after all, so they are rather shy.

After you finished the meal, Zhang Yu took out the cosmetics, but Zhang Yu's eyes were piercing.

"Husband, can this thing really make people's skin white and tender?" Wan'er said excitedly while holding the cosmetics.

Zhang Yu scratched Wan'er's nose and said, "Of course, when did your husband fool you?"

Xiang Xin on the side is also jumping for joy. What can make the skin better, how can it not be attracted.

"Husband, do you really want to take it off if you touch it?" Xiang Xin said very shyly.

Wan'er is not so shy, but there is another person here, which is somewhat restrained.

Zhang Yu doesn't care about that much.

"Take it off quickly, your husband will help you apply medicine, and keep your skin white and tender from now on." Zhang Yu said with bright eyes.

Under Zhang Yu's coaxing, both of them started to take action and took off just as Zhang Yu said in order to improve their skin.

Looking at the two wives in vain, Zhang Yu's whole body became hot.

Let them lie down, Zhang Yu began to give them medicine.

"Husband, are you taking medicine or taking advantage?" Wan'er said with a foolish smile.

At this moment, Zhang Yu fumbled with one hand on their chests.

"After touching this the best way is to massage and massage, the effect is better." Zhang Yu said confidently.

Seeing Zhang Yu's expression, Wan'er knew that he was deliberate, but Wan'er didn't say anything wrong, and cooperated with Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu started from side to side, and it was a good match.

Zhang Yu gasped for the two of them.

A hint of cherry red appeared on the pale skin.

Zhang Yu couldn't wait to rectify the two people on the spot.

Just because Xiang Xinbaitang hadn't been changed yet, he was abruptly held back.

But Zhang Yu never let go of the opportunity to take advantage.

"Come on, this **** has to be medicine." Zhang Yu said shamelessly.

Zhang Yu's shamelessness made the two even more shy.

Finally, under Zhang Yu's soft and hard foam, both of them turned around and lay on their stomachs.

Looking at the two white squints, Zhang Yu touched some cosmetics and began massaging seriously.

"These two little nizis feel so good in their hands." Zhang Yu thought about enjoying it over and over again.

Zhang Yu rubbed it harder and harder.

Both of them couldn't stand Zhang Yu's "massage".

In fact, Zhang Yu couldn't stand it either. If Xiang Xin hadn't been there, Zhang Yu would have eaten Wan'er.

After massaging the ass, Zhang Yu didn't let go of other places, such as calves, lower abdomen, and so on. Anyway, he massaged his whole body all over.

"I'm not coming, you two come by yourself." Xiang Xin looked for an opportunity and ran to the corner with her clothes in her arms.

Zhang Yu didn't stop Xiang Xin, because he couldn't help it now and wanted to eat Wan'er.

Wan'er may also have the same thought, burying her head in the quilt and dare not look at Xiang Xin.

Xiang Xin got dressed and ran out.

"Husband, want me."

As soon as Xiang Xin went out, Wan'er couldn't help it, and the flood in her body would burst out.

Where Zhang Yu would be polite, naturally he was fighting with a gun.

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