The Rise of Malfoy at Hogwarts

Vol 4 Chapter 127: Pure blood

Gallup drank a few sips of the water in the bowl with a bitter expression on his face. He closed his eyes in pain, and his whole body was trembling, as if he was suffering from extraordinary pain.

   "Continue drinking!" Xie Lin ordered harshly.

Gallup took a few more guts. When he put the bowl down, he staggered forward and fell on the stone platform. His eyes were still closed. He was panting, his entire face covered. Twitching, it seems that he is sleeping, having a terrible nightmare.

   "Don't stop! Go on!"

   "I don't want to...Don't force me..." Gallup gasped and spoke. At this time, his voice was almost completely out of shape, and it was no longer possible for people to recognize him from his voice.

   "Sharf," Schelling directed Ruo Ding, "Go pick up the bowl and pour it all into his mouth!"

   "Yes!" Salf obeyed Schelling's instructions unconditionally, and she immediately did.

With a cold face, Salf squeezed the bowl to Gallup's mouth, opened his mouth hard and violently and poured it straight in. Gallup groaned in pain while being poured a lot of He couldn't stand the poison until he finally couldn't stand it, screaming, and the stern voice echoed in the crypt.

"No, no, can't...I can't, don't force me, I don't want..." Gallup cried and said, "Please stop it, I know I did something wrong, oh, Please stop it, I will never, never again..."

Salf turned her head slightly and glanced at Xie Lin. She saw that Xie Lin didn't say anything. Her cold face did not fluctuate at all. She continued to carry out her mission with no expression and faithfully. She poured a lot of poison into her. Into Gallup's mouth.

   This time, Gallup went crazy, he fell into a madness, he fell to the ground, screamed again, and beat the ground with his fist. He cried and said, "Please, please, please, please, don't...don't that, don't that, let me do it


   This time, even a subtle look of intolerance appeared on Salf's face.

Xie Lin looked at her expression interestingly, and said softly, "Do you know? This is the man who used to attack me with several people at the bottom of the Black Lake, trying to transform me into their puppet, even at the mercy of me. Kill... In order to achieve this goal, they killed a friend of mine and many innocent mermaids..."

After hearing these words, the unbearable look on Salf’s face disappeared in an instant. For her, any person who intends to harm her master and her beloved is unforgivable, no matter how it is. The punishment for cruel perversion is not excessive.

   Her face seemed to be covered with a layer of ice, and she looked even more indifferent, but from Schelling's point of view, she was even more moving. At this time, she finally looked like a femme fatale. Xie Lin had to admit that among his few girlfriends, no girl could give him this feeling, because they were all girls living in the sun, and they represented Xie Lin's kind and sunny side.

   Only Salf, she can truly represent the other side of Schelling hidden in the dark. It was a corner that Schelling didn't want anyone to touch.

   I remembered that Dumbledore once said that a great wizard does not mean that he has no dark side, but that he has the courage to face the darkness. The words are gorgeous, but he himself chose to escape. If it were not because of his fear of power and evasion of responsibility, how did the Ministry of Magic come about the corruption today, how did the Defense Against the Dark Arts class sacrifice so many young and promising professors? ?

   Schelling always sneered at Dumbledore's hypocrisy. Everyone has a dark side, and the key lies in how to guide it and choose some more acceptable ways to vent it.

   I said back to Salf.

   She roughly grabbed Gallup's neck and pulled it back, causing the latter's bloodless face to lift up, and then continued to inject the poison. Gallup drank like a thirsty child, but as soon as he finished drinking, he screamed, as if his internal organs were on fire, but Salf was still pouring poison into him. Mouth.

   When he finally drank to the bottom of the bowl, he suddenly shouted, his voice more painful than ever: "I want to die! I want to die! Let it stop, let it stop, I want to die!"

   The cursing power on Gallup also began to explode. Wolf hairs began to grow on his face, as did his arms, calves, and neck.

   But, at the same time, his mission was completed. The poison in the big wrist was drunk completely, revealing a small scarlet bottle.

  Sharf raised his wand, looked at Schelling and asked, "Let me end his pain with the Killing Curse?"

Xie Lin shook his head and said, "No need. I think he was cursed because he lost the suppression of his magical power. He won't live long. Let's ignore him. As he is now, he should even be cursed. The strength to move the root finger is gone."

   Xie Lin walked to the side of the big bowl and pulled off the cap of the red bottle. A beautiful red glow spurted from the mouth of the bottle, like a red rainbow. A blood drop slowly rose from the bottle mouth.

   Xie Lin smiled, he guessed what it was.

   Since Ravenclaw left behind the "Essence of Wisdom", Hufflepuff left behind the "Source of Life", both of which are the highest-end powers in magic. Then, obviously, Slytherin couldn't let himself be compared by two women.

   This blood bead must be--

   "Pure Blood".

