The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 538 George sells the land


() In fact, if you know that Marin has become the Grand Duke of the North Sea, not only the Danes will be upset, but the English and Scots will also be upset. why? Because the territory of Canute the Great at that time included not only Denmark, Norway and southern Sweden, but also most of England and Scotland.

You Marin became the Grand Duke of the North Sea. Do you want to learn Canute and invade England and Scotland?

To this, Marin's heart's answer is - yes, I want to dominate the North Sea, that is, to annex England and Scotland!

Of course, this was the answer in my heart, and it was also Marin's real answer. However, if the English and Scots came to ask, Marin would definitely not say that, but would say--Oh, my territory happens to be on the North Sea, so it's called the Grand Duchy of the North Sea...

There is nothing wrong with this, because after the land exchange with the Archbishopric of Bremen, the land along the coast of the North Sea in the German region does belong to Marin, and there is no problem with Marin's statement...

But when the German princes asked about it, Marin would deliberately hint to them—I am interested in the ocean, and I don’t like competing for hegemony on land…

The meaning is - Lao Tzu is a man who wants to be the pirate king. As for the torment on the land, you can play...

And the princes of Germany, just like to hear this news. Because, even if Marin became the overlord of the sea, it had nothing to do with them. Moreover, such a strong man went into the sea, and everyone felt a lot of peace of mind that they would not be involved in their on-shore torment. After all, that was a powerful man who defeated 50,000 extremely elite Bursa coalition forces. If he doesn't come to play, the little friends will tear up happily. Otherwise, if such a strong man joins in, everyone is playing with hair? They're going to be beaten up...

In order to make everyone feel completely at ease, Marin also made a public promise - as long as you don't take the initiative to attack me, I will never take the initiative to attack you! Of course, except for those who betray the Holy Roman Empire and the Holy See...

Marin deliberately said this to lay an ambush for future religious wars. You didn't hit me, but you betrayed the Holy See and joined the Protestant Church. Don't blame me, the "great apologist," for sending troops to "strive for justice"... Then, by the way, grab your territory...

In fact,

After the war, Marin planned to bury himself in development for a few years. Then, continue the power, waiting to join the religious war that swept the whole of Germany. It seems that most of the princes in northern Germany later converted to Protestantism. Under the guise of defending Catholicism, Marin will have territory to grab...

As for the description of "betraying the Holy Roman Empire" in the promise, it was actually an ambush for the war with the Principality of Gerdes. The Principality of Gerdes colluded with France, and Marin knew it. When he and the Principality of Gede Company are torn apart for West Frisian, in order to occupy the moral high ground, it is inevitable that the Principality of Gede Company "eats the insides and colludes with foreign countries (France)" as an example. In this way, he will become a righteous party, and the princes will not be able to accuse him of anything.


I was thinking about West Frisian affairs, and now the de jure owner of West Frisian - George, Duke of Saxony, stood up...

George played soy sauce for a long time, although at heart, he was also against Marin. However, in this imperial meeting, he did not stand up to fight Marin, but made soy sauce throughout the whole process.

Why? Because he also pointed to selling West Frisland to Marin at a high price of one million gold coins under the circumstances of irreversible things. Therefore, despite seeing Marin unhappy, George did not participate in the ranks of Marin, so as not to hate Marin.

Seeing that the Marin affair was over, George decided to throw out his own problems and ask the princes to help him...

George came to the front of the stage, bowed to everyone, and said pitifully:

"My lords, please help me! West Frisian under my control was invaded by troops sent by Charles II, Duke of Gerdes, please help me to do justice!"

The princes present all looked at each other in dismay - Nima, you can't beat others in a war, and you lost the Principality of Gedes, what's our business? Do you want us to send troops to help you retake West Frisland? Dreaming...unless, give enough benefits first...

The princes fought against Marin together because Marin was the emperor before, and his war ability was too strong. Everyone joined forces to contain Marin, but also for themselves, to prevent Marin from expanding to their own heads.

