The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 122: Continued fierce battle

Zhang Yu led the attack, and the cavalry pierced through the yellow turban, dividing them into two.

The powerful combat power is not comparable to those of the Yellow Turbans who have been training for a few days.

Easily tore the line of defense of the Yellow Turban, and the cavalry began to move horizontally in the formation of the Yellow Turban.

Then the infantry also rushed, and the already messed up yellow turban was half surrounded by the infantry, and the massacre began.

Originally, these yellow scarfs were already exhausted, because after two hours of fighting with the official army, the casualties were also high. Zhang Yu and the others suddenly broke into the battlefield and defeated them.

Zhang Jiao, who had been paying attention to the battle, saw this scene, and he knew that the yellow turban was over.

However, there are only more than 10,000 people left in the Yellow Turban, which is not very important to Zhang Jiao.

One hundred thousand yellow towels, two hours after the battle, only about fifty thousand remained, half of the battle died.

Zhang Yu and the others didn't take much effort to eat them all the way to the Yellow Turban.

When Zhang Yu was about to eat them all, Zhang Jiao ordered the withdrawal of troops.

The yellow turbans of the other three city gates retreated at the same time, and the yellow turban that was attacked by Zhang Yu was already surrounded by Zhang Yu and the others, and they couldn't retreat if they wanted to retreat.

Seeing that the timing was almost the same, Zhang Yu began to force-land these yellow turbans, and finally landed more than two thousand yellow turbans and returned victorious.

After the war, after the madness, the battlefield returned to calm.

"Haha, my lord, it's so cool. I wiped out more than 10,000 yellow turbans all at once." Dian Wei said with great joy.

"Brother Zhang, we pick peaches like this, and let the officers and soldiers do the hard work. I'm afraid they will hate you to death." Huang Zhong said with a smile.

Zhang Yu smiled and didn't care.

He did this as picking peaches, and he could easily eat more than 10,000 yellow towels because they fought hard with the officers and soldiers for a long time.

However, Zhang Yu's relationship with those officers and soldiers was normal, and even Huangfusong guarded him for other reasons.

Zhang Yu and the others returned home in a big victory, but the officers and soldiers were not so much better.

Within Huangfu Song's big account, the generals were called for discussion.

"General Huangfu, according to the statistics of each battalion, we lost more than 16,000 troops in this battle. It can be described as a heavy loss." A lieutenant said to Huangfusong.

Huangfusong's face was gloomy, unprepared for the Yellow Turbans' large-scale battle this time, and they were crazy beyond his expectation.

One hundred thousand yellow turbans, despite their low combat effectiveness, also caused them a heavy blow.

Thousands of them were killed by the elites led by Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang.

The Yellow Turban hides the elites, one of them is not noticed, and is suddenly attacked, and the loss is very large.

After hearing the report, Huangfusong said: "The Yellow Turban's crazy style of play is entirely because they are crowded and consume our elite with ordinary yellow Turbans. If they succeed, we are very dangerous."

Not to mention that the Yellow Turban lost about 60,000 people, while the official army only lost more than 16,000, but this was a fiasco for the official army.

"Each battalion must continue to strengthen the camp, do a good job of defense, and prepare more arrows. If the Yellow Turban continues to use this style of play next time, it cannot lose so much, otherwise we must lose in the end." Huangfusong said.

Then Huangfusong arranged specific tasks and arranged all the camps.

After some arrangement, if the arrangement is completed, the next time the Yellow Turban sends a large army to attack, the loss will not be that big.

"General Huangfu, this Zhang Yu is too much. No figure was seen during the battle. When the two sides were about to fight, he came out to pick peaches." A general said angrily.

"General Yuan, this Zhang Yu, no matter what, has eliminated more than 10,000 yellow turbans, and he has contributed to the court." Huang Fusong said helplessly.

He also knew that Zhang Yu's actions would be annoying, but Huangfusong had to reconcile the two sides at the time of the arch enemy.

Huangfu Song knew better that the general surnamed Yuan, called Yuan Zhan, was a sideline of the Yuan family.

Zhang Yu completely offended the Yuan family in Yecheng, and Yuan Zhan naturally couldn't understand Zhang Yu.

After Yuan Zhan made his voice, several other generals also began to attack Zhang Yu.

"General Huangfu, Zhang Yu should take care of this."

"Yes, you can't let us fight hard, but all the credit goes to him."

"This Zhang Yu must share part of the Yellow Turbans just like us, so that they can also be stationed outside the city and defend with us."

Several of Huangfusong's men attacked Zhang Yu together, which made Huangfusong a little worried.

Zhang Yu was not under Huangfu Song's control, and Huangfu Song could not directly order Zhang Yu, so Huangfu Song was also embarrassed.

At this time, all Huangfusong's generals were dissatisfied with Zhang Yu, and Huangfusong couldn't handle it.

Finally, Huangfu Song temporarily suppressed the matter.

However, Huangfu Song was also very worried.

The next day, the Yellow Turbans still played on a large scale early in the morning.

At this time, there were still one hundred thousand yellow turbans, among which Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang each had 10,000 elite soldiers.

It's just that this time Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang didn't mix the elite soldiers, but followed them with the elite soldiers.

The two sides continued to fight.

This time the officer and army changed their strategy, and at the same time the Yellow Turban also changed their methods.

The officers and soldiers held fast and attacked with a lot of arrows, causing the Yellow Turban to lose a lot.

However, the Yellow Turban still did not want the impact of life, using human life to impact one by one.

When the Yellow Turban couldn't support it, and where it was counterattacked by the officers and soldiers, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang immediately attacked to stabilize the situation.

It was another day of war. After this day of war, the losses of the two sides were not as great as the previous More than 30,000 people were killed in the Yellow Turban battle, and more than 4,000 people were killed in the battle.

After this battle, Zhang Jiao was quite satisfied with the results.

Huangfusong is very worried.

The two lost more than 20,000 people. Even though the loss was much smaller today, what they lost was the elite soldiers, while the yellow Turban lost the Yellow Turban who had just entered.

In two days, the Yellow Turban lost seventy to eighty thousand people, and a large area was vacated in the city.

Greatly relieved the pressure in the city.

However, Zhang Jiao still did not intend to stop, and still sent a large army to fight on the third day.

On a low slope, Zhang Yu and his men were watching the battle.

"Lord, we really didn't plan to play. This is a great opportunity. If you attack suddenly, at least 10,000 more Yellow Turbans can be eaten." Dian Wei said.

"No hurry, Zhicai will be here soon. We will go out when he arrives and we have enough troops to consume."

He was still very reluctant to let Zhang Yu use these talented soldiers trained hard to fight against ordinary yellow turbans.

Moreover, the morale of the Yellow Turbans is booming at this time, and Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang are also bringing 10,000 elite soldiers to prepare. At this time, they will lose a lot of money.

On the third day, the situation was the same. The Yellow Turbans still attacked wildly.

Huangfusong was under great pressure. Although the casualties did not increase on the third day, the casualties were not small.

Huangfusong wanted to send an army to defeat the Yellow Turban in one fell swoop, but once Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang behind found signs, they immediately stepped forward to support them.

Can't defeat them, can only fight with them slowly.

Huangfu Song couldn't fight it.

On the third day, Zhang Yu still didn't make a move.

However, on the third day, Xi Zhi arrived with his troops.

"Haha, Zhicai, you are finally here, what good stuff did you bring over this time?" Zhang Yu asked with a smile.

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