Umbridge slowly walked out from surrounded by the inspectors.

She first glanced at the inspectors around with gratified and appreciative eyes, and opened and closed her mouth slightly, as if to praise the reaction of these team members just now.

Soothed by her words, the panic on the faces of these inspection team members who had just shot and injured Professor Trelawney was rapidly fading away.

And it quickly turned into excitement and joy.

This may be caused by what Umbridge promised them.

Immediately afterwards, when Umbridge turned his gaze to the onlookers not far away, and Trelawney who was lying on the ground vomiting blood, the expression on his face suddenly changed from amiable to proud and arrogant.

"I've had enough of you liar, Trelawney," said Umbridge in a disgusting tone. "Hogwarts was indeed your home until an hour ago, when the Minister for Magic Will sign your dismissal order.

Now please get out of the lobby, you're embarrassing us. "

That's what Umbridge said though.

But she did not continue to drive Trelawney away, or even throw Trelawney out of Hogwarts.

It was not difficult for her, and many inspectors behind her were willing to carry out this evil deed for her.

However, she just didn't move.

She was just there, gloating as Trelawney lay sprawled on the cold floor, spitting blood and twitching every now and then.

It was as if she was enjoying the miserable, disgraced appearance of the other party.

Or maybe, she still wanted to use this scene to deter other professors and students of Hogwarts.

But no matter what, she can say that she has succeeded.

Link just glanced around for a while, and he could find many students hugging each other and crying silently.

Even the professors of a few partial subjects looked sad.

Just then, there was a rush of footsteps.

Professor McGonagall squeezed out of the crowd, went straight to Professor Trelawney, patted her on the back vigorously, and pulled a bandanna from his robes.

"All right,

Sybil, calm's not as bad as you think..."

Professor McGonagall tried to comfort Trelawney, and Umbridge had no intention of stopping it.

There was even a hint of joy on her face, as if she felt that it was an unexpectedly good thing to drag Professor McGonagall into the water.

But at the next moment, Professor Trelawney, who had blood on his face and looked like he was about to die, suddenly stood up.

She shook her head unconsciously, which caused the blood mixed with saliva to pour out from her mouth instantly, forming a large puddle of disgusting blood on the floor.

Not only that, Trelawney's limbs supporting her body also present a weird angle.

Coupled with her tightly closed eyes and silent expression, it gives people the illusion that she has turned into a marionette, and at this moment there are countless silk threads controlling her actions.

Professor McGonagall, who had sensed something was wrong, had already raised his wand, but frowning, he hesitated to take the next step, as if he didn't understand what was going on with Trelawney's strange behavior.

Also raising their wands were the inspectors beside Umbridge.

If they followed their previous action pattern, they should have attacked as soon as Trelawney made a change.

Only this time because Professor McGonagall was there, it didn't happen.

At least, they didn't dare to attack together with Professor McGonagall until Umbridge officially issued an attack order.

The atmosphere in the hall became more and more dignified, and some people who couldn't stand it had already started to leave silently.

But Link, Emily and the others watched with gusto.

Link didn't care what happened to Trelawney. Although Trelawney's previous prediction of Umbridge's final outcome was very accurate, that didn't rule out the possibility that a blind cat would encounter a dead mouse.

After all, Trelawney herself wanted to curse Umbridge.

And the prophecy made by Trelawney is just the ending in the original book.

There is such a variable as Link in this world now.

This is the same thing as putting a knife on the neck of a fortune-teller and asking him if he can predict that he will die.

Link can completely kill Umbridge tonight, making Trelawney's prophecy fail.

It could also actually send Umbridge to Azkaban, thus making Trelawney's language successful.

The so-called prophecy, or divination, is just a result of predicting the future.

And the future has infinite possibilities.

If you want to make a prophecy come true, you need to spend a lot of effort to build the basic conditions to make things develop in this direction.

Dumbledore employs such a strategy.

Link wondered if Trelawney had been lying when she made the prediction that Voldemort and the child would have only one child in early July.

But Dumbledore certainly didn't believe it.

He just pretended to believe it, and then made Voldemort and the others believe it too.

Because of this, he can use this prophecy as the core to build a deadlock that will completely kill Voldemort.

In this way, the motivation for keeping Trelawney at Hogwarts is easy to understand.

This was just one of the ways to convince Voldemort of the prophecy.

In other words, whether Trelawney has the ability to predict is not important at all.

She is just a tool, as long as the 'prophecy' that comes out of her mouth is beneficial to Dumbledore, that's enough.

After thinking about all this clearly, Link no longer struggled with whether to save Trelawney.

Unless...Trelawney can make a prophecy that is also useful to him and has the possibility of fulfillment.

But is this possible?

You must know that although Link and Trelawney have lived in Hogwarts for so many years.

But because Link didn't sign up for divination classes, and Trelawney was an alcoholic housewife, the two of them hadn't met much at all.

Link is fine, Trelawney is not familiar with Link in the true sense.

However, it turns out that nothing is impossible in this world.

Because at the next moment, under the gaze of everyone, Trelawney stood up unsteadily.

At this moment she has opened her eyes.

But the eyes that were opened were full of whites, with no eyes at all.

She stretched out a crooked and crooked finger, slowly pointed clockwise around the crowd, and whispered in a crazy tone:

"The stranger... The stranger has come to this world... Destiny...he is the son of Destiny!

He is also... the Demon Lord of Destruction and Pain!

The blood of the devil king, let him be favored by the heavens and the earth!

He is... the end of the world... a blood-red flame... that will burn everything...

