The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 224 John's distress

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Getting angry, Link and Emily did not rush back to Hogwarts, but bought the pumpkin soda and pumpkin pie they should have bought while everyone was watching the fun.

It is worth mentioning that when Link was checking out, the boss of Duke Bee with a moustache was also very puzzled that Link bought so many pumpkin products.

Because today is Halloween, which is the festival of pumpkins.

The truth is as he said.

When Link and Emily returned to Hogwarts, they found that the entire castle had changed a lot.

Especially the auditorium.

There were no longer suspended candles, but hundreds of jack-o-lanterns.

There are many orange banners hanging near the magic ceiling, they are floating like colorful water snakes, and a large group of bats will fly through them from time to time.

The students who just returned from Hogsmeade Village were soon organized into the Halloween dinner.

Countless pumpkin pies and barbecues fill the long tables of the four colleges. Most of these foods are Halloween specials, and they come once a year. Unfortunately, most of the senior students are already filled with Duke Bee's candy and Hogmore. There are all kinds of snacks in Decun, so it can only be cheaper for lower grade students.

Of course, out of concern for the younger students, everyone also took out some of the candy and snacks purchased from Hogsmeade Village and stacked them on the table to share.

This can make Rove and the others happy.

Looking at Cedric who was distributing candy to everyone, Link suddenly rolled his eyes and said maliciously:

"Cedric, how was your date with Qiu Zhang today?"

The long table immediately fell silent, and everyone turned their attention to Cedric.

Among them, John and several members of the Quidditch team were seriously laughing.

Cedric opened and closed his mouth a few times, as if organizing language, and finally said after a long time:

"very good!"

As soon as this remark was made, the crowd immediately became a sensation, and Cedric began to ask for more details of the date.

You must know that Qiu Zhang, as Ravenclaw's Seeker and the only female Seeker at Hogwarts, is the goddess called "Ravenclaw Pearl" by the Kitty Hawks!

Whether in the Muggle world or the wizarding world, teenagers are always particularly interested in melons from goddesses.

Fortunately, Cedric's double quotient was very high, not only did he not reveal any privacy about Qiu Zhang, but he also dealt with everyone very happily.

This made Link say that he couldn't learn.

At the end of the Halloween dinner is the usual performance.

It's a pity that Dumbledore didn't invite trendy icons such as the Banshees, who often appear on wizard radio, because Fudge used the Dementors to seal off the Hogwarts relationship.

So the Halloween show turned into a talent show for the Hogwarts resident ghosts.

They emerged from walls, tables, and even other people's bodies, forming a phalanx to perform slides, and 'Nick Near Headless' reenacted the scene where he was beheaded.

To be honest, their performances are not great, because even without this public performance opportunity, they still do the same show every year to everyone who encounters them.

Everyone is tired of seeing it.

But on this great day, everyone was very enthusiastic and applauded for them.

After the dinner was over, everyone happily returned to the lounge of their respective colleges.

Neither the Weasleys nor Professor McGonagall showed up for the entire dinner.

This made Link very satisfied, and he left with everyone with a full burp.

Just after walking a few steps, Link noticed that John had sneaked out of the team and got into the dark corridor again.

Link couldn't help frowning.

John has been acting weird lately, first arguing with Cedric over Hogsmeade development day, and now sneaking around.

Although John's personality is cheerful,

But it's also easy to overdo it.

Link didn't want to get to the bottom of it, but his strong curiosity now forced him to follow up involuntarily.

"Hey, John."

Following John into a small fork, Link finally couldn't help speaking.

This frightened John and his whole body shook violently. When he turned his head and saw that it was Link, he patted his chest and complained:

"Link! People are scary and they will scare everyone to death!"

"Yo! You still know the Chinese proverbs!"

Link couldn't help but tease.

"Slightly understand."

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore," Link patted John and said, "What are you sneaking about today?"

The smile on John's face disappeared instantly.

He stood still and struggled for a while, and then he took out a black wooden box tied with a ribbon from his arms. After opening it, what was inside was a fancy peacock feather pen with a Lockhart charm. .

vulgar to die!

"The quill made by Lilian Feather has spent most of my pocket money for the semester." John lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I want to give it to Lilian to ask her for forgiveness, but it's me, I don't I know if she wants to accept it or not."


Link murmured the name, and then the Ravenclaw girl who was indirectly confessed by John in the previous Defence Against the Dark Arts class and then died socially appeared in his mind.

Immediately, Link said in surprise:

"Have you not officially confessed to others yet?"

"What a confession! She must have hated me for something like that happened!" John patted his head angrily and said, "I just ask her to forgive me now."

"Silly hat."

"Huh? Link why are you scolding me?"

"Because you are indeed a fool!" Link rolled his eyes at him and said, "I ask you, did your Lillian express her disgust and rejection after that Defence Against the Dark Arts class?"

"I haven't dared to go to her since, but she doesn't seem to have said that."

"That's good. The first thing a normal person would do when encountering this kind of thing is to leave your relationship with you! Doesn't she mean that you still have a chance if she didn't do this?"

Hearing that, John's expression became very exciting.

He was surprised at first, then suspicious, and finally an uncontrollable excited smile emerged.

"I'll go find her now! Give her a present!"

John screamed and was about to run, but was caught by Link.

"You're such a fool!" Li Yan scolded, "Don't you want to make others look more ugly by giving such a gift to Lockhart?"

"Then, what should I give?"

John's expression was sluggish, and his eyes were lost.

Seeing his appearance, Link stopped teasing him. He smiled and took out a bottle of viscous liquid medicine like gold, and poured it into a twisted 8-shaped glass bottle, forming a special pendant.

"Bulgaria's national flower - the concentrated and purified liquid of champagne rose, one of the raw materials of infatuation agent, the flower language is, I only love you alone. Meeting you is the greatest blessing in my life. Without you, I am like a lost flight. ship."

Link spoke in a poetic tone, and when he spoke the language of flowers, John shivered violently.

"Send this, just say you made it yourself, she specified that she can understand your heart!"

John took the pendant with trembling hands and stammered:

"Lin, Link! You are the best friend in my life!"

Link didn't answer, just raised his head and smiled smugly.

At this moment, Dumbledore's familiar and serious voice rang out from Link and John's mind at the same time!

"Everyone! Go back to the auditorium to gather!"

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