The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 483 Research Direction

Pang Xuelin stared blankly at the two white-haired old men on the screen, the past thirty years ago was still as vivid as yesterday, and he could still vividly remember it.

In this world, the only unstoppable thing is time, it is like a sharp knife, silently cutting through everything hard and soft, constantly advancing, nothing can cause the slightest bump in its progress, but it changes everything.

After a long time, Pang Xuelin let out a long sigh.

China Sun World is not the longest time in the world he has been in, nor is it the most dangerous, but it is the most unforgettable for him.

In this world, he gained friendship, family affection, and love, established his own career, and achieved unimaginable achievements, but he was separated from everyone in such a helpless way.

The world is impermanent, even a time traveler like Pang Xuelin has helplessness.


The airlock door behind him suddenly opened.

Pang Xuelin turned his head, and saw Mu Qingqing who had woken up at some point floating in.


Seeing Pang Xuelin, Mu Qingqing seemed a little excited, exerted a little force, and instantly came in front of Pang Xuelin.


Pang Xuelin put his wife in his arms, and the two hugged each other for a long time.

After a long time, Pang Xuelin slowly separated Mu Qingqing.

Mu Qingqing also received a lot of video messages in the past 30 years, some from Mu Dong, some from Feng Wanying, and some from Liu Qi, the content of which was similar to that received by Pang Xuelin.

It's just that girls are sensitive after all, and Mu Qingqing didn't finish halfway through, so she threw herself into Pang Xuelin's arms and wept bitterly.

It was several days before Mu Qingqing came out of her depression.

For the explorers on the Ark spacecraft, if they want to make as few mistakes as possible in the next journey, the most important thing is to remain rational at all times and not let their emotions dictate their actions.

After a few days of adjustments, the lives of Pang Xuelin and Mu Qingqing began to become more regular.

In addition to sleeping in each other's sleeping bags every day,

For the rest of the time, the two basically spent their time in constant busyness.

In the past thirty years, a lot of faults have accumulated on the Ark spacecraft. Although the redundancy involved in the system is very high, if there is no intervention by others, the faults will continue to appear, and one day the spacecraft will completely collapse.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin and Mu Qingqing conducted a comprehensive inspection of the spacecraft's software and hardware systems in the past few days.

Some parts that have been damaged or have problems are directly replaced with spare parts, or the materials of the original parts are restored and updated through 3D printing technology.

In addition, Pang Xuelin and Mu Qingqing also carried out more than ten spacewalk missions to repair some worn nano-mirror coatings.

Of course, there is another task that is also essential, and that is to explore Proxima Centauri through the telescope and detectors carried on the spacecraft.

Almost every day, Pang Xuelin and Mu Qingqing will make new discoveries.

The actual diameter of Proxima Centauri is only one-seventh that of the sun, and its mass is equivalent to 150 times that of Jupiter, but its lifespan is several times that of the sun, as high as more than 80 billion years.

In the Milky Way, nearly three-quarters of the stars are red dwarfs.

Due to the size and brightness, few astronomers have devoted themselves to the scientific research of red dwarfs for a long time. For decades, scientists believed that intelligent life near red dwarfs was simply not possible.

The reason is simple. If there are planets around the red dwarf, the planets will be completely "locked" by the red dwarf because they are too close together, just like the moon is locked by the earth. The planet will have only one side facing its "sun," the red dwarf, and the other side will be permanently dark.

Therefore, there will be an extremely harsh environment on this planet. On the night side, any atmospheric gas will be frozen, but on the day side, it will be completely exposed to the rays of the stars.

It is hard to imagine that life will survive in such a planetary environment, so red dwarfs are almost undisputedly excluded from the list of extraterrestrial life exploration targets.

Of course, some people believe that nuclear fusion on red dwarfs is very slow, which makes them very long-lived and can maintain a stable state for billions of years or even longer, which is beneficial to the development of life on the surrounding planets.

In contrast, the Sun can only support life on Earth for about 5 billion more years, after which it will expand into a red giant, scorching and devouring the Earth.

It's just a pity that although Pang Xuelin and Mu Qingqing observed three planets around Proxima Centauri through telescopes, it is basically certain that there is no life on these three planets.

