The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 149: Full confinement

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It turned out that John and the others were not the only ones who suffered heavy losses, because when Link and the others arrived at the auditorium, they found that almost everyone here was complaining about the sudden inspection.

"I dare say we will never get those things back!" John said with red eyes. "When I was in elementary school, I was searched by the principal of Rie Miyazawa's "SantaFe" photobook (Note 1). He also said to give it back to me, but I didn't get it back until I graduated!"

"Me too! I was confiscated a comic."

"I thought magic schools would be different! It seems that all crows are black!"


Link quietly listened to the complaints of the roommates next to him, but the expression on his face became more and more strange.

The speeches of the others were relatively normal.

But what the hell is this John?

"John, did you start watching this kind of stuff when you were in elementary school?"

Finally, Link couldn't help but ask.

On the other hand, John did not look ashamed upon hearing this, but instead said proudly:

"That's right! Didn't I tell you? My dad is a famous photo collector, and I call it the inheritance of the father's business!"

Link covered his face, and he no longer knew what to complain about.

Fortunately, the professors and staff walked in from the foyer at this time. Among them, the deans of the four major colleges such as McGonagall and Snape walked in the forefront, while the rest of the teaching professors and Hagrid, Filch and other faculty members followed behind them.

The most important thing is that their expressions are not very good-looking.

Or downcast and disheartened.

Or just like McGonagall and Snape, with a serious expression and an angry look.

Under their leadership, the students who were noisy in the auditorium instantly quieted down.

Obviously, no one wants to touch the bad luck of the professors at this time.

Seeing that, Professor McGonagall, who had come to the podium, also gritted his teeth and said coldly:

"Not long ago, we just found a large amount of contraband from Draco Malfoy's dormitory and imposed severe punishment on him. I believe most of you should already know about this. .

And through the case of Draco Malfoy we also realized the inadequacy of our professors in ordinary management. Therefore, there is today's surprise inspection for all students and staff. "

Following Professor McGonagall's remarks, everyone in the auditorium instinctively found Draco in the Slytherin team, even the Slytherins.

Because if that's the case, then Draco Malfoy has done them a bad job this time!


A terrifying roar drew everyone's attention back.

I saw that on the podium at the moment, Professor McGonagall had turned the wooden table in front of him into a huge male lion with a height of two people. At this moment, it was staring at the crowd with grinning teeth. It was obvious that the roar just now stopped. from its mouth.

Then compared to this fierce beast, Professor McGonagall's expression was even more frightening.

"You guys! I'm so disappointed!"

"As students! You don't focus on your studies, but on those filthy crooked ways! There are also some professors, don't you feel ashamed that you have set such an example to your students as teachers!?"

On the podium, Professor McGonagall roared like an angry lion.

After speaking, her entire face was flushed red, and even her body began to tremble, and she staggered a little bit unsteadily.

Seeing this, the huge lion behind her hurriedly leaned over and supported her with its head. Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout also stepped out of the crowd and helped her down.

Snape stood on the podium in her place.

"I have to say, what you did really opened my eyes! Don't worry, I won't enjoy this happiness alone.

As for the results of this raid, I'll pick out a few representative ones and make a list and post them in the auditorium foyer for your viewing pleasure. "

Snape said with a wicked smile, ignoring the pale faces under the podium.

"And in view of your poor performance this time, our four deans have always believed after discussions that the quality education at Hogwarts has reached an important point that must be changed."

"For the rest of the term, you'll all be locked up in your dorms. We'll be setting up patrols to check on Hogwarts day and night, except during classes and meals if anyone is there. If you are found hanging out in the castle, you will be expelled immediately! In addition, we will check and score your dormitory every day, and we will also check your correspondence, you…”

As Snape spoke slowly, the faces of the people under the podium could no longer be described as pale, it was simply despair.

Because if everything really went on as Snape said, then they basically lost their freedom and became canaries in a cage.

This is unbearable for them who are used to loose days.

For a time, many people in the audience had a conflict that wanted to protest.

But looking at Snape with a gloomy face on the podium and the wand in his hand, everyone dismissed the idea in unison.

Even the brave Gryffindors were no exception.

Of course, the main reason the Gryffindors didn't have a seizure wasn't the fear of Snape, or the fear of being fired.

Instead, he was worried that his behavior would anger Professor McGonagall again.

Unlike the pain masks around him, Link couldn't help but laugh at this moment.

Because he couldn't be more clear that the so-called quality education was simply an excuse for Dumbledore to find Tom Riddle's diary.

However, Link felt that what Dumbledore did this time was still a bit incomplete.

If it were him, he would not only conduct militarized management in Hogwarts, but he would also stop all courses and directly put everyone under house arrest.

Because under the strength of the previous inspections, even if Tom Riddle's diary was not found at the first time, it is likely to be found in subsequent inspections.

That would force the so-called heir to do more.

If the students are allowed to attend classes as usual, the heirs can still travel outside and meet students from other colleges, which will cause great difficulties in finding a job.

But Dumbledore was able to do it to such an extent that Link already understood very well.

After all, Dumbledore is very tired of this management model, and it is estimated that it is his last bottom line that students can continue to have classes.

Taking a deep breath, Link squeezed the special weapon bag around his waist.

At this moment, there are four change potions and the blood of Boreas stuck on it.

The combined effect of these two potions is comparable to Harry's invisibility cloak, enough to support him to go out around the patrol.

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