Body 158. Emergencies in Gotham City

, the strongest equipment supplier in the comic world

"Hello, captain, is the power armor going well?"

"You're Master Chief? Great gear, but I never thought I'd be fighting with a hammer."

After everyone met, Lynch took the initiative to say hello to the captain. As a manufacturer of equipment, he naturally cared about the customer's feedback.

It’s just that Tony, who just came here, heard that the Master Chief had sent Steve equipment, which surprised him, but thinking that Lynch contacted him two years ago, according to the other party, it was just to avoid some problems. When the problem came up, it was obvious that the captain probably knew about it, because the captain always felt guilty when he looked at himself.

Of course, these are all things that can be put aside at present. Being called here by Nick, the problems they need to face next are obviously not that simple.

After Nick walked over, he saw Lynch talking with Steve, while Bruce just stood there without saying a word, but Nick felt that this Batman should have collected a lot of information in just a short while. .

Hearing that he was going to find the missing Rubik's Cube, Banner, who had just been brought here, immediately started working. After all, according to what Natasha told him, he was only asked to use his knowledge of various rays to help They found the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and the combatants are clearly sufficient now.

"Long time no see, Natasha."

"Thank you for saving them. It would be even better if they didn't let them attack me."

Seeing Natasha coming over after reporting work with Nick, Lynch greeted the well-known female agent, and Natasha's response made everyone around a little confused.

But for everyone's doubts, neither of them has any idea of ​​explaining.

"Master Chief, where are your men?"

"In the base, waiting for my order to dispatch, if you can solve it, they will go back to work directly. After all, our skywatch is a commercial organization. Under normal circumstances, my employees prefer to stay in the laboratory .”

"If you hadn't directly threatened us with a nuclear bomb during your first contact with us, your words might have been more convincing."

Although Nick was a black-hearted brat, Lynch's words still sounded full of sarcasm to him.

Banner on the side showed a surprised expression, because he didn't expect that someone would communicate with S.H.I.E.L.D. in that way, and could stand here so easily.

"These two are the enemies who appeared in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base through the portal. They snatched the Rubik's Cube, and at the same time used special abilities to control Agent Barton, Professor Eric, and some other security personnel. "

"Loki and Sinestro, this matter needs to be resolved by professionals. If Thor knows that Loki is on Earth, he will probably come to Earth through some means. As for Sinestro, someone will deal with him, but I want Go and contact him, after all, his sources of information are not as good as yours."

"Master Chief, I need you to share information. I believe you should know what the Rubik's Cube represents."

"Well, this little deer is called Loki. As for his brother Thor, you SHIELD should have a record, the second prince of Asgard, but after what happened last year, Asgard The Rainbow Bridge was damaged, which was probably caused by Loki. Sinestro, a former member of the Green Lantern Corps, had betrayed the Green Lantern Corps because he chose to pursue the power of fear, and released the parallax monster sealed on Oa Star. If it wasn’t for the sudden appearance of the parallax monster, he should have been buried in the soil by now.”

"Wait a minute, Master Chief, you mean you once knew that guy in the yellow tights?"

Tony heard Lynch's introduction to Sinestro,

Immediately discovered the blind spot. Originally thought that this incident was related to aliens, it was already very puzzling, but now the most mysterious Master Chief has actually met the other party, and even almost killed the other party. matter.

"Last year, the parallax monster broke away from the seal. Abin Su, the greatest warrior of the Green Lantern Corps, was seriously injured. He came to Earth with the help of an escape pod. His Green Lantern Ring chose a new owner on Earth, Abin Su. The remaining energy in Su's body allowed the parallax monster to locate the earth, and when that guy flew near Jupiter, I and several other people defeated him. At that time, Sinestro was still a green light warrior. The lamp represents fear, and when you meet him, only the truly brave and fearless can fight against him, but he should be able to stop Sinestro."

"The one you're talking about is the chosen one?"

"That's right, although the use of the Lantern Ring requires experience, personal will is the key. As long as the will is strong enough, even a newcomer will become a powerful Green Lantern. If Batman hadn't given up on his own initiative The Yellow Lantern Ring, he is very likely to be the leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps now."

"The power of fear is indeed powerful, but to gain power, one must not only be able to conquer fear, but also solve the problem of parallax monsters."

Bruce heard Lynch cue himself, and he immediately answered.

What Lynch and Bruce said just now was something Nick didn't know in the past. He didn't expect that the Avengers Alliance he was working hard to prepare hadn't appeared yet. Enemies of the Earth.

It's just that Nick is more concerned about who Lynch was looking for back then, and who the real identity of the Green Lantern on Earth is.

"Don't think about investigating the identity of the Green Lantern. Even if you know, he is now responsible for the stability of the entire 2814 sector. Although the earth will involve a lot of his energy, as a member of the Green Lantern Corps, he often He will live on Oa Planet, the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, and his job is obviously more dangerous than protecting the earth as you hope."

Lynch seemed to start thinking when he saw Nick, and he immediately pointed out the matter. Hal's existence is special. Hal, who has the willpower to "reshape the world", is the only Green Lantern who can create the Green Lantern Ring out of thin air with his will. This alone means that if Hal is affected by the agent, he may have to fight again. Parallax magic.

"Okay, here he is."

Before Nick could say anything, Lynch pointed out the window and said something.

