The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 752 Funny Drama (Part 1)

In the middle of 2012, if the relationship between China and Japan was tense, a local war between the two countries might even break out, which made the whole world start to look at it. Then [China], India and other countries quickly announced the signing of a common economic alliance, which made the whole world start Crazy about it, then the next thing will make everyone think that this day is God playing a big joke on himself!

In mid-July, warships of China and Japan have been cruising in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands because of the Diaoyu Islands issue. Except for the Chongqing aircraft carrier battle group on duty in the South China Sea, the remaining three ships are Tianjin, Beijing, and Shanghai. Aircraft carrier battle groups have begun to cruise in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. Not only [Japan] has become tense, but even South Korea has become a little nervous.

After all, the U.S.-Korean Federation Chapter 752's funny drama (part one) joint exercise has put pressure on China in the past few years. Now China's aircraft carrier battle group can almost be said to be cruising in the sea off South Korea. Can the South Korean president not be nervous? In fact, although China and Japan have always been very tough in terms of diplomacy, the tone of [Japan] has softened a lot, because the withdrawal of the Star Group from the [Japanese] market has caused huge turmoil in the [Japanese] economy. Now 〖Japan〗Many citizens in Japan are protesting almost every day.

Because after they left Starry Sky Group, they discovered that Starry Sky Group's products had already penetrated into their lives, and now they suddenly lost it. It can be said that many people are completely unable to adapt. The [Japanese] government never expected that the Star Group would have such a deep influence on the [Japanese] government, but Yoshihiko Noda's mouth twitched when he thought about Zhang Yang's bad temper.

Although Yoshihiko Noda was not the prime minister of [Japan] a few years ago, he had already started to know Zhang Yang at that time. If the government does not pay a greater price, it can be said that there is no way for Star Group to return to Japan.

In addition, now that India has suddenly voted to the [China] country Chapter 752 Funny drama (top), Noda Yoshihiko is even more painful to death, really going to war with [China] country? Leaving aside whether [Japan] is ready, the four aircraft carrier battle groups of [China] are not vegetarians. Even though [China] has zero actual combat experience on aircraft carriers, this does not mean that The four aircraft carrier battle groups are just decorations!

In fact, the reason why Noda Yoshihiko is still stubborn is that Noda Yoshihiko is waiting for news from the United States. Not only Noda Yoshihiko understands, but [China] also understands that the United States must have the final say on this matter, and in fact, the media all over the world also I know that the Americans have the final say on this matter. Without the support of the United States, [Japan] would be against [China] just like [China] was against [Japan] in the early days of World War II.

The only difference is that at that time [Japan] did not have the staying power of war, but [China] had a huge war potential no less than that of the United States. This is not World War II? 查**问那从那些首先防状球球挓茓茓茶蟮那护Γ?

July 31,

The United States, which has been silent for several months because of the China-Japan issue, finally made its own voice, but the [remarks] made by the spokesperson of the White House caused reporters all over the world and people all over the world to drop their jaws and shatter eyes all over the place.

"Based on the principle of world peace, the U.S. government hopes that [China] and [Japan] can sit down and resolve the issue of the Diaoyu Islands peacefully. The Diaoyu Islands have always been the territory of [China] in history. There is no doubt about this, so I hope that the two sides can complete a proper negotiation on the Diaoyu Islands issue, which will have an indelible impact on peace in East Asia!" When the White House spokesperson finished his main point, the reporters below even had a brief silence, even the flashlights were enough The feet stopped for a minute.

Afterwards, the reporter who confirmed that he had heard correctly frantically pressed the reflector in his hand. This result was so unexpected that everyone thought it was April Fool's Day. If it wasn't for the vivid July 31st written on the calendar , I'm afraid today will really be regarded as April Fool's Day.