Among them, the closest planet to Proxima Centauri is only 5 million kilometers away from Proxima Centauri. At such a distance, one side of the planet is basically completely locked by tidal forces.

The temperature on the sunny side of this planet exceeds 500 Kelvin, but the temperature on the shady side is only tens of Kelvin. This planet is as desolate as Mercury in the solar system, with no atmosphere, no water, and no life.

The second planet is in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri.

Although this planet has an atmosphere, the atmospheric pressure is only three-thousandths that of the Earth, and observations show that the geological activity of this new planet is relatively inactive. Craters, volcanoes, and canyons Another topographical feature is the stark difference between the northern and southern hemispheres: ancient, cratered highlands to the south and younger plains to the north.

Obviously, such a world also has no life.

The third planet is an ice giant star, which is more than one astronomical unit away from Proxima Centauri, and nothing can be seen except the storm on the surface.

A month later, Ark 1 finally passed Proxima Centauri at a distance of two astronomical units away.

Even at such a distance, Proxima Centauri was just a dark red fireball the size of a ping-pong ball in the eyes of the two, casting a different glow on the dark night sky.

After passing Proxima Centauri, it will take two years to reach Alpha Centauri A/B.

These days, life is much more boring.

The faults that should be repaired in the spacecraft have also been repaired, and the daily observation data is also lackluster. It can be automatically recorded by the spacecraft computer, and then sent to the earth through the huge antenna.

However, Pang Xuelin and Mu Qingqing were not disappointed, on the contrary, they enjoyed the present time very much.

After entering the Chinese Sun World for so many years, Pang Xuelin has devoted most of his energy to making money and industrial development, and has little time for scientific research.

After neglecting his main business for so many years, this time, Pang Xue finally had time to do academic research, and he felt that he enjoyed it.

As for Mu Qingqing, being able to accompany Pang Xuelin was the greatest satisfaction for her.

They get along day and night every day, and occasionally do sports that are good for their physical and mental health and can also promote their relationship. Both of them feel very satisfied.

That night (the 24-hour time system on the earth is still kept), after exercising, Pang Xuelin hugged Mu Qingqing and took a shower in the shower room on the spaceship. I couldn't sleep for a while, so I simply came to my small study room, spread out the manuscript and started my own research.

Due to the limited space and the quality that can be carried, there are not many experimental equipment carried on Ark 1.

Unable to conduct large-scale scientific experiments, Pang Xuelin had to refocus on the research of mathematical conjectures.

So far, Pang Xuelin has completed the proof work of BSD conjecture, ABC conjecture, twin prime conjecture, Polignac conjecture and Hodge conjecture.

There are not many remaining heavyweight conjectures, such as P and NP problems, the existence and quality gap of Yang-Mills, the existence and smoothness of the Navel-Stoke equation, the famous Riemann conjecture, And Goldbach's conjecture, which is known as the most difficult mathematical conjecture so far.

The P and NP problem is actually a logical operation problem.

To put it simply, on a Saturday night, you're at a big party.

Embarrassed, you wonder if there is anyone in the hall you already know.

The host of the party proposes to you that you must know the lady Rose in the corner near the dessert plate.

It doesn't take a second for you to glance there and see that the host of the party is correct. However, without such a hint, you'd have to look around the hall, checking everyone one by one, to see if there was anyone you knew.

This represents the phenomenon that generating a solution to a problem often takes much more time than verifying a given solution.

This is an example of this general phenomenon.

Similarly, if someone tells you that the number 13717421 can be written as the product of two smaller numbers, you might not know whether to believe him, but if he tells you that it can be factored as 3607 times 3803, then you This can easily be verified with a pocket calculator.

It was found that all complete polynomial non-deterministic problems can be transformed into a class of logical operation problems called satisfiability problems.

Since all possible answers to such questions can be calculated in polynomial time, people wonder whether there is a deterministic algorithm for this kind of problem, which can directly calculate or search for the correct answer in polynomial time?

This is the famous NP=P conjecture. Regardless of how dexterously we write programs, deciding whether an answer can be quickly verified using internal knowledge, or takes a lot of time to solve without such hints, is regarded as one of the most prominent problems in logic and computer science.