After receiving the notification from Jack, Hal immediately flew towards the area Jack sent. Originally, he wanted to ask Jack if there were any landmarks for reference, but after coming here, it seemed that he didn't need to think about it at all. Where to find Lynch.

The green tights were almost identical in design except for the logo on the chest that was different from Sinestro's.

It's just that before Nick said how to let Hal in, he saw Hal make a door by himself through the green light ring, and someone opened the door and walked in directly.

"what is this?!"

After Tony heard about the spiritual power of the Green Lantern Ring, he didn't believe it at first, but what Hal did made him very curious about the existence of the Green Lantern Ring.

In any case, the reactor on Tony's chest needs to be replaced, but if he can rely on his will to recharge, then Tony can solve a problem that must be taken seriously for him, because if he wants to power the steel suit, Tony The reactor in the chest needs to be replaced frequently.

Of course, the transformation of will into energy is a bit too sci-fi for Tony. The lambda drive used by Lynch also needs energy supply to be able to transform thinking desire into physical impact.

The heroes who were quickly summoned separated into their own small circles, the captain of SHIELD, Tony, Banner and Natasha, Lynch, Bruce and Hal, but because Lynch, Tony and Ben The three of Na and Na have a place where they can communicate technically, so in the end there was a picture of Tony mocking other people.

The communication between scientists is incomprehensible to most people, especially the elderly like Steve, but fortunately, Bruce is on the side.

When Lynch, Tony, and Banner started talking about technology together, Bruce came to Steve's side.

Bruce can feel the loneliness of this old man. Bruce, who grew up listening to the story of Captain America when he was a child, has a lot of curiosity about this old man who was dug out from under the ice, so Bruce began to try to get along with Steve. to communicate with Steve in a way that Steve hadn't thought of.

As an old man who has been eliminated by time, when Steve communicates with other people, it is full of various generation gaps, which makes him always appear cautious when communicating with young people, Bruce He was very pleasantly surprised by the proactive conversation.

Everyone has found someone they can communicate with, only Hal and Natasha over there. Although there is a lot of knowledge in the green light ring, knowing knowledge does not mean being able to keep up with the ideas of those scientists, so Hal She was very self-aware and didn't interrupt, and Natasha was even more incapable of participating in Lynch's communication. As for the communication between the captain and Batman, it is estimated that there is no room for other people.

After everything was ready on Nick's side, Lynch and the others entered the working state, and through face recognition, S.H.I.E.L.D. finally locked Loki's location, which made Hal have a bad feeling .

Sinestro came to Earth with Loki, and now only Loki has shown up. What Sinestro is doing is still in an unknown state, which makes Hal feel very disturbed.

Something unexpected happened to everyone before Rocky did it. Sinestro actually appeared in Gotham City, and I don't know where to find a group of scarecrows who were shot in the head by Lynch. Potion, and through the power of the yellow light ring, that potion took effect in a very short period of time

After locking Sinestro's location, Hal immediately took Bruce back to Gotham City, while Lynch sent a message to Floyd for support, and asked Jack to contact Ron to help, as for Clark. Here in New York.

"The earth is really an interesting planet, and there is such a medicine."

Sinestro did not expect that he would find a surprise such as the potion of fear on the earth. Although this potion is currently only effective for humans, if it can be developed accordingly, maybe he will find an easier way to spread fear. Now that a steady stream of fear is pouring into the lantern in his hand, it shouldn't be long before he completes his actions.

It's just that a green beam of light interrupted Sinestro's imagination, and at the same time, Bruce, who fell from the sky, made the ring on Sinestro's hand move slightly.

"Sinestro, why are you doing this!"

When Hal saw Sinestro come to destroy his planet, the anger in his heart could not be suppressed.

"It's all thanks to you and your friend. He sent me to that place and had to surrender to Thanos in order to survive."

"Thanos, you actually surrendered to Thanos?"

Hearing Sinestro's words, Hal's expression became very exciting at that time, because he never expected that Sinestro would surrender to that person. Compared with Thanos, Sinestro is really just a small person up.

"Hurry up and Master Chief, tell him that he must stop the other side's actions, otherwise Thanos is likely to descend on Earth."

After hearing Hal's words, Bruce turned around and jumped off the roof, and sent the relevant news to Lynch, and now he was going to deal with the chaos in Gotham City.

Although the scarecrow had been dealt with by Lynch long ago, Bruce still prepared a batch of serum that could solve the fear potion.

The moment Bruce landed on the ground, blue gas suddenly spewed out from the sewer. Although the manhole cover injured some people during the falling process, the gas made all the panicked citizens of Gotham faint. .

"Nice job, Dick."

Bruce, who saw all this, clearly knew the reason for the scene just now, and at this moment, he felt that his adopted son had really grown up.

Under normal circumstances, the choice just now is not wise, because there is a great probability of causing ordinary people to be injured, but in the case of not being able to save everyone, Dick can only choose to bear all the responsibilities for himself, and let Gotham City never end. out of the panic.

Childhood memories were pretty scary for Dick, so he knew what it would do if people were left in a state of fear.

When it was necessary to make a trade-off, Dick had his own ideas, which was very important to Bruce, and the next step was to deal with the follow-up issues. As for Hal and Sinestro, who had already played everything in the air, It was temporarily left behind by Bruce.

As for Lynch, after receiving the news, he immediately told everyone about Thanos.

Thanks to the deep-sea submarine in the sky and the monthly ticket of Star Soul Unfeeling.

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