The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 475: Marshal's place

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"Marshal!" Everyone looked at the painful face of Du Gu Zhan Tian and couldn't help Qi Qi. But under my heart, there is also an indescribable loss.

The Dugu Army has been in the world for decades. At the end, it was just a plaything in the hands of others. It makes people feel sullen when thinking about it, not to mention the Grand Marshal who established the Dugu Army.

Slowly waved his hand, Du Gu Zhan Tian opened his eyes again, but his eyes were gone. In addition to the increasingly serious injuries, the main reason is the collapse of Yuanshen. The most important thing is the collapse of pride in life.

Looking up at Zhuo Fan again, Du Gu Zhan Tian's lips moved slightly, and he made a hoarse voice: "So Zhuo Fan, the old man's last question. Before the controversy among the hundred schools, the old man said that you are very similar to the old man, and they all hold a loyal word. . You are the Luo family, I am the court. But now, you say the old man is stupid, then why are you fighting? "

Zhuo Fan pondered a little, didn't speak, but just raised his finger to the position of his atrium, and said lightly: "I moved because of this, so I moved!"

Staring closely at his position, thinking for a long time, Du Gu Zhan Tian suddenly blinked his eyes, seeming to realize something, the pale face showed a clear look, and nodded slightly: "It turns out that it is because of love. ... "

Uh, I mean to say that the devil is here ...

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Fan couldn't help moving, and an inexplicable taste came to his mind. This sentence of Du Gu Zhan Tian, ​​I do not know where in his heart touched, so that his mood did not feel shocked!

"Boss, take the old man's dragon-cutting moon knife!" Taking a deep breath again, the solitary war genius barely raised an arm and pointed to the long knife standing forward.

The four tigers of Tianyu took Luo Yunhai's healing medicine, plus the injuries were not serious, and they were able to move freely.

Du Gufeng got the marshal's command, gave a respectful fist, and got up and took the long knife back, kneeling on one knee and holding it up!

Du Gu Zhan Tian trembles his palm and takes the long knife in his hand, but his eyes are gleaming, as if he suddenly has strength, he grinned and laughed out loudly: "Hehehe ... This dragon cuts the moon sword, but it was the first time the old man went to the frontier fortress , Please ask Tianyu No. 1 Refining Master to make it, once the dog soul of the dragon and the veins of the dragon was engulfed in it, which is regarded as the greatest pride in this life. Now it has been accompanied by the husband and wife for dozens of cold and hot days, and today is the day of farewell! "

Stroking the long, cold blade of the sword, the eyes of Du Gu Zhan Tian were full of love. Then, with a long sword, Dugu Zhantian immediately pushed it to Zhuofan, shouting: "Zuofan, you are different from the old man and know what you are doing. Hold it and protect Luo family in the future! "

Eye pupils couldn't help shrinking, Tianyu Sihu was surprised, even Luo Yunhai, the face was shocked.

But when they saw the firm eyes of Du Gu Zhan Tian, ​​all doubts disappeared and their heads fell slightly.

Zhuo Fan stared closely at the long knife, but slowly shook his head: "Forget it, the gentleman doesn't win over others. Although I am not a gentleman, I also know that this knife marshal loves it! Use it, let it go with you! "

"A dying person, what's the use of a sword? Zhuo Fan, if you don't take this sword, the old man will die!" Du Gu Zhan Tian didn't look at him, but he held the knife handle so straight, and the words were loud!

Zhuo Fan groaned unconsciously, so he nodded slightly and took it.

Since the old marshals have all spoken about it, would n’t he not give up face if he does n’t accept it anymore? It doesn't matter if you don't give this old man a face, the key is that he is still useful after the Four Tigers!

It mustn't hinder the face of the old man, and make the four tigers unhappy, Zhuo Fan thought so, and put the knife behind him. It is heroic and cool, quite general.

Du Gu Zhan Tian looked up at him, showing a smile of joy, but his body was loose, completely exhausted, and completely collapsed in Luo Yunhai's arms.

"Marshal!" Everyone rushed out in tears, eyes full of tears.

Du Gu Zhan Tian's beard trembles. From Du Gu Feng to the five people in Luo Yunhai, one by one swept through. There was a rare light of love in his eyes, his lips moved slightly, and a hoarse voice: "Don't call Marshal, I want to hear your call I said ... righteous father ... "

"Righteous Father!" The five said in unison.

The corner of Du Gu Zhan Tian's mouth tilted upwards, and he closed his eyes happily. The shrunken mouth also issued the last tone of his life: "Hey ..."


The five screamed and roared again, but the tears were flowing, but they could no longer wake up the old man whose soul had collapsed. However, unlike the ugly face of ordinary people with broken souls, Du Gu Zhan Tian's complexion is quite calm, and he seems to have no regrets and no worries.

Throughout the handsome account, the five people cried aloud around the body of Du Gu Zhan Tian and shook the whole Gu Hong Gu. Guzhong's General Lonely Army is unknown, but inexplicably feels a deep sorrow.

Gu Santong looked aside and seemed to feel the same, his eyes gradually turned red, and his nose began to sore. Holding tightly beside Zhuo Fan, he buried his head in his clothes, sobbing constantly.

