It turns out that the Ministry of Magic is justified in banning underage wizards from drinking.

When alcohol, which can paralyze human nerves, acts on a wizard, a creature that mainly relies on magic, mental and emotional power to fight, all kinds of incredible things will happen.

For example, emotional power becomes extremely excited under the stimulation of alcohol, which leads to the loss of control of mental power and magic power.

Or the magic power and mental power become sluggish and inactive under the inhibition of the alcohol anesthesia effect.

So long-term alcoholic wizards have either become unstable time bombs or trash that can't be released by any spell.

This effect will be magnified countless times on underage wizards, and even reach the consequence of permanently damaging the upper limit of the underage wizard's magical power and spiritual power.

As a 17-year-old wizard, Link would naturally not have such serious side effects after drinking a big drink once in a while.

But the hangover on Halloween night still caused him to be in an extremely sluggish state for the next few days, so that his combat power at least dropped by nearly half.

In such a situation, the most angry person was Professor Sprout.

Link is now the chief warrior at Hogwarts.

If this magical malaise continues until the opening of the Triwizard Tournament, the consequences are unimaginable.

Although it was Cedric that she had instructed them to drink a little bit, she obviously did not expect that even a student like Cedric would have such a wild revelry.

So, she naturally stopped all of Link's courses and locked him in the infirmary for forced hospitalization.

Fortunately, the debuff on Link finally disappeared after two weeks.

It also made Sprout and Madam Pomfrey give up their mind-bending idea of ​​almost stuffing Link into a medicine jar for treatment.

But Emily didn't think so.

Looking at Link, who had been sitting in the auditorium after being discharged from the hospital, with straight eyes, Emily felt that Link had not fully recovered.

After organizing the language a little, Emily said politely:

"Link, why don't we go to Professor Snape's office again? I heard that he has improved his hangover decoction again, this time it's pumpkin flavor, you must like it."

"Isn't that necessary? I think I'm very awake now, and my magic power has returned to its normal state."

Link said without looking back, his eyes were still dull, and even his pupils were gradually spreading out.

Looking at this scene, Emily became more worried.

Link didn't notice it at all.

In fact, he is currently enjoying this wonderful scene with great interest.

A large group of Slytherin students were chatting and laughing with a large group of Hufflepuff students, joking around.

To be honest, Link wouldn't feel the slightest surprise that this scene happened between the students of any other two houses, even Slytherin and Gryffindor were normal.

But it was Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

After all, the Slytherins have always felt that the Hufflepuffs are a bunch of useless eaters, and they don't bother to communicate with each other at all.

The Hufflepuffs believed that the Slytherins had the potential to become vicious dark wizards and did not dare to communicate with each other.

Now the students of these two colleges are so harmonious together?

This is nothing short of a miracle!

"Emily! Look over there!" Link shared with Emily excitedly,

"How did these two gangs get together? Is there any conspiracy here?"

Hearing that, the worried look on Emily's face became even stronger.

She touched Link's forehead lovingly, and then said:

"They've been like this since two weeks ago. Isn't that because you're a warrior?"

As soon as these words came out, Link suddenly realized.

Although Link tried to trouble Slytherin again and again, the main target of the attack was Draco, and the others were not affected.

And Link not only has an affair with their court tyrant Emily, but is also very strong.

Of course, the most important thing was that Link was from the Foley family, one of the twenty-eight sacred races, and was the purest and noblest pure-blood wizard.

When so many elements were added together, the Slytherins who worshiped the strong regarded Link as half of the same kind.

Now that Link was chosen as a warrior at Hogwarts, it was natural for the Slytherins to think that the honor had their share.

By the way, his attitude towards Link's group of Hufflepuffs was much better.

As for the Hufflepuffs, it's even simpler.

Now they are still immersed in the joy of Link getting the Warriors seat.

For them, as long as you play Link, then you are my best friend!

It is very reasonable for these two groups to mix together.

Smashing his mouth twice, Link refilled his half-empty coffee cup with a refill spell, and took a big sip.

Drinking coffee was a habit he developed during his hospital stay.

For no other reason, the potion that Madam Pomfrey fed him tasted so horrible that it would take a lot of coffee to wash it off.

Taking advantage of this moment, the students who had gathered near the entrance hall finally discovered Link and Emily.

So when Link put down the coffee cup again, he found himself surrounded by excited faces.

"Link! We're going to show you something good!"

John squeezed out of the crowd and said excitedly.

As he said that, he deliberately puffed out his chest and showed Link a huge circular badge pinned to the front of his school uniform.

It was really a big badge, and Link initially estimated that the diameter of this thing should be at least ten centimeters.

In addition, there is a picture of Link pulling out his wand and casting a spell on the badge, and below the character is a row of bright red flame characters:

Support Link Foley!

A true Hogwarts warrior!

The most important thing is that this badge is not only for John.

Almost every one of the rest of the Hufflepuff and Slytherin students wore the badge on their chest.

"Ah this..."

For a time, Link's cheeks, who were surrounded by dozens of badges, were a little red.

I don't know if it was dyed red by the red light shining on the badge, or because I felt too embarrassed.

"How is it? It's not bad, right? We asked the seventh-grade senior who specializes in alchemy to do it! We directly customized 300 pieces!"

John obviously didn't notice the real reason for the change in Link's face, and still said excitedly, "In addition, this badge has other functions!"

After saying that, everyone around them pressed hard on the badge.

The pattern and words on the badge disappeared, and another pattern flashed green.

It was a messy picture of Harry being punished by Snape to dispose of the toad's entrails.

Potter's shit!

Under the green light, Link's cheeks turned green naturally.

And outside the crowd, where the green light couldn't shine, the faces of the Harry trio turned green.

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