Mei Fangfang smiled and said: "Zhang Qingqing told me, how about it, I brought so many people here, is it enough to give you face?"

Ye Qiu rolled his eyes and said, "To save face, you're tearing me down! When people saw people from the Food Safety Bureau coming to my cafeteria, they thought it was not hygienic to check."

Mei Fangfang turned black and said, "Damn, I'm not happy to support you, then I'll leave immediately!"

Ye Qiu laughed and said, "Fangfang, I'm joking with you. We're just joking. Don't go, stay and eat later."

Mei Fangfang beamed with joy, and nodded: "Okay, you can give me a full meal later."

Ye Qiu was taken aback, and looked at Mei Fangfang with a strange expression: "Fangfang, tell me the truth, do you want to come over for a meal?"

This sentence was originally meant as a joke, but Mei Fangfang's face turned red immediately, which made Ye Qiu's eyes widen: "Are you really here to eat?"

Mei Fangfang gave Ye Qiu a hard look: "Hush, keep your voice down!"

"Damn, no." Ye Qiu rolled his eyes, "Fang Fang, how poor are you?"

Mei Fangfang blushed: "I want you to take care of it. If the food is not good, I will ask you to close the business immediately."

Ye Qiu said angrily, "You are abusing your power!"

Mei Fangfang pouted: "What if I abuse it?"

Ye Qiu's face was full of black lines: "Alright then, you win."

A smug smile appeared on Mei Fangfang's face.

And not long after, another unexpected person came over, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to a peak.

"Isn't that Mayor Lin!"

Many students called out, but Lin Dongsheng unexpectedly came over.

As the mayor of Tianguang City, Lin Dongsheng is an upright and honest man. He has done many good things to benefit the people within a few years of his tenure, and he often reported them to the students. The students are quite familiar with this mayor.

At the same time, the school leaders present and everyone from the Food Bureau, who have a sensitive sense of smell, already felt that the background of the No. 7 cafeteria was a bit unusual.

Several important leaders of the Municipal Bureau were present!

They all made up their minds, don't mess with No. 7 canteen if they have nothing to do in the future!

Lin Dongsheng spoke a few words to Ye Qiu and was surrounded by students. However, he was very approachable. He talked with many students present and answered some questions one by one, but he didn't care about Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu didn't care, and called the others to take their seats.

Arrived at half past ten.

Zhang Qingqing came to the stage and began to speak. As the manager of the catering department of Tianguang Travel Company, her eloquence was quite good, and she mobilized the atmosphere of the scene in just ten minutes.

And as a young man who is relatively close to the age of college students, he is very familiar with buzzwords on the Internet.

The playful speech style can always make the students laugh from time to time.

Zhang Qingqing's voice was pleasant, and it spread from the scene with a bit of clarity: "Here, on behalf of Yushan Catering Company, I would like to express my gratitude to all the leaders, guests and everyone from the Municipal Bureau. After several months of preparation, Today, Yushan Restaurant officially opened for business."

"Next, I invite Mayor Lin and Principal Luo to speak."

Then Zhang Qingqing invited Lin Dongsheng and Luo Junzhe to speak.

Lin Dongsheng stepped forward, smiled at the people below, and said, "Food is the most important thing for the people. The canteen is the place where the students come every day. It is the top priority of school construction. I believe that No. 7 canteen can satisfy the students. We also hope that students can empathize and understand the hard work of canteen operators."

Luo Junzhe also stepped forward and said a few words, a short speech.

Finally, Zhang Qingqing said: "Just now, the leaders of the school and the city bureau made brief speeches, from which we can deeply feel the concern of Mayor Lin and Principal Luo for the students, and this concern, our Yushan Catering Industry I will carry on and strive to build No. 7 canteen into a canteen where students can eat with confidence!"

Next, Zhang Qingqing tore off the red cloth at the entrance of the cafeteria, revealing the number plate of No. 7 cafeteria.

Canteen No. 7, a few words are pasted on the glass above.

The production is very streamlined, even a bit cheap, but it gives people a feeling of reassurance.

At half past eleven.

The cafeteria officially opened, and the students who had been waiting for a long time couldn't wait to enter the cafeteria.

Ye Qiu looked at the situation of the cafeteria, every window was full, he couldn't help smiling, this scene showed that the turnover of the cafeteria on the first day would not be so low.

Mei Fangfang stood beside him, saw this scene and said with a smile: "Ye Qiu, it looks like your cafeteria is going to make a lot of money."

Ye Qiu shook his head: "Making money is secondary. The main thing is to provide students with a safe and secure dining environment."

Mei Fangfang gave him a hygienic eye: "Come on, just sell your Dali bean sprouts for 4 yuan a piece, and you don't know how much you're going to make."

Ye Qiu scratched his head.

Since he opened his own cafeteria and vigorously produced and sold bean sprouts, he naturally lowered the price a bit.

From 6 yuan a piece to 4 yuan a piece.

Of course, although the price has been lowered, it still makes a lot of money.

For example, a catty of bean sprouts can be made into 3 cents, and sold for 12 yuan, minus the cost of 5.5 yuan, there is still a profit of 6.5 yuan.

Ye Qiu whispered: "Director Mei, this shouldn't be a big deal, right? You're not going to use this matter to investigate our cafeteria, are you?"

The corner of Mei Fangfang's mouth raised slightly: "If you invite me to dinner, I won't tell about it."

Ye Qiu rolled his eyes and beckoned, "Let's go."


Mei Fangfang chuckled, and followed Ye Qiu away.


The leaders of the Municipal Bureau and the school all stayed in the cafeteria to eat. They mainly wanted to try the taste of Dali bean sprouts, and many of them had never tasted it.

A group of people are also like students, queuing up at the window to order food, and then eating in the lobby, which makes some people feel a little dissatisfied.

But seeing that Lin Dongsheng was also cooking with a plate, he couldn't say much.

Luo Junzhe prepared the food, and then sat next to Lin Dongsheng: "Mayor Lin, I've heard of this Dali bean sprouts before. I heard it tastes very good, but I haven't had time to try it."

Lin Dongsheng smiled and said, "Principal Luo, this bean sprouts taste quite good."

Luo Junzhe smiled: "Mayor Lin said that, I have to try it quickly."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the bean sprouts and took a bite. Just after taking a bite, his eyes lit up, and he praised: "This bean sprouts are really different from ordinary bean sprouts, and they are quite refreshing."

Sun Hao, the grade director, also took a bite, and was immediately pleasantly surprised: "Not bad."

At this time, he felt a little regretful in his heart. He shouldn't have agreed to Su Dazhi to speak for their Tianguang Travel Company that day.

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