The Strongest Life Reborn

Chapter 2192: Equally important basic energy

Chapter 2180 Equally Important Basic Energy (second more)

Iron ore is the backbone of industry.

Oil is the blood of industry.

They are almost the most important resources of industry.

But there is another energy source that can be compared to them in function.

This is natural gas.

In the future, it has become the most important energy consumption of residents' family life.

Natural gas stoves and water heaters for every household are inseparable from natural gas.

Even many rich countries can use natural gas to generate electricity, which greatly reduces environmental pollution.

The annual natural gas consumption of China is a huge astronomical figure.

For this natural gas, we are not only developing it ourselves, but also importing it from neighboring countries such as Big Brother, Kazak, and Kyrgyzstan, as well as from Australia and the Middle East.

Among them, several countries close to us are transporting natural gas through pipelines.

And imported from overseas is the use of "liquefied natural gas".

It is a liquid pattern that cools and liquefies natural gas at minus -162 degrees.

That is what we saw on weekdays, some of them are contained in gas tanks used by families.

It's not a gas, but a liquid.

Natural gas is generally derived gas, and it is accompanied by a lot in oil fields, and some are also found in coal fields.

What many people do n’t know is that natural gas came out when developing oil fields in the Middle East. Many people think this is a kind of exhaust gas. Of course they also use it, but they ca n’t use it up. The oil tyrants chose to give it to Let it go, or burn it.

Later, LNG technology was developed, and then France first began producing LNG carriers, which began the process of transporting natural gas to various countries in the world from liquefied tanks in the Middle East.

But even in the 1980s, LNG was cheap.

The price of natural gas will become more and more expensive until Europe and the United States fully reduce thermal power generation, and then until the Chinese market fully uses natural gas.

Polar bears, as a major energy exporting country, are also the first countries with natural gas reserves. Every winter, they will rely on the natural gas sent to Europe, and they will brush a wave of presence.

However, many people do not know that Australia is actually a natural gas exporter after polar bears.

Their total storage capacity was 12th in the world at the beginning, but because they occupy almost one continent in one country and all sides are oceans, their resources must not have been completely discovered.

As a result, in the ten years before and after 2000, they found three super-large natural gas fields in the western coastal area alone, with a total of more than 46 trillion cubic meters, which became the top five in the world.

However, the sum of these natural gas amounts is not enough for China for 20 years, based on China's consumption of 240 billion cubic meters in 2018.

Of course, China is also the country with the most natural gas consumption in the world, and our country accounts for 21% of global natural gas consumption.

From this we can also see how vast the natural gas market is in China.

Especially since 2015, China has vigorously promoted the conversion of coal to gas, that is, replacing coal with natural gas, so it is conceivable that China has reached 300 billion cubic meters of annual consumption, and it has not been a few years. Too.

You said under such circumstances, how could Yin Jun not hold these clean energy in hand in advance?

And they are just off the coast of Western Australia. Is n’t that Yin Jun ’s site?

Now in Western Australia, how much interest does Yin Jun ’s Kirin Mining Company occupy? How many jobs and wealth have been created for Western Australia?

When a few years later, when iron ore is madly exported, the Western Australia's finances will be inseparable from the Kirin Group.

Therefore, if the Kirin Group detects a natural gas field in Western Australia, the benefits of this part can be fully guaranteed.

Although Yin Jun does not know where the specific natural gas field is, he can remember the "offshore of Western Australia" mentioned in the report. What is offshore?

It must be within 300 nautical miles!

Although this area is very large, Yin Jun is not hoping to detect it this year or next year.

After all, China's large-scale use of natural gas still has to wait for more than ten years to pass, and time is completely too late.

If it is luck, the natural gas will be detected in three to five years, and Yin Jun will not be distressed.

There are also Japan, South Korea, and Korea, the two natural gas-consuming countries, just like iron ore. It is completely within the time to make money for them for a few years before turning to supply China.

There is just one more point.

That is the problem of transportation.

The issue of transportation involves two.

The first is a ship.

Yin Jun is not worried about this. The shipowners of Xiangjiang, together, can occupy 20% of the world's capacity, which is enough to transport these LNG.

Moreover, the route from Western Australia to Japan, South Korea, China and China will continue to go in the next few decades, and there is no problem of strange routes.