But they didn't care much about the mess between the Principality of Saxony and the Principality of Gede. Because, although the Duchy of Saxony and the Duchy of Gede are considered relatively strong duchies, they have not affected the ability of the entire Germany. This "dog bites dog"

There are so many things in the German region, how can they have the time to take care of everything?

Moreover, as a famous and powerful duchy of Saxony, you can't actually beat the duchy of Geddes, which only returned to the country in 1492. Everyone actually despises George...

Seeing everyone's contemptuous eyes, George was a little anxious. He explained to the princes:

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's not that my Saxony team is not strong. It's because Charles II, Duke of Geddes, colluded with the French! The French have provided a large number of Swiss mercenaries for the Geddes duchy, which has defeated me. Army! With the help of the French, the Duchy of Saxony is no match for the Duchy of Geddes! In order to prevent the Holy Roman Empire from being infiltrated by foreign countries, please help me!"

"Yes, we should help Duke George. The act of colluding with foreign countries is equivalent to treason. We have reason to organize a coalition to fight against it!" At this time, Emperor Maximilian I stood up and helped George. say. He is most disgusted that there are princes colluding with France. After all, he has always regarded the mighty France as a formidable enemy.

However, what Maximilian I didn't expect, even if he raised it to the height of the national righteousness, except for the nobles of the Habsburg family, the other princes responded very little...

why? Because many German nobles believed that the powerful France was an important obstacle to the expansion of Emperor Maximilian I and the unification of Germany. The existence of France is an important guarantee to protect the princes from being annexed by the Habsburg dynasty. For, France will certainly prevent the Habsburgs from agreeing to Germany.

Therefore, in terms of interests, the existence of France is beneficial and harmless to the princes. Of course, if France wants to invade Germany in a big way, it is not impossible for everyone to unite against France...

Of course, this cannot be said publicly. Everyone knows that the presence of France makes Austria uncomfortable. But openly supporting France is not enough. Otherwise, the emperor can have an excuse to give you a big hat of "treason". When the time comes, you will be well-founded...

Therefore, they are not very interested in what George said about the collusion between the Principality of Gerd and France. So some princes asked George dryly for evidence and witnesses...

However, there is no evidence in George's hands now, and the witness was also killed by someone sent by the Gede Company. Therefore, he has no evidence and no witnesses.

So, the princes took the opportunity to shirk George's request...

Speaking of which, George is also stupid. If he hadn't spoken of France, the princes might have sympathized with him more. However, he said, and also expressed his hostility to France in a clear and low-key manner, and those princes were not happy. You know, France is a potential ally of the princes against the Habsburgs. Although the alliance cannot be openly formed, the two sides have a tacit understanding...

Maximilian I was annoyed, so he announced in a loud voice:

"If there is evidence that the Duchy of Guedes colluded with France, it will be punished as treason. If anyone has the ability to send troops to attack the Duchy of Guedes, the land that he has laid can belong to him! Only the Duchy of Guedes will keep the capital Gelden and surrounding area!"

The Principality of Geddes is divided into two parts - the capital Gelden and the surrounding area, which only occupies a small part of the principality, in the later Germany; the other part is located in the Netherlands near the mouth of the Rhine. This part is much larger than the piece of land near the capital, accounting for most of it, with a total area of ​​more than 3,000 square kilometers. Moreover, the land is fertile and agriculture is developed, making it a rare good piece of land.

Of course, considering that there are French people behind it, it is not so easy to play. Moreover, the army of the Habsburg family, currently trapped in Switzerland, could not get out.

Coincidentally, Charles II, Duke of Geddes, did not come to the meeting today. It is said that he was ill and could not come to Worms. Therefore, no one refuted the emperor's decision. As for the other princes, there is no reason to refute...

why? Do you want to say that the princes are not guilty of collusion with foreign countries? Then you will be unlucky...

Only Marin, who was standing silently on the side, flashed a serious light - this piece of meat, I'll eat it...

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