The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 694 World Conference

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"Wouldn't it be inappropriate for you to send a house-elf to assist the Muggle Prime Minister?"

In the elevator of the Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore said worriedly.

He always felt that enough respect should be given to Muggles, especially the Muggle Prime Minister.

Hearing this, Link shook his head and said:

"There is a well-known topic among Muggles called distance produces beauty. And I think distance can produce not only beauty, but also fear and worship. It is based on this principle, so I think at least at this stage However, wizards should not have too much contact with Muggles.

So in this case, having the house-elf is a pretty good choice.

The house-elf has powerful magic power close to that of a goblin, which is enough for him to complete the task of assisting the Muggle Prime Minister.

At the same time, house-elves are wizards' most loyal servants.

It can highlight the power of the wizard even more.

With his presence, I believe this matter will be resolved perfectly, and our follow-up negotiations with Muggles will become smoother. "

Dumbledore nodded and said:

"It's up to you to decide this matter. Anyway, what I want to see is that the order is rebuilt and everyone can live and work in peace and contentment. So I am even more curious that this brings me back to the Ministry of Magic of the Kingdom of China. I want to participate in the What meeting?"

"Don't be so pretentious, you already guessed it, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have put on such a gorgeous dress in advance. I don't think a mere Muggle Prime Minister is enough for you to treat him so solemnly?"

"So, you really invited the other Ministers of Magic?"

"Of course, Voldemort's split soul, or the shadow man is now a threat to the whole world. I don't think the Ministry of Magic should bear the sole responsibility."

"It's just that the other ministers of the Ministry of Magic don't think so? The world is so ignorant. Looking at this matter from their perspective, they will only ignore the fact that the threat already exists and is slowly expanding day by day. Instead Will turn the blame on those of us who brought the wounds to light.

I feel that the reason why the shadow people have developed to the point where they have become a deterrent to the whole world is all because of the Ministry of Magic of the Kingdom of China, or in other words, they were forced out by us. "

"So what? If they really have such thoughts, they should also understand that if I can push the shadow people to this extent, I can also push them to death!"

Hearing what Link said, Dumbledore's expression was obviously taken aback, and then he smiled wryly:

"I knew that with your temper, it is impossible to invite them here in a good manner. After all, you can be said to be very impatient in your current state. After all, you still used force against them, right?"

Lin Kedan said:

"I just showed them a videotape."

"Then the contents of this videotape must be terrifying." Dumbledore continued, shaking his head, "But what I'm more concerned about is how many ministers came this time after you used such extreme methods?"

"Why don't you go and see for yourself."

After Link finished speaking, the magic elevator stopped.

With the opening of the elevator door, a door with a W-shaped Ministry of Magic emblem engraved on it appeared at the end of the long corridor.

Link smiled at Dumbledore, and then he got out of the elevator first and walked towards the door.


At the same time, in a conference room, dozens of ministers of the Ministry of Magic from various regions in Europe and America were gathering together.

The conference room they were in was actually transformed from the conference hall of the Wizengamot Council of the Ministry of Magic of the United States.

So no matter in every aspect, this meeting room can be said to be the top.

Many of the ministers of the small Ministry of Magic present are unlikely to even come into contact with more high-end meetings than this in their lifetime.

However, even in such a beautiful meeting environment, the expressions of the ministers present were not very good-looking.

Because in the most central position of the entire conference hall, there is a person wearing a dress,

The guy dressed like a field marshal was tied to a chair.

This person is, of course, the Minister of Magic of France.

The French magic world is the most open and well-cultured magic world in Europe, and even in the world, and its minister of magic is naturally not low in the international arena.

After all, many Ministry of Magic, including the Magic Council of the United States, need to rely on the French magic market for foreign trade.

Therefore, most of the people present were no strangers to the French Minister of Magic.

Of course, in previous meetings, the French Minister of Magic has always maintained a very high demeanor.