He is also... a new sprout... who will lead... lead the wizard to new glory...

Everything needs...needs love...

Let love guide... lead him to become... the master of the blood of the devil... not the slave of the blood! "

After finishing speaking, Trelawney fell into a pool of blood and lost consciousness.

The hall was terribly silent.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and you don’t know what to say.

Trelawney's behavior just now was really weird, and it did echo people's impression of a fortune-teller making a prediction.

But the problem is, her performance just now is too different from her usual image.

This gave everyone a sense of unreality.

After a long time, Umbridge let out a sharp laugh:

"Hahahaha! At this point, do you still want to deceive us?

I thought you would curse me again, but I didn't expect it to be such a mindless prophecy.

Could it be that you want to prove your ability?

Unfortunately, it's too late! "

As Umbridge laughed wildly, the inspectors around her laughed too.

Infected by this laughter, the sense of unreality lingering in everyone's hearts gradually subsided, and eventually many onlookers also laughed.

But Link didn't laugh.

On the contrary, at this moment his expression was extremely dignified, and even his right hand hidden in his robe was trembling slightly with excitement.

No one knows better than him.

As a time traveler, he is the purest in this world - a foreigner!

However, there is also a strange blood power in his blood.

This power gave him extraordinary abilities, but at the same time, it was constantly trying to influence his mind, trying to make him a slave to the power of blood.

This shit is exactly the same as the prophecy that Trelawney just said!

So, Trelawney's prophecy was about me?

Then why did she call that bloodline power the blood of the Demon King?

There are only two people who can be called the devil in the history of modern magic, one is Grindelwald and the other is Voldemort.

Could it be that he is a descendant of one of them?

But this is also impossible!

Although the two of them are strong, it is impossible to have such a strange and powerful bloodline power!

So, the so-called Demon King is someone else?

Also, what did Trelawney mean by destruction and splendor?

And the power of love.

Didn't he use it on Harry Potter?


Link was thinking at high speed under the blessing of Occlumency.

One fearful doubt after another kept appearing in his mind, and was denied and pushed...

This kind of mental calculation consumes so much that in just a few seconds, a thin layer of sweat has appeared on his forehead.

Emily on the side was the first to discover Link's anomaly.

The smile on her face quickly subsided, she reached out and grabbed Link's arm and shook anxiously:

"Link...what's wrong with you!?"

This exclamation was like a bolt of lightning, which slammed into Link's mind, waking him up from such high-load mental calculations.

Slowly scanning Emily and the rest of the anxious and confused faces that turned around, Link finally landed on Trelawney not far away.

His expression gradually became ferocious.

Just now, he almost believed Trelawney's nonsense.

This is the scary thing about prophets, or fortune tellers.

Perhaps their own abilities are not outstanding, as Link guessed at the beginning, and they can only predict one or a few inaccurate future lines.

But their methods of demagoguery are outstanding.

Just relying on those few specious and inaccurate predictions, they can bluff people around.

And this method is often more useful to the smarter people.

Because the smarter people are, the more they like brain supplements.

This is human instinct, and even Link can't avoid it.

Silently repeating the words "divinators are tool people" several times in his heart, Link finally calmed down completely.

He waved to Emily and the others, indicating that he was fine, and then continued to look into the hall.

Umbridge seemed to have lost her patience by now. With her big hand wave, the surrounding inspectors stepped forward and surrounded Professor McGonagall and Trelawney.

Some of the more daring inspectors even wanted to reach out to drag Trelawney who was in a coma, but they were reprimanded by Professor McGonagall.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that the protection Professor McGonagall gave Trelawney was only temporary.

Umbridge now just wants to further humiliate Professor McGonagall. As long as she thinks the time is right, she can order the inspectors to do it forcibly at any time.

"Link!" Hermione said anxiously to Link, "Save Professor Trelawney! At least... at least let her heal her injuries before leaving!"

Ron couldn't bear it when he heard the words:

"Yeah, Link, this is too pitiful."

Even Harry, who had just had a conflict with Cedric, looked at Link with pleading eyes at this moment.

This is already the biggest concession for him.

Even the strong sense of shame in his heart made his earlobes turn red.

But in the face of the pleas of the trio, Link remained expressionless.

This made Hermione extremely disappointed.

But just when they were about to despair, Link quietly drew out his wand.


A huge sound of magic shock suddenly sounded from the auditorium.

The crowd of onlookers let out a series of exclamations, and some students who were too close to Link even covered their ears in pain.

But this powerful curse directly bypassed them, smashed straight into the hall and spread violently, blasting away all the inspectors surrounding Professor McGonagall and Trelawney.

"Protect the examiner!"

An inspector at the rear of the team roared, and the inspectors around Umbridge quickly formed a formation to protect Umbridge inside.

Another pair of inspectors quickly got out of the team, and ignored Professor McGonagall's hysterical stop, they raised their wands and aimed at the crowd in the auditorium.

It's a pity that just as the tips of their staffs shone with magical aura, another incomparable invisible force hit them hard.

All the people around could only hear a loud 'boom', and all the inspection team members who were still imposing were knocked to the ground like mud.

For a moment, the mournful howls in the hall became one.

Link's previous attack was extremely ruthless due to his emotional instability.

Right now, the group of inspectors who fell to the ground not only lost their combat effectiveness, but were also attacked by the power of the curse.

If no one casts the curse on them, they may only end up withering and dying amidst howling in pain.

A burst of exclamation broke out from the crowd of onlookers who stood opposite the inspection team at the right time.

However, the chaos quickly subsided.


Link was walking out surrounded by Emily, Cedric and others.

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