The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 371 The Ancestral Land of the Human Race

Regarding the conditions proposed by Xiao Zhan, no one present felt inappropriate, and even felt a little uneasy in their hearts, feeling that they had given too little.

Being able to pay such a small price to get protection from an army with Zifu human-immortal level combat power is very worthwhile for them, despite the fact that they are one of the top ten cities of the human race.

Although it has a very prestigious name, it is actually the main target of attack by the demon clan and ferocious beast clan. Almost every once in a while, a large-scale war will break out.

Those two races simply did not give humans any room to survive, and they continued to weaken the power of humans.

Du Yu's appearance at this time can definitely give Desert City a long period of breathing time, and can also avoid large-scale deaths. No matter from which aspect, they, Desert City, are sure to make money.

Du Yu didn't want to think about who would lose and who would gain. He didn't care what Desert City would get from him, he only cared about what he could get from Desert City.

he said with a chuckle.

"In that case, City Lord Xiao, I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Haha, happy working together!"

Xiao Zhan also laughed heartily at this time, and all the senior officials of Desert City in the hall also breathed a sigh of relief, and then became sincerely excited. If they could avoid death, none of them wanted to die.

Now that Desert City has Du Yu's protection, it will definitely become the safest human city in the future. They can feel excited just thinking about this.

Xiao Zhan ordered the next elder.

"Mr. Du, please pass the order and let the whole city celebrate for three days. At the same time, we will spread the news about our cooperation with the Qilin Army, so that the people below will also be happy!"

The elder didn't hesitate at all. After responding, he turned around and left the hall. Their purpose today was for this matter. Now that they had reached an agreement, it didn't matter whether they were here or not.

"Du Yu, let's go. I've set up a banquet in the main hall. You have to have a drink with me this time!"

Xiao Zhan stood up, hugged Du Yu's shoulders and walked out. The fact that he could make such an intimate gesture showed that he truly regarded Du Yu as one of his own. With his identity, even the other nine Even the city lord may not be able to receive such treatment.

Du Yu didn't mind at all about Xiao Zhan's closeness, so he let Xiao Zhan lead him to the banquet location.

When he, Xiao Zhan and other senior officials arrived at the hall, they immediately saw Guan Yu and other generals who were already seated at the table. It was obvious that Xiao Zhan had also invited them over.

Seeing Du Yu approaching, the generals immediately stood up from their seats and saluted Du Yu respectfully.

"See my lord!"

Xiao Zhan couldn't help but be impressed by the uniform momentum, and he also said with some sigh.

"Du Yu, I didn't expect that you would be so good at handling your subordinates. I am far inferior to you. My people cannot be as neat as yours."

Xiao Zhan's words did not avoid the elders behind him, which could not help but make their faces become a little hot. Xiao Zhan was using this matter to beat them. The elder before had actually acted against his will. Obviously It also made Xiao Zhan a little unhappy.

However, Xiao Zhan didn't talk much about this matter. He seemed to just say it casually, then he hooked Du Yu's shoulders and walked towards the two seats at the top of the hall.

It can be seen that this seat itself is actually the seat of Xiao Zhan alone, but he just moved his seat a few positions away, and set up another seat for Du Yu on the side. Obviously, every detail was taken care of. Du Yu was promoted to a position comparable to his own.

This banquet was attended by all the senior officials of the Qilin Army and the senior officials of Desert City. Both parties were extremely harmonious and exchanged a lot of useful information. Du Yu also asked Xiao Zhan a lot about the ancestral land of the human race. .

It is said that once in the wilderness, the human race was the one that controlled the wilderness. The demon clan and the ferocious beast clan were all under the enslavement of the human race. However, for some unknown reason, the human race started under the human immortal realm of Zi Mansion. There are a lot of faults.

Until all the ancestors of the Zifu human-immortal realm ran out of life and were dying, no new powerful people in the Zifu human-immortal realm appeared. Finally, these human ancestors in the Zifu human-immortal realm united together. , created such a thing as the ancestral land of the human race, and left everything in his life in it.

That's why you will get such a big improvement after entering the ancestral land of the human race. However, the death of the ancestors of the human race's Zifu human immortal level gave the demon clan and the ferocious beast clan an opportunity. The two groups rose up brazenly and continued to suppress the human race. led to today's situation.

After learning about the development history of the human race in the wilderness, Du Yu didn't have any big ideas, but the fault in the human race made him feel something was wrong.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong. After all, he was not a human race in the wilderness, and he didn't know what happened at that time. He just remembered the matter in his heart and didn't think about it anymore.

As soon as the banquet ended, Du Yu asked Xiao Zhan to take him to the ancestral land of the human race.

The ancestral land of the human race is a place where people can clearly understand the power of rules. He has never had an immortal body to practice, but he can enter it and try to integrate the five elements rules into his body.

As long as you can integrate the Five Elements Rules into your body, you can pass the most difficult level.

After the world framework is condensed in the body, the undead body in the future will surely be able to easily reach its peak.

Xiao Zhan had no objection to Du Yu being so anxious. On the contrary, Du Yu's impatient look reminded him of his youth, when he was also a cultivator.

The two passed through the teleportation array in Desert City and soon came to a place that seemed to be an underground palace. The carvings on the surrounding walls were extremely exquisite. Du Yu looked carefully and saw that these were the powerful people in the immortal realm of the Zifu of the human race. The scene during the battle.

But he keenly felt the dangerous aura emanating from these carvings, which made his eyes slightly shocked. The lines of these carvings actually vaguely coincided with a certain pattern, forming something similar to a formation. .

Obviously, the human race in the wilderness is not as simple as he seems on the surface! They definitely have some means that he doesn't understand!

This couldn't help but make Du Yu a little interested.

Looking at Du Yu's appearance, Xiao Zhan couldn't help but remind him.

"Du Yu, after entering the ancestral land of the human race, you must not get close to those walls casually! The auras of the ancestors of the Zifu Immortal level are left on them. If you touch them casually, it is very likely to cause those auras. s attack."

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