Xie Lin stretched out his hand and beckoned against the blood bead. The blood bead drifted closer to Xie Lin as if it was spiritual. Xie Lin's magic eyes can clearly see that there is a powerful energy inside, and there are extremely amazing magic fluctuations floating on it. .

   Before Xie Lin could figure out how to use this pure blood, the blood suddenly glowed red, turning into a red light into Xie Lin's chest.

When he got the "Essence of Wisdom", Xie Lin felt the taste of mental energy skyrocketing; when he got the "Source of Life", Xie Lin felt the feeling of endless vitality in the body; and at this moment, he got the "pure blood." ——

   Schelling felt nothing at all.

   There is no increase in magic power, no change in mental power and soul strength, and even the body and appearance are not different.

   Xie Lin closed his eyes and used mental energy to look inside the organs and tissues in his body. After carefully searching back and forth several times, he found a red blood bead hanging a few centimeters above his heart.

   With every beating of the heart, the red blood beads will release a very small amount of red energy into the heart, letting that energy merge into one's own blood. Because that energy was too small, Xie Lin couldn't even see what effect it could have on his own blood.

  Although the acquired good fortune can't see any use in the short term, Xie Lin did not show any discouragement. Anyway, no matter what changes in the blood, this will not be a bad thing, right?

   At this moment, the stone platform made a loud rumbling noise, and it sank into the ground amidst the shaking.

   Around the two of Xie Lin, there was a rumbling sound at the same time, and six huge obelisk-shaped stone steles slowly rose from the ground.

Each stone tablet is filled with dense serpentine scripts with red bloodstains. Although Schelling and Salf can understand serpentine scripts, due to the differences in grammar and sentence structure between the Middle Ages and modern times, look like this The lengthy discussion still made the two of them feel exhausted, and it took a lot of time.

   After half an hour passed, Xie Lin rubbed his temples.

   "Sharf," Schelling called softly.

   "Master, what's the matter?" Salf responded respectfully.

"I have disappeared from the public eye of Hogwarts for quite a while, although Daphne and Astoria will help me cover it up, but I think if I don’t show up, I’m afraid there will be other consequences. I don’t want to The old man with the white beard stared at me so quickly.” Xie Lin calculated the time. From setting up in the Slytherin secret room in the early morning last night, and then making the magic wand, the ceremony also took a lot of time. Until this morning, he set off for Ireland. Witch Valley found the basin all the way, and then found this crypt from the basin, it can be said that almost half a day has passed.

Sherrington paused and said, "The outline of these six steles is already a bit eye-catching. Each stele corresponds to a snake language magic, and only snake language masters can perform it. However, this is not simply It can be done by reading the pronunciation and waving a magic wand. It also requires a basic knowledge and understanding of snake language magic. That's why such a cumbersome and lengthy theory is written on the stone tablet..."

  Sharf frowned slightly, "Is the essence of snake language magic different from the mainstream magic of other wizards?"

"The magic theory of wizards has been basically finalized since the Middle Ages. Almost all wizards in the world have agreed that magic is how to use the magic power in the body to affect reality, and everyone knows that magic power is wielded from the hand through the manipulation of the spirit. Yes, so based on this, the wizard invented the wand and the spell to assist in the stability of the cast and achieve precise cast."

   Salf has already understood this part. It should be said that all wizards who have completed the first grade understand this common sense.

   The so-called precision casting means that there will be no unexpected effects when a certain magic is cast. For example, in Miranda Gosak’s "Standard Spells, Elementary", it was mentioned that the wizard Barufio was inattentive when casting spells. He said that'f' became's' and found himself Lying on the floor with a bison standing on his chest. Later, Professor Flivy used this incident as an example to warn students when he taught the Levitating It also created a big joke in the past life of Schelling reading fan novels——

   In the previous life, many fan writers thought that as long as the floating spell was mispronounced, it would become a "buffalo magic spell", and even a well-known fan also used this method to turn the buffalo into a nauseous Draco round. Actually, the complete spell of the floating spell is, where does the ‘f’ come from?

"Salph, as long as you carefully recall the memory of your transformation into a snake shape, you will find that the animal world actually has language and communication. For example, bees will express it through flight tracks. Reason, although the different sounds made by snakes are hissing in human ears, in fact, each sound represents a kind of thought and meaning of snakes..."

"This is an existence close to instinct," Xie Lin said lightly: "So, even though you are a snake whisperer, you probably didn't realize that every snake language pronunciation actually contains snakes. Biological understanding of life, death, and the world can also be said to be the worldview and philosophy of snake creatures. Only a thorough understanding of snake creatures’ thinking mode can exert the full power of snake language magic."

"I think we should really go back. The stele can be taken away and studied slowly." Schelling took out the wand and suitcase. "During this time, you will stay with these steles in the suitcase space and be responsible for cracking. And studying the magic on the stone tablets, I can see that each stone tablet corresponds to a snake language magic. You will stay there until you have mastered the six spells, okay?"

   "Your wish is my mission. ( Salf bowed slightly and said.

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