Among the ministers, the aged Minister of Magic even has the reputation of "Classic Gentleman".

But right now, this 'gentleman' is acting crazy.

Sometimes laughing wildly, sometimes cursing, more often crying.

If that's all there is to it, it's really nothing.

There are no true friends in business, especially in business.

In the face of such a desolate French Minister of Magic, the ministers present would definitely not feel pity or anything like that. More emotions appeared in their hearts, just gloating.

It's just that above the head of the French Minister of Magic, there is still a holographic image powered by a memory crystal ball.

It repeatedly played the scene of the Allied Forces of the Ministry of Magic of the Kingdom of China, led by Link, attacking the Ministry of Magic of France.

Just looking at the huge space teleportation array that spread out over Furstenberg Square at that time, the terrifying disappearing spell gushing out of the teleportation array, and the densely packed Auror and striker coalition forces like locusts, many ministers of the Ministry of Magic present were shocked. His face was pale, his legs were trembling, and he had the urge to run away.

And the rest of the Ministers of the Great Ministry of Magic who can barely maintain their demeanor, after seeing the unscrupulous projectile marking magic of the Aurors of the Nation, let the W-shaped logo belonging to the Ministry of Magic of the Nation and the sea monster pattern belonging to the Foley family When chapters covered the entire sky of Paris, they finally couldn't hold back any longer.

All of them had ugly faces, and their chests kept rising and falling, obviously extremely angry.

But even so, none of them was willing to stand up and say a word of protest. They just sat there and kept staring at the other ministers of the Great Ministry of Magic.

After an unknown amount of time, a woman with heavy hair on her head stood up.

This move attracted the attention of everyone present.

This is largely because the woman's identity is the current chairman of the Magical Congress of the United States, Sally Picquery.

She herself obviously enjoyed this feeling of attention, stretching her arms, showing the Thunderbird pattern embroidered on her dress to everyone, and then said:

"Let me say a few words! The Magic Congress of the United States has always been committed to maintaining the peace and stability of the magic world, supporting the weak, and supporting justice. In many cases, we even sacrificed our own interests. It can be said that we have paid a lot.

However, the Chinese Ministry of Magic has recently completely ignored the "Secrecy Act" and the "International Confederation of Wizards Mediation Contract" to attack the French Ministry of Magic, captured and tortured our poor French Minister of Magic with extremely cruel means, and treated the French Magic The world is occupied and ruled!

This fully exposed the sinister intentions of the Ministry of Magic of China to obstruct the stability and development of the world!

I'm telling the Ministry of Magic! The Magic Congress of the United States is unwavering in its determination to maintain regional stability! We strongly urge the Ministry of Magic to immediately revoke the wrong decision and make corrections on this basis, not to go further down the dangerous and wrong path! otherwise! We will take resolute and strong countermeasures! "

After Picqueli's words fell, applause broke out in the conference hall.

However, many people were obviously just cheering for etiquette, so the applause quickly became sparse.

This made Picqueli look a little ugly.

Fortunately, the German Minister of Magic in the corner of the conference hall, a fat man in a brown suit, was still clapping vigorously.

Picquery's expression softened slightly, and he gave the German Minister of Magic a childish look.

The Minister of the German Ministry of Magic applauded even more vigorously, and a smirk appeared on his face.

"So you are going to declare war on the Ministry of Magic?"

At this moment, another pleasant female voice suddenly sounded.

Piqueli frowned and saw a young woman in a gorgeous evening dress looking at her with a mocking look.

"Sophia August!"

Picquely called out the name almost like gnashing his teeth.

On the other hand, the young woman on the other side spread out a lady fan with a smile, covering half of her face, only the pair of mocking eyes continued to stare at Picquery and said:

"Irreverent country girl! You should respectfully call me the Minister of Magic of Goose Country!"

As soon as this remark came out, the rest of the people in the conference hall were a little restless.