The media around the world reprinted this news almost immediately, and this news was not only spread to other countries, but also to the country. The news from the US government can be said that even the high-level officials of [China] are thoroughly After all, this is not the attitude of the United States, but in any case, no matter whether the head of the American president was squeezed by the door or kicked by the donkey, after all, since people have shown such kindness, of course [China] It will not be pushed out.

The only thing that surprised the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was that because of today's press conference in the United States, all the prepared speeches were completely thrown away, and a new one was quickly replaced, a press speech that had never been thought of. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of [China], on behalf of the [China] government, immediately praised the U.S. government's principle of caring for world peace, and confirmed that [China] is a peace-loving country, which has been the case since ancient times.

"...Although we will not take the initiative to trigger a war, it does not mean that we are afraid of war... So I hope that the [Japanese] government will not continue to entangle with [China] on the Diaoyu Islands issue. We will implement the Diaoyu Islands in August. Sovereignty, anyone who steps into the territorial waters of the Diaoyu Islands will be regarded as an invasion of [China]." The last paragraph of the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs fell.

The country of [Japan] is completely boiling, and many [Japanese] people shout angrily almost immediately that the United States has betrayed [Japan], and the United States is on the side of [China], and so on [words], Although this group of people does not occupy the majority, the remarks made by the United States still make the [Japanese] people very uncomfortable. After all, the United States has always been on the side of [Japan], and now it suddenly ran to [China] 〗I went to the country, which made them very upset.

It’s like a story. There are two friends, one with good family conditions and one with poor family conditions. Every month, the good family conditions will send a part of the money to the friend with poor family conditions to subsidize their living. Over time, A few years later, when this friend thought that his friend's conditions were no longer necessary to support him, he interrupted the support and gave the support to another friend.

So this friend was upset. He thought that another friend took away what belonged to him, but he never thought that those funds never belonged to him. This is a matter of mentality, which is why the Star Group directly withdrew from the [Japan] market. Although the citizens in [Japan] were dissatisfied, they did not say anything, and many people even protested against the government's behavior.

And the United States just verbally made the Japanese people almost mutiny, because the Japanese think that the United States should help them for granted, and the relationship between China and Japan will not be mentioned , It is understandable to do so. I have to say that the human heart is a very strange thing.

But this time Yoshihiko Noda reacted quite quickly. Instead of allowing the media to continue to guide the angry crowd, he began to guide the public from another angle. Molecules directly seized the prison.

None of these things caused much trouble, but Noda Yoshihiko had to pay attention to the speech of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the [Chinese] government, but before that, he had to make a phone call with Obama to confirm Obama's thoughts. After several hours of talking with Obama, Noda Yoshihiko could only hang up his phone depressed. Although Obama did not say on the phone that he would firmly support [China], he had already made it clear that it was impossible to talk to [Japan] The military actions of this and [China] countries generate any real support.

The United States will only remain neutral, and at the same time support [Japan] from the side! But this attitude is not what Yoshihiko Noda wants. If the United States does not get involved, Japan alone will not be able to compete with China. After hanging up the phone, Noda Yoshihiko was still thinking about the last advice Obama gave him.

This can save the Japanese government a little bit of face, and it can also solve the increasingly turbulent situation in the Japanese government now! The reason why the situation in [Japan] is turbulent is because of the Star Group! At the beginning, the protesters were only a large number of employees belonging to [Japan] fired by the Star Group. After the Star Group directly closed all sales channels and so on, more and more people protested in the entire [Japan] country!

Especially those people who have felt the benefits of electric vehicles have directly participated in it. If this matter is not resolved, I am afraid that the Japanese cabinet will go bankrupt again. Even if the new cabinet takes office, this problem must be solved. A problem that cannot be ignored, nor skipped.

Noda Yoshihiko thought for a long time, and finally held an emergency cabinet meeting!

On August 1, after a day and night of emergency cabinet meetings, Obama’s proposal was finally adopted by the [Japanese] government. Including Japan, the trade tariffs of [China] on [Japan] have not yet returned to normal. If it continues, the economy of [Japan], which has finally started to recover, will enter the cold winter again!

