
The ground shook, but the soldiers of the Qilin Legion still maintained a high-speed charging posture and moved forward continuously!

In the distant horizon area, the overwhelming Yellow Turban soldiers were also running from the opposite direction. Although they were slightly slower than the Qilin soldiers, they were still extremely fast.

Du Yu looked far up in the sky and could easily see the Yellow Turbans at the front. All of them were riding tall horses, and their equipment was obviously quite sophisticated.

These are the heavy cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army!

There are about two million people!

That equipment is much higher than the silver equipment of ordinary Yellow Turban infantrymen. They are all covered in gold-level heavy armor!

The horses he rides on are not weak either, and each one is covered in full-body horse armor!

Compared with the Yellow Turban recruits under Zhang Mancheng's command, this Yellow Turban Army led by Huang Long is worthy of being the main force of the Jingzhou Yellow Turban Army. The equipment is much better. You need to know that the Yellow Turban troops under Zhang Mancheng's command were The soldiers were not even equipped with a full set of bronze equipment.

Not to mention silver-level equipment and gold-level equipment.

The number of people is even more incomparable.

Zhang Mancheng had only more than 300,000 soldiers under his command at the beginning, and the heavy cavalry with slightly better equipment only numbered tens of thousands. Most of the horses they rode were ordinary war horses, even inferior and old horses, and their combat effectiveness was extremely weak.

There is no comparison at all with this elite Yellow Turban army.


As the two sides continued to approach, the roar on the ground continued to intensify, and even small stones on the ground within a radius of dozens of miles shook and bounced out of thin air.


Du Yu drove the Kun beast and soon fell from the high altitude. He landed at the front of the entire Qilin army. As the arrowhead of the cavalry, he held the Zhuxian Sword and led the charge.

"The enemy has been discovered ahead!"

"All soldiers will maintain their momentum! Come with me and crush them!" Du Yu shouted loudly, and the Zhuxian Sword in his hand was unsheathed with a clanging sound, with an earth-shattering sword cry!

"Charge with my lord! Kill!" Huang Zhong raised his sword and shouted after him.

"Charge with my lord! Kill!" Wang Han also raised his hammers and raised his head and roared while driving the huge Thunder Tyrannosaurus.

"Kill! Kill kill kill!"

The soldiers of the Qilin Legion and the soldiers of the Shen Gong Battalion all drew out their prepared cavalry spears at this moment, and each of them placed their spears beside the sitting Savage Dragon, and drove the Savage Dragon to charge at a faster speed. , and rushed back in the direction of the overwhelming Yellow Turban heavy cavalry coming from the opposite side.

When the soldiers of the Qilin Legion were charging wildly with their wild dragons, the Yellow Turban Army obviously also discovered Du Yu's whereabouts. It was because the soldiers of the Qilin Legion made too much noise when they charged, and hundreds of thousands of wild dragons trampled on them together. The sound on the ground can be clearly heard dozens of miles away!

At this moment, in the center of the nearly seven million Yellow Turban Army, Huang Long and many Yellow Turban Army generals also set their sights on the front of the army.


Huang Long waved his hand and tore open a demon talisman.

In an instant, the demon talisman turned into a fiery red bird and beast and flew high into the sky, speeding directly towards the area directly in front of the Yellow Turban Army. This is the bird demon talisman. After using it, you can easily summon an illusory bird to detect the movement of hundreds of miles in front of the army.

After the bird transformed into a demonic talisman flew away, just a moment later, a water mirror appeared in the area in front of Huang Long and his generals.

In an instant, the water mirror reflected the images of the Qilin Legion soldiers charging crazily on the vast plain.

Many Yellow Turban generals saw more than 400,000 Qilin soldiers, saw the Qilin soldiers sitting down with ferocious dragons, and also saw the handsome flag of the Qilin Legion fluttering in the wind. The flag flew back with the strong wind, and a big The word 'Du' keeps twisting in the wind.


Looking at the Qilin soldiers who kept charging, Huang Long and his generals also looked at each other and took a breath.

"What kind of army is this? What are these mounts? They are so huge!"

"It seems that we have never seen this kind of army in Jingzhou."

"It seems that the regular Han army led by Mu Liu Biao in Jingzhou don't have cavalry riding wild beasts like this, right?" Many Yellow Turban generals exclaimed with disbelief on their faces.

Huang Long was silent, with a gloomy expression on his face. He stared closely at the charging Qilin Legion soldiers, staring at the flag fluttering in the wind with the big "Du" written on the flag, and also looked at the flag in front of him. In front of hundreds of thousands of Qilin soldiers, Du Yu, who was leading the charge, was holding the bloody Immortal Killing Sword.

"Stop guessing. If my prediction is correct, this heavy cavalry is a general from the territory of Panlong Valley. Who is the person leading the troops at the front?" Huang Long looked gloomy. , although the scene on the water mirror screen is relatively blurry and many details in the screen cannot be clearly seen, but you can still barely see the appearance of Du Yu leading the troops in front.

"Is it Du Yu?"

"The hussar general who was just conferred by the Han Empire?"

"That madman who threatened to wipe out all our Yellow Turbans within a month?"

At Huang Long's prompt, all the Yellow Turban generals also reacted and looked at Du Yu's appearance carefully. They all recognized it because the spies in Luoyang had already drawn Du Yu's portrait and gave it to them. These people have seen it.

"The leader is Du Yu, so this strange cavalry team is the general who came out of the Panlong Valley territory?" The eyes of many yellow scarf generals lit up.

"Hahaha, this Du Yu is really looking for death!"

"You think you won't take us seriously because you relied on the favorable location to kill half a million of our elite soldiers? You actually ignored the favorable location and came out with a group of soldiers to actively cause trouble for us."

Many Yellow Turban generals laughed one after another, completely ignoring Du Yu.

Indeed, the cavalry in the water mirror picture is very strange, each one is riding a strange beast mount.

But the number of people is only three to four hundred thousand.

Those mounts look mighty, but it’s hard to say how powerful they actually are...

Their Yellow Turban Army has nearly seven million elite soldiers and generals, and more than two million heavy cavalry equipped with gold-level equipment! Although I was surprised just now by the amazing momentum of the Qilin Legion led by Du Yu, I was only slightly amazed and actually not afraid.

They were the elite division that defeated Jingzhou Mu Liu Biao, and they were the powerful army that defeated one of the princes!

How could one be frightened by a small and strange cavalry unit?

In the crowd, Guan Hai sneered loudly and said: "Commander, please let me lead the troops into battle. The last general will soon behead that madman Du Yu! Kill a hussar general of the Han Empire, I believe it can also add to the prestige of our Yellow Turban Army!"

"Commander, the last general is also willing to go and go on the expedition with General Guan Hai!"

"Coach, the general is also willing to go!"

"The general is also willing to go!"

At this moment, a group of Yellow Turban generals asked for a battle, and they were all willing to fight with Guan Hai. Among these generals, there were many masters at the level of emperor-level generals, and the weakest ones had the combat power of the level of emperor-level generals.

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