The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2834: Tehran Storm 2

"Damn it, although for some reasons we can't deal with the Germans, we have to say that they are really strong, much stronger than us." Patton said in his heart. As for Lisa Khan's statement, Patton couldn't refute it, because more than 60% of his current theoretical basis came from the Germans. And not long ago, he did persuade Lisa Khan to buy some German weapons that can use American ammunition! What a coincidence is that because Americans do not ban firearms, many German companies also want to export weapons using American standards to the United States. Therefore, when it comes to firearms, Lisa Khan's troops use modified German weapons. Department of equipment….

"Politically speaking, we are the garrison of Tehran, the Guards of Sudan, and the face of the kingdom, and having too many Russians in this force will have a very bad impact. After all, you know that our people have a negative attitude toward Russia." What is the attitude of people,” Lisa Khan continued.

Lisa Khan carefully studied the Russians who came to Persia. They were indeed different from the previous Tsarist Russia. They had different beliefs and different views on some issues. They were more fighting and knowledgeable than the previous Tsarist Russians. Obedience is more like a weapon! However, this is not the key to his determination to expel the Russians. The key is that they still want to control Persia just like the previous Russians, but these people are more powerful! They have faith, are more determined, have a better organizational structure, and many of the bad habits of old Russia have disappeared. And now they have support from Americans across the ocean!

Therefore, in Lisa Khan's view, the situation in Persia has not changed from before the war, but now the overlord of Persia has changed from the old Russia and the British to the new Russia and the Americans. They still want to control Persia, and even have to Persia is engaged in a war with absolutely no chance of winning. Yes, this war has absolutely no chance of winning. So what if Persia can defeat Turkey? Lisa Khan believes that even for the oil in the Mesopotamia, the Germans will eventually go directly to the stage! Pit the Persians and Russians against the Germans? What are you thinking about? !

So, now Lisa Khan decided to use Patton, this iron head who seemed to be full of military affairs, to clear out the Russian officers in his own army. He could not control other armies, so he could only clean up his own army first!

"I will report the relevant situation to the superiors, but I can't confirm whether it can pass." Barton thought for a while and said.

"Then it's all up to you." Lisa Khan said with a smile. "Okay, I think we need to discuss military issues now. Our target is the Turks, but after all, the Turkish Army was trained by Germany and obtained a large amount of German equipment during the war. Their combat effectiveness is still very high. , so, as the main combat force, I hope that my division can have better equipment."

"For example?" Barton asked.

"I hope to have more machine guns, mortars and 105MM howitzers. Of course, your country's new 75MM infantry gun is also a very good weapon, and transporting these weapons and ammunition is a very laborious task, so I need A large number of trucks. In order to ensure the smooth use of these weapons and vehicles,

I plan to further strengthen the logistics and maintenance units in the army. Lisa Khan said.

"I thought you were going to want a lot of tanks and armored vehicles," Patton said. In fact, the Americans are indeed preparing to send a batch of tanks and armored vehicles to Persia. After all, according to the American plan, Persia is going to enter the Mesopotamia. Although the Turkish Legion is weak, some armored units are still deployed in key areas of the Mesopotamia. Therefore, the Persian army also needs to equip some tanks. and armored vehicles. But it is a pity that most of this equipment will not fall into the hands of the Persian army itself, but will enter the troops composed purely of Russians!

As for the reason? The most important reason is naturally that the Americans and the Russians are first-class partners. The Americans need a strong Russia, so they must provide some hard goods, but what about Persia? At best, they can only be regarded as second-rate partners, vassals and puppets of the US system in the Middle East. The US does not need a powerful Persia, it only needs a puppet that obeys the interests of the US and Russia in the Middle East! In terms of fundamental purpose, the American attitude towards Persia is not much different from the British attitude towards Persia before the war!

As for the other reason, it is naturally because the level of the Persian army is too low. They can't even perform simple artillery skills. Why give them tanks and armored vehicles? Although the Russian army is lagging behind as a whole, it is undeniable that some of its elite troops are also very powerful, and they have at least been exposed to equipment such as tanks, armored vehicles and aircraft. Persians? Many of them have never seen an internal combustion engine vehicle before joining the army! Not just cars, not even a train! Isn’t it a waste to give these things to them?

Lisa Khan was also very clear about these two points, so he had no intention of asking the Americans to provide them with equipment such as tanks and armored vehicles. After all, they couldn't use it if they were given it, so he settled for the next best thing and chose Machine guns, light and medium artillery to arm themselves, while requiring a large number of motor vehicles to ensure troop mobility. And this request seems very reasonable to Patton. After all, you can't give all the benefits to the Russians and leave nothing for the Persian army, right? The army concept proposed by Lisa Khan is indeed more in line with the current Persian national conditions. It’s within the tolerable range!

"You have very good abilities and are very good at learning. You are definitely one of the best officers in Persia. In order to cope with future wars, your division will be further expanded in the future and more weapons and equipment will be required. If it's reasonable, you can write your request into a report and submit it, and I will help you with the training of personnel and the replenishment of supplies," Barton said. Anyone who is capable will like them as long as there is no conflict of interest. So does Patton.

"If you have any additional needs, just tell me. I know that this process may require some things." Lisa Khan said.

"I'm just helping you because of your outstanding performance. There is no other meaning." Barton emphasized that when a capable person is particularly good, then Barton is more willing to help him, although from his personal perspective Said he had little interest in the so-called additional demands. But others may not!

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