As for the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap, the laws of quantum physics are established for the world of elementary particles in the same way that Newton's law of classical mechanics is for the macroscopic world.

About half a century ago, Chen Ning Yang and Mills discovered that quantum physics revealed a remarkable relationship between the physics of elementary particles and the mathematics of geometric objects.

Predictions based on the Yang-Mills equation have been confirmed in high-energy experiments performed in laboratories around the world at: Brockhaven, Stanford, CERN and Standing Wave.

Still, their equations, which both describe heavy particles and are mathematically rigorous, have no known solutions.

In particular, the "mass gap" hypothesis, which is confirmed by most physicists and used in their explanations for the invisibility of "quarks", has never been confirmed mathematically satisfactorily.

Progress on this problem required the introduction of fundamentally new ideas, both physically and mathematically.

As for the existence and smoothness of the Nawer-Stoke equation, it is a problem in the field of fluid mechanics.

Undulating waves follow our boat as it winds its way across the lake, and turbulent air follows the flight of our modern jet.

Mathematicians and physicists are convinced that both breezes and turbulent flows can be explained and predicted by understanding the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations.

Although Ponzi geometry theory has enabled scientists to make substantial progress in solving nonlinear partial differential equations, the mystery hidden in the Navier-Stokes equation still requires the joint efforts of mathematicians.

As for the Riemann conjecture, its significance needless to say.

The Riemann conjecture was proposed by Bernhard Riemann in 1859. The mathematician was born in 1826 in a small town called Breslenz, which belonged to the Kingdom of Hanover at that time.

In 1859, Riemann was elected a corresponding member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences.

In return for this high honor, he submitted a paper entitled "On the number of prime numbers less than a given value" to the Berlin Academy of Sciences.

This short eight-page paper is the "birthplace" of Riemann's conjecture.

Riemann's paper dealt with a problem that had long interested mathematicians: the distribution of prime numbers.

Prime numbers are also called prime numbers. A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 like 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 and not divisible by other positive integers except 1 and itself.

These numbers are of great importance in the study of number theory, because all positive integers greater than 1 can be expressed as their sum.

In a sense, their status in number theory is similar to the atoms used to build everything in the physical world.

The definition of prime numbers is so simple that it can be taught in middle school or even elementary school, but their distribution is so mysterious that mathematicians have paid great efforts, but they have not yet fully understood it.

A major achievement of Riemann's thesis is that he discovered that the mystery of the distribution of prime numbers is completely hidden in a special function, especially a series of special points that make the value of that function zero has a decisive effect on the detailed law of the distribution of prime numbers. Influence.

That function is now known as the Riemann zeta function, and that particular set of points is known as the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function.

Interestingly, although the results of Riemann's article are significant, the text is extremely concise, even a bit too concise, because it includes a lot of "proofs omitted".

What's terrible is that "omitting proofs" should have been used to omit those obvious proofs, but Riemann's papers were not like this. Some of his "omitting proofs" took decades of work by later mathematicians Efforts were made to fill in, and some even remain blank until today.

However, Riemann's paper, apart from a large number of "proofs omitted", notably contained a proposition that he clearly admitted that he could not prove it, and that proposition was the Riemann conjecture.

Since Riemann's conjecture was "born" in 1859, 160 springs and autumns have passed. During this period, it was like a towering mountain, attracting countless mathematicians to climb, but no one was able to reach the top.

It has been counted that there are more than a thousand mathematical propositions in today's mathematical literature based on the establishment of the Riemann Hypothesis (or its extended form). If the Riemann Hypothesis is proved, all those mathematical propositions can be promoted to theorems; on the contrary, if the Riemann Hypothesis is disproven, at least some of those mathematical propositions will be buried with them.

It took Pang Xuelin a few days to decide to take the Riemann Hypothesis as the next key research direction.

Of course, given the difficulty and importance of Riemann's conjecture, Pang Xuelin did not expect to be able to solve this conjecture smoothly.

He just hopes that in the process of studying the Riemann conjecture, he can deepen his understanding of the distribution of prime numbers, so as to further improve his related theories of Ponzi geometry.

Stones from other hills, can learn.

Maybe through the research on Riemann's conjecture, it can promote the progress of other fields.

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