Huangfu is willing to pay, Zhang Yu has no reason to refuse to play.

This battle is related to the fate of the entire Dahan. Since Zhang Yu is an official of the Dahan, he cannot refuse.

After returning, Zhang Yu began to prepare for the battle.

He has arrows, and the points can be exchanged for them, but the points are precious, and they don’t need to be used. That’s why he let Xizhi create it.

But now he can't manage that much, so Zhang Yu first exchanged 50,000 arrows, plus the previous inventory, giving him 100,000 arrows.

On the second day, Zhang Yu played.

Six thousand people huddled in the shield formation.

"Order, the ten thousand army is guarding Zhang Yu's shield, absolutely not let him enter the battlefield." As soon as he arrived on the battlefield, Zhang Bao saw Zhang Yu's huge tortoise shell.

Yesterday, they hurt their army a lot, and today I can’t say anything to give Zhang Yu a chance to attack them again.

"What? What is Zhang Yu doing?"

Zhang Bao saw that Zhang Yu's tortoise formation was slowly moving towards the middle of the battlefield, instead of staying in place and waiting for them to fight.

Zhang Yu led the legion to the middle of the battlefield, directly threatening all the people in the Yellow Turban.

"Fight, open a gap for me and destroy them, otherwise we won't be able to go to war with the official army at all." Zhang Bao saw Zhang Yu's intentions and immediately transferred his troops.

"Second brother, let's mobilize the elite soldiers and maimed them. As long as Zhang Yu's life is spared, his shield formation is too threatening to us." Zhang Liang said to Zhang Bao.

Zhang Yu's shield formation is horizontal on the battlefield. If it is not solved, he can attack them in any direction at any time. It is very dangerous, so it must be solved.

"Okay, brother, you and my elite soldiers are coming together. Two groups of ordinary soldiers are being transferred to solve the huge shield formation in front of you first." Zhang Bao said.

So Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang personally commanded, plus a large number of ordinary yellow turbans, Zhang Yu and the others were immediately besieged in the middle.

The Yellow Turbans began to attack wildly, taking out their desperate posture.

Zhang Yu had already prepared.

"The arrow attacked, aimed at their elite."

Zhang Yu stared at the yellow turban's elite striker, the arrows were all fired, and three thousand arrows were fired together to form an arrow formation, which was very powerful.

Hundreds of people were killed or injured in the Yellow Turban.

"Be careful of arrows, disperse."

Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang were very distressed by the huge damage caused by the arrow array to the elites of the Yellow Turban.

The Yellow Turban continued to attack, and Zhang Yu's arrow never stopped. He would hit wherever there were more Yellow Turbans.

After a few rounds, the Yellow Turban suffered heavy casualties, but the arrow formation was still very stable under their attack.

"Half of the people stayed in the detention camp, and the other ministries were killed under the leadership of their respective generals."

Seeing Zhang Yu surrounded by the yellow turban, Huangfusong ordered an attack from all sides.

Zhang Jiao on the head of the city saw that Zhang Yu was in the middle, surrounded by a layer of yellow turban. After that, the officers and soldiers surrounded it from other directions and attacked the yellow turban.

Surrounded by layers, the yellow scarf is blocked by Zhang Yu in the middle, and all parts can't pay attention to each other.

At the beginning, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang in the battlefield hadn't realized it, but after a while, they found that the mobilization of troops was not flexible, and the command of each department could not be moved.

"Retreat, retreat quickly, we will lose a lot if this continues." Zhang Bao was anxious and immediately ordered the retreat.

However, he was still a step late. When he retreated, the officers and soldiers bite tightly, making it very difficult to withdraw.

In the end, Zhang Bao could only break his wrist and leave a part of it, and then he returned with a part of the elite.

In this battle, the Yellow Turban lost more than 30,000 people, while the official army lost less than 2,000.

Over 30,000 people were lost all at once, and the Yellow Turbans fought for days, and it was calculated that nearly 200,000 soldiers and horses were lost.

This method is effective, so that the Yellow Turban is very considerate, in the case of no way to break the formation, the Yellow Turban dare not attack easily.

If the Yellow Turban did not attack, Huangfusong had enough time to wait for the court's reinforcements.

After returning home, Huangfusong gave another 100,000 yuan to Zhang Yu to continue playing the next day.

An arrow is about three copper plates, and one hundred thousand will cost three hundred thousand big dollars, which consumes a lot of money, and Huangfusong does not have that much military expenditure.

But this method was effective, and he was not allowed to squeeze out more than one hundred thousand dollars.

Collecting money to do things has always been the principle Zhang Yu believes in. Moreover, Zhang Yu is very happy to use other people's arrows to brush his own points and exploits.

After the day of fighting, they went home and licked their wounds.

Zhang Jiao called the two brothers Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang, and Ma Yuanyi was also listed at this time.

If Zhang Yu saw Zhang Jiao at this time, he would definitely find that Zhang Jiao's face was very bad now, and he looked seriously ill.

Although Zhang Yu's pill was very effective, Zhang Jiao slowly deteriorated as time passed.

Simply, Zhang Jiao prescribed medicine for himself and took advantage of the ten days to raise him, so he could still walk at this time, but it was getting worse every day.

"For more than ten days of fighting, we consumed nearly 200,000 troops, the city was empty, our food pressure was resolved, and at the same time nearly 50,000 officers and soldiers were consumed. The goal has been achieved, and there is no need to continue to die with them. Knock." Zhang Jiao said.

Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang both breathed a sigh of relief, because Zhang Yu’s shield array put a lot of pressure on them They still have no way to crack it.

"Brother, how do we fight next?" Zhang Bao asked.

"Directly use elite soldiers to fight us. Now we still have an army of 200,000, and the military strength is less than 100,000, and there is a steady stream of yellow turbans around us. We can replenish them when we consume them." Zhang Jiao said. .

Before consuming so many yellow turbans, there are many places in the city. These yellow turbans also have places to train. Zhang Jiao is ordering the yellow turbans to attack day and night.

"In addition, I plan to send Ning'er to find Zhang Yu, so that Zhang Yu will not only trade population, food, medicinal materials, and even weapons with us. Half of us have no weapons." Zhang Jiao said.

"Brother, can Zhang Yu agree to this?" Zhang Liang asked in confusion. After all, the two sides are enemies, and they are trading weapons.

"There is no loss in trying, but I guess Zhang Yu will agree." Zhang Jiao said.

After finishing this, Zhang Jiao said: "Tomorrow you three will bring elite soldiers out of the city to fight. Ma Yuanyi will bring 20,000 elite soldiers to hold Zhang Yu, and your second and third brothers will ambush the officials with soldiers who have taken drugs to fight them hard.”

Then the four people in the room began to plan.

The officials, including Zhang Yu, didn't know that the Yellow Turban had changed its strategy.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhang Yu took his shield to go out.

"Hey, lord, the other Yellow Turbans are calling for battle. It's just why the Yellow Turban opposite us is not calling for battle."

After the Yellow Turban came out of the city, the formation has changed, and all the elite soldiers came out.

Dian Wei saw that the other yellow towels were getting real, and his hands had started to itch, but the yellow towels opposite them didn't call the battle. If they called the battle, Dian Wei would definitely kill him.

"It seems that the strength of the Yellow Turban is almost exhausted, and the rest are elite soldiers. The next battle will be tough." Zhang Yu said while looking at the battlefield.

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