Even the most stupid people can perceive that the smell of gunpowder between these two people is getting stronger and stronger.

It's just surprising that Picqueli, who was gnashing his teeth, didn't get angry when he heard the words, but chuckled lightly and said:

"You are still the same, August, so pedantic, embracing old ideas, unswervingly guarding your own class, looking down on others, and unwilling to innovate at all. Don't you understand, because you don't Willing to change, is that why the Ministry of Magic of the Goose Country will gradually decline and be overtaken by us?"

"The reforms and innovations made by the Ministry of Magic of the Goose Country are much more than you imagined. Everyone can see this. As for the word recession, it is even more nonsense!" August lost his smile on his face. "Now, I just want to clarify one thing. That is the nonsense you just made, are you planning to declare war with the Ministry of Magic?"

The forced smile on Picqueli's face suddenly froze.

She stared straight at August, and said slowly after a while:

"It's not enough to declare war, but I must condemn the actions of the Ministry of Magic! This is my duty as a member of the International Federation of Wizards!"

"Stop talking about it, you shameless country girl!" August pointed to the projection in the center of the conference hall and said, "Isn't everyone present here just because they received the video tape and were intimidated by the Ministry of Magic? Is that why you came to the meeting? Since you are already sitting here, it already represents the fear and weakness in your heart, so what cruel words are you talking about?"

After speaking, August provocatively spread out the folding fan in his hand.

And the ministers of the Ministry of Magic, who had long been displeased with Picquely and the Magic Congress of the United States, also began to applaud.

In terms of volume alone, it was even louder than the previous applause for Picqueli.

Most importantly, the Minister of the German Ministry of Magic was also among the applauding crowd, with an excited and smug smirk still on his face.

This made Picquery's face black with anger.

She gave the German Minister of Magic a hard look, which directly stopped the German Minister of Magic's movements.

But despite this, the German Minister of Magic is still secretly projecting August a look similar to that of a puppy looking at its owner.

At this moment, Picquery is not in the mood to compete with the German Minister of Magic anymore.

Ever since the first generation of the Dark Lord was defeated, and even the German Ministry of Magic was severely beaten, the Minister of the German Ministry of Magic has always been like this, with both ends of the head.

After a long time, everyone will get used to it.

Glancing at the German Minister of Magic for the last time, Picquely said to August seriously:

"You guessed wrong, August, as the chairman of the Magic Congress of the United States, how could I be afraid of intimidation from the Ministry of Magic? After all, the Magic Congress of the United States is not the Ministry of Magic of the Goose Country. Our Aurors and strikers We are united and not afraid of any challenges! The reason why I came here is entirely because I want to help ministers like you who have been threatened by the Ministry of Magic and have to come here to seek justice!

I am an envoy representing peace! And ignorant people like you are always full of misunderstandings about me!

Just watch! I will make a serious protest in a moment and let the Ministry of Magic of the United States give us an explanation! Give the poor French Minister of Magic a word too! "

The French Minister of Magic sitting in the middle of the conference hall seemed to have heard someone calling his name.

Turning to look at Picqueri with tears streaming down his face.

On the other hand, Picqueri smiled back like a virgin. This scene had an indescribable sense of holiness, and it also made the conference hall strangely quiet.

After a while, the people who were inspired applauded and cheered again.

Picqueli also opened his arms again, showing the thunderbird pattern on his dress to everyone, while casting a contemptuous look at August.

And at this moment, the door of the conference hall was opened.

Link, who was dressed in a black robe with an expressionless face, walked into the conference hall first, followed by Dumbledore, who was wearing a gorgeous robe and smiling all over his face.

In just a split second, the applause and cheers that filled the entire conference hall stopped abruptly.

Even Picquery himself quickly returned to his actions, with a calm expression, as if the person who spoke just now was not her.

Seeing this scene in August's eyes, she couldn't help but spread her fan and sneered.

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