The high unemployment rate and other issues, the final result is the recovery of militarism, but in this case, there is no need to think about the end of the revived militarism idea, even the United States will not stand on the side of [Japan]. Therefore, these people in the cabinet of [Japan], even the emperor and military ministers of [Japan], understand this truth. The Japanese government needs a decent step to solve this problem.

So, Zhang Yang received a phone call, and when he heard the meaning of the [Japanese] government conveyed in the phone, Zhang Yang's expression was very exciting, he finally saw the face of Little [Japanese] Japan again, the less you treat him as a human being , the nicer he is to you, the more polite you are to him, the less polite he is.

It's obvious that he has a brute temper!

On August 2, the Star Group and the [Japanese] government, which quickly reached an agreement, held a press conference almost at the same time. The press conference of the [Japanese] government was publicly announced. Mistakes, which led to Starry Sky Group’s withdrawal from the [Japanese] Japanese market due to serious business practices. The [Japanese] government apologized to Starry Sky Group for this in line with the image of a fair, open and just government.

Second, in order to compensate the Star Group, the [Japanese] government will sell the Diaoyu Islands to the Star Group for a symbolic price of one million US dollars! The entire press conference is about these two themes, but these two meanings caused the reporters below to be in an uproar. As for the [Japanese] government’s statement that the Diaoyu Islands will be sold to the Star Group, and the [Chinese] who have remained silent at this time 〗The Chinese government, everyone understands that this is the case.

It’s nothing more than [Japan] just wanting to save face. You see, the Diaoyu Islands are still ours [Japan], but we sold them to [Chinese] Chinese. We don’t want this thing, not for [Chinese] Snatched. I have to say that this fig leaf still has some effect, at least the [Japanese] people themselves accepted it. Even if the whole world knows what is going on with the Diaoyu Islands issue, the [Japanese] people are just deceiving themselves.

I have to say that in some respects, [Japan] and South Korea still have something in common. Of course, the whole world is like Smecta's style, and [Japan] is probably not so shameless. But this matter is actually shameless enough, but the above did not say anything, anyway, it is enough to get the Diaoyu Islands, as for what Japan says, let them say whatever they want.

After all, [Japan] has lost such a large piece of meat, so let him take advantage of the verbal advantage. As for people like Zhang Yang, since Zhang Yang can follow the [Japanese] government in this way, then if the [Japanese] government does not It would be a ghost to lose a piece of meat. Although the higher authorities did not find out how much [Japan] had paid for Star Group to return to the [Japan] market, it was definitely not low.

In fact, the price is not too high, at least compared with the loss of the Star Group, it is not as big as the loss of the Star Group. First, first of all, the real estate of Star Group in [Japan] has been auctioned, but the Japanese government will help Star Group repurchase all the properties belonging to Star Group and provide them to Star Group intact. As for How the 〖Japan〗 government repurchases, only the devil knows.

The value of Star Group's real estate in Japan is about 180 billion RMB, and this amount of money alone has wiped out Japan, which means that Star Group's losses have almost returned half. As for the remaining half, the three-year tariff exemption policy almost made Zhang Yang smile crookedly.

After this matter came to an end in a way that no one expected, Zhang Yang also met with Vice Chairman Han once. "Xiao Zhang, the country wants to thank you this time. It can be said that the people of the whole country want to thank you! But the next thing still needs your help!" Vice Chairman Han said straight to the point after seeing Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang nodded, and said strangely: "Vice [Chairman] Han, please tell me, I am obliged to help if I can help."

"I believe that in the past few years, your contribution can be said to be greater than those of us. We have no way to ask you to do more, but I still hope that you can help with this matter. If you help , I think, you will leave a strong mark in the history of [China], and even the history of the world." Vice Chairman Han said seriously. ! ! ! \u003c/p\u003e;




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