The second one is more complicated. It involves the transformation of ships that specialize in transporting liquefied natural gas.

At present, this technology is not available in China, and it will take 30 years to make it.

The best way to do LNG vessel conversion is the first France that developed this technology, and now the United States, Britain, Japan, Japan, and Korea have mastered this technology.

These are the countries that make the most use of liquefied natural gas, so their natural gas companies must master this.

It's not easy for Yin Jun to get this technology.

He can buy these converted ships, no matter what country, they are willing to sell him.

Make money, who doesn't like it?

Selling this high-precision modification technology involves many things.

Especially when Yin Jun is determined to lean inward, these countries are even less likely to sell him technology.

Don't look at everyone's business laughter on weekdays, when it comes to confidentiality, they will not recognize Yin Jun.

Yin Jun wondered if it was possible to secretly acquire a company that owns this technology, and then bring the technology to his hands.

For example, companies in Korea, Japan, and Japan may have less strict audits.

But this kind of fluke psychology is undesirable.

For example, now, Wei Li is pouring cold water on Yin Jun.

"There is no progress." Facing Yin Jun's inquiry, Wei Li said, "These countries have the most stringent audits on companies that sell this top secret technology. Once it is found that we are operating behind the scenes, then help us Will suffer the most severe punishment! "

"If you can't buy it, let them secretly leak it?" Yin Jun frowned, "give them a lot of money for those who master the technology, or keep various technical indicators and parameters, and get it secretly."

"Did we get our own production?" Wei Li spread his hands.

"You stupid!" Yin Jun smiled, "Will they be sent to the factories in Huaguo quietly, wouldn't it be good? Let them say they developed it by themselves!"

"What about patent barriers?" Wei Li thought, but continued to ask.

Yin Jun did not fear that Wylie would go to inform him. Wylie is now interested in himself, and he is also a senior member of the Kirin Group.

Even if he went to whistleblower, he could not get anything better than now.

Wei Li himself did not have this idea.

Things like stealing trade secrets are really unusual in his mind, and everyone does it.

The key is just how much you pay and how much you return.

If the return is staggering, what kind of law is it?

"I don't believe they don't have this kind of technology at all, and they can bypass some of them." Yin Jun said, "At most, it's enough to pay some patent fees. Isn't it allowed you to use it after it is developed? Is it too overbearing? Alright? "

Wei Li smiled bitterly, "What if they are really so overbearing?"

"Now the mainland is insane, how could it be possible to abandon this technology?" Yin Jun said, "We will then encourage the group of ship kings to place orders, there are so many orders, and patent owners can't stop it if they can't stop it. Is the purse considered? "

"You are really a genius!" Wei Li said involuntarily, "if so, they are likely to succumb!"

"That's fine."

Yin Jun said, "At that time, we can completely put aside our relationship and continue to do our business."

Wei Li smiled.

He did not go through Yin Jun, in fact, he was still fishing for Hua Guo.

Because from a business perspective, Yin Jun is also very appropriate.

This technology cannot be in the hands of others, and only by owning it will there be greater protection.

To do anything, you must master the cards and master the core things in order to make yourself invincible.

Just like the natural gas exploration company that Yin Jun mentioned before, others are always others', even if you spend less and don't worry about it, you will not be at ease.

I do n’t lack money, why not buy it?

These skilled and skilled workers can still go to the coast of China to develop natural gas, and they will make a lot of money at that time. It is really beautiful ~ ~ Thinking of this, Wei Li has got it again A trace of doubt.

The natural gas field has not yet been found, or the clues are not yet available, and Junshao began to think about the transportation link.

Is he sure that he can find it, and is that kind of large natural gas field suitable for commercial development?

Suddenly, Wei Li remembered the magical things that happened in Western Australia. After Yin Jun had such a large area of ​​land, he firmly believed that iron ore could be produced, and it was a large iron ore, so it took so much attention. explore.

The result was the same as Yin Jun thought. The Christmas Creek iron mine was successfully mined. In addition, the first and second districts of Duanyun are also very rich in reserves, which shocked others.

Did this time, Jun Shao also used his inspiration to guess the natural gas resources here?

If he really succeeded again this time, then he really found a real person in heaven!

(End of this chapter)

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