Only Zhuofan looked at all of it quietly and sighed.

Alone in battle, a generation of military gods, who lives for the country but is harmed by the country, is really a sad person. But at the same time, it is a respectable person!

It ’s just that it ’s a bad time, when I encounter a big change like today, it is regarded as an abandoned child. It ’s a pity ...

The weeping of the five men in the handsome tent lasted for more than two hours. When the five men stopped crying and lifted the body of Lonely Warrior out of the big tent, the soldiers outside the account were already full of soldiers.

Originally, they were not allowed to leave their posts without permission, but the movement here made them feel deeply uneasy, and they all rebelled against the military order for the first time in their lives and gathered.


When looking at the pale old marshal, who was respectfully and respectfully lifted out by the Tianyu Four Tigers, all the soldiers present had red eyes, but all of them were holding back their tears and did not flow out!

Men do not flick with tears, the soldiers shed without tears!

This is what the old marshal taught them during their lifetime. Without the marshal's permission, they would never dare to shed a tear.

Seeing these strong soldiers endure the sorrow in their hearts, even cheeks suffocated, Du Gufeng couldn't help but swallow hard, so that his throat was not so choked, calmed down, and he roared with energy. All the soldiers of the Dugong Army have listened carefully. Today we have two major events in the Dugong Army. First, we were sold by the emperor, and our old marshal was assassinated by the ghost guard sent by the emperor! "

"Marshal!" All the Dugu armies knelt on one knee and roared, except for the pain in their eyes, it was deep anger, like to breathe fire.

"However, I have strict discipline in the army of Du Gu, and how to deal with this matter is decided by the new marshal!" Then, Du Gu Feng roared again.

New Marshal?

Frowning frowning, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but feel a little strange. The death of Du Gu Zhan Tian just decided the choice of the new marshal?

Probably Du Gu Zhan Tian has already made preparations, leaving a candidate, it is estimated that he was born in Tian Yu Si Hu. But this is also good, as a righteous son, they will avenge their father, and everyone will still be the alliance.

Zhuofan thought so.

But it is strange that when I heard this sentence, all the soldiers of the Lonely Army lifted their heads together, searching for something among them, and finally turned their eyes on Zhuo. Where location.

In other words, it was staring at the long knife he was holding behind his back!

With a gleam in his eyes, after Du Gufeng and the other four brothers looked at each other, he took a deep breath again and swept to all the soldiers present, shouting loudly, "Then now, the second big thing for our Du Gu Army is to meet New Marshal, Marshal Zhuofanzhuo! "

"See Marshal Zhuo!"

As soon as the words fell, Du Gufeng first bowed down in the direction of Zhuo Fan, and then all the soldiers bowed their heads respectfully and surrendered.

Seeing this, Zhuo Fan was completely dumbfounded!

How did this happen, why did he suddenly become the marshal of the Dugong Army?

But then looking down at the warriors who had fallen down, with a meticulous face, even Luo Yunhai knelt down respectfully. He eventually knew that this was not a joke.

But why is he so confused.

Seeming to see the doubts in his heart, Luo Yunhai raised his head and explained to Zhuo Fan: "Marshal Qi Yunzhuo, his uncle, his old man had rules, and in the future he will pass on the life-long dragon-cutting moon sword to whom The new marshal of the next lonely army. This whole army of the lonely army, no one knows, no one knows! Now his old man is entrusted to you with his long sword while he is dying, naturally granting you the position of marshal. , I alone have millions of soldiers. I would like to listen to the marshal ’s order and never dare to violate it! "

"May I listen to the marshal's order!" The entire army, hundreds of thousands, shouted in unison and shook the sky!

When Zhuo Fan saw it, he couldn't help but stunned, and then he blossomed in his heart. Originally he also wanted to use this matter to win the Du Gu Army, but he did not expect to directly control the entire military power. This is really a pie!

Thinking of this, Zhuo Fan was also unambiguous. He swore with a long sword and shouted: "The whole army listens to orders, Your Majesty, listens to platitudes, perverts, and kills loyal officials. I will take the place of Marshal of the Lonely Army today. Tianxing Road, expel the dogs and men, and go northward to the Qingjun side, and return Tianyu to a magnificent world! "

"People will listen to the order, and together with the coach, they will kill Guhonggu and go to Fenglin City to prepare, and then we will kill the Quartet and avenge the old marshal!"

"Revenge, revenge, revenge ..."

The generals raised their swords in their hands and screamed and screamed. The flame of hatred spit in their eyes ...

On the other hand, the ghost king escaped from the valley, but with a puff, he couldn't help but spit out a crimson blood, scolding and cursing: "Damn Zhuofan, the strength is really getting stronger and stronger. My soul puppet is right He did n’t have any deterrence, he became a fatal weakness. Grandma and a bear, where did he come with so many martial arts against Yuanshen? It ’s really a ghost ... "

The ghost king dragged his severely injured body forward and screamed!


However, at this time, thousands of dog soldiers appeared suddenly, surrounding him. The head of the person is the killing of the wolf, one of the dogs and eight wolf guards ...

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