"Life experience?" After hearing this, Naruto instantly became energetic. He looked at Bai Feng excitedly, "Brother Bai Feng, do you know my life experience?"

"Of course I know." Bai Feng nodded.

Naruto quickly asked: "Then who are my parents? The third generation grandfather said that they were all heroes of Konoha, but they just went to a place far away to do things, but why did they leave me here? Don’t care about me? Am I not their child?”

Little Naruto had a lot to ask at the moment.

He wanted to ask who his parents were, where they were, and why he was left alone.

Which child of this age doesn’t want to rely on his parents?

Children like Naruto also have this desire, but he matures early and doesn't usually show it.

He has often dreamed of his parents since he was a child.

However, when I think about it carefully, every time I dream about them, their appearance is always the same as that of Huhu, and I can't see clearly.

Bai Feng touched Naruto's head and said with a faint smile: "Okay, okay, don't be anxious. Before I answer your question, let me tell you a story. Ten years ago."

Ten minutes later, Bai Feng explained clearly the story from Namikaze Minato ten years ago to the present, while Naruto sat on the ground absentmindedly, looking up at the sky, in a daze for a long time.

Bai Feng was not in a hurry, but gave Naruto enough buffer time, and then waited quietly.

After waiting for a while, Naruto gradually recovered, then looked at Bai Feng and asked:

"Brother Bai Feng, you just said that my father is the Fourth Hokage, and my mother is the former Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. They died to protect me, but why didn't the Third Generation Grandpa tell me these things? He did it to protect me. me?"

Bai Feng thought for a while, "There may be such a consideration, but think about it, since the third generation concealed this information, why not also conceal your relevant information? Instead, let the village spread about you Is it the news of the demon fox's incarnation that makes the village ostracize you? "

"But" Naruto wanted to explain something else, but found that these seemed to be facts.

The people in the village ostracized him, treated him with disdain, and ridiculed him.

They are all true, all because of his so-called demon fox incarnation.

Bai Feng continued: "The third generation made your childhood so miserable, and then paid special attention to you, just to make you rely on him and work under him in the future."


Then Bai Feng sent Naruto back to the village and outside his hut.

Bai Feng showed a smile: "Okay, the next three generations should find you, and then as I said before, you should deal with the next thing first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Feng left the place with a teleportation technique.

Only Naruto returned to the room in despair, staring at the ceiling, speechless for a long time.

It turns out that the third generation grandpa who was so kind to me was all fake. He just wanted to control me.

He hid his parents' property, made me eat instant noodles, live in a shabby house, and suffer from malnutrition, and then spread the news to make the villagers ridicule him, which highlighted his goodness.

turn out to be

There is so much more to it.

Naruto was depressed and sad for a moment. His world view for so long was completely overturned.

What he had experienced was carefully planned.

That kind-faced old man was actually the mastermind behind everything.

At this moment, the voice of Nine-Tails suddenly sounded in Naruto's heart:

"Okay brat! I just made a deal with that Uchiha, and I will give you an ability called the perception of good and evil."

"Sense of good and evil?" Naruto was suddenly startled, remembered something, and asked quickly: "Are you the Nine-Tails that Brother Bai Feng said before, living in my heart?"

"Hmph, you kid is so rude." Kyuubi said coldly:

"Okay, without further ado, the ability to perceive good and evil is very simple. It allows you to feel the emotions in other people's hearts and then analyze their good and evil."

"What does Brother Bai Feng want to do by giving me this ability?"

"I can't say. I guess he just wants to disgust the old man who often comes to you."

"Are you talking about the third-generation grandpa? Then that brother Baifeng just told me all this to disgust the third-generation grandpa?"

Hearing Kyuubi's response, a flash of hesitation flashed across Naruto's face.

In fact, until now, he has not fully accepted the fact that the third generation has been using him.

After all, the third generation has been brainwashed for so long, and some concepts cannot be changed by simply changing them. He must confirm it himself to understand whether the so-called answer is true.

Kyuubi agreed impatiently: "It's true. Your parents are indeed the Fourth Hokage and the former Jinchuuriki Kushina. They died to save you. That old guy from the Third Generation did have evil intentions for you."

"Although Bai Feng has no ill intentions towards you, he is not a good person either. There is no good person in the Uchiha clan!"

"That's it." Naruto was a little disappointed for a while, then suddenly remembered something, and asked quickly: "Then..."

Seeing that Naruto wanted to continue asking, Kyuubi immediately said angrily:

"You brat, you talk too much! Okay, that old guy is coming. You should first think about how to deal with that old guy."

Although Kyuubi's tone was filled with anger and impatience, for some reason, Naruto felt very close to him, and a warmth arose spontaneously.

It turns out that someone has been with him for so many years, and he is not alone.

Naruto said calmly in his heart: "Well, thank you."

"Hmph!" Kyuubi snorted coldly, and then fell silent without any more words.

The news of Naruto's return naturally quickly reached Sandai's ears. Without hesitation, he immediately set off and came to Naruto's hut.

As soon as Sandai entered the room, he put away his anger and showed a kind smile:

"Nanudo, are you back? Where did Uchiha Bai Feng take you just now?"

However, looking at this familiar smile, Naruto shuddered in his heart.

With the help of the sense of good and evil given to him by Kyuubi, he could clearly feel that there was a different emotion under the smile than he usually felt.

There was hesitation, doubt, anger, surprise, and most importantly, murderous intent!

Although the third generation was well hidden, Naruto could clearly feel the cold murderous intent.

Naruto was momentarily frightened and shuddered.

It’s actually murderous intent!

Does the third generation grandpa really want to kill me?

It turns out that everything Brother Bai Feng said was true and he was not lying to him. The third generation grandfather had always had ulterior motives for him!

Looking at Naruto's appearance, Sarutobi Hiruzen once again had a flash of cold murderous intent in his eyes.

Due to extreme fear, Naruto's heart and his body began to tremble with fear.

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