The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 744 I will not force you!

Hearing the astronomical figure of 10 million, everyone fell silent.

The students even coughed carefully, for fear that it would be too loud, so Yang Fei was the first to catch him.

Yang Fei said slowly: "Everyone, don't think that 10 million is scary. Don't forget, we have fifty-seven companies, and if they are shared equally, it is only a little over 170,000."

Someone muttered: "Seventeen to eighty thousand, it's a drizzle for you, but for small businesses like us just starting out, isn't it just a cut of meat?"

Immediately, someone cheered: "That's right, now is our growth period, you can't come and grab the wool."

Yang Fei's face was calm, listening to everyone's discussion.

Chen Mo was very anxious, and said: "Everyone, don't jump to conclusions so quickly, what kind of wool is so ugly! Don't forget, this is also the wish of the establishment of the entrepreneurial club, and the original intention of our entrepreneurial club."

"Regardless of our original intention, we can't donate so much all at once! We are not a big company."

"I didn't say at the beginning that I would donate 10 million yuan at a time. Is it so much to build a student apartment?"

Chen Mo said: "Actually, after apportioning it, it's really not much."

Yang Fei pressed his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

The discussion among the crowd gradually calmed down.

Yang Fei said in a deep voice: "A company has been established for almost two years. Under my Yang Fei's personal guidance, it didn't even earn more than a hundred thousand?"

He pointed to the door: "I'm sorry, such a company, such a business owner, I am no longer able to assist you, nor can I guide you. Please go out! The door is over there, don't send it!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was astonished, stunned, and surprised.

Chen Mo, Ning Xin and people who are familiar with Yang Fei feel that this is the real Yang Fei!

Seeing President Yang get angry, the attitude of the students at the scene was obviously better.

Only then did they deeply understand that Yang Fei was not an ordinary student, nor an ordinary business owner.

Yang Fei's handsome and sunny appearance can easily deceive people, but people forget his true identity - the boss of Meili Group!

In the latest wealth list,

Yang Fei was ranked as the richest man in Southern Province!

The wealth list's statistics on Yang Fei's wealth are one billion yuan.

I don't know how this statistic was derived.

Anyway, after Yang Fei saw this number, he smiled lightly and was noncommittal.

Even if it is one billion, it is a number that is out of reach for these student entrepreneurs here.

It is also an astronomical figure, ten million is nothing compared to one billion.

Can a person who can hold such a huge wealth be an ordinary person?

Yang Fei pointed at the hand at the door, slowly put it down, and said with sharp eyes and calmly: "No one left? Does that mean that the development of the company in the past two years has been quite satisfactory?"

Everyone is silent.

Even if they earn so much money, it is still their due reward for their labor.

It really hurts to ask them to take it out now.

If the accumulation of wealth reaches a certain height, and there are several million in your hands, it doesn't matter if you take out hundreds of thousands.

However, the funds of small enterprises are already very tight. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are not impossible to get out, but once they are out, the company may fall into economic crisis.

Yang Fei said slowly: "I will not force you to pay much. Next, we will make donations. Donate as much or as little as you like. If you don't donate, I won't kill you."

As a result, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time felt very surprised.

Just now Yang Fei said so resolutely, as if if you don't take out the money, you will be kicked out of the entrepreneurial club, but now he suddenly changed his style, donating as much or as little as he likes?

Yang Fei said: "Chen Mo and Ning Xin, you are in charge of registration. We give priority to collecting donations from fifty-seven companies. Members who have not yet founded their own company, if you want to donate, you can donate. Even if you only donate one dollar, we welcome it. And your name will be recorded, and your place will be on the donation list at that time."

"Hehe, one dollar? Can it be included in the roster? That's not a joke? Either don't donate, or donate more."

"Yeah, this is our alma mater, what's the matter with donating some money? I usually save a few hundred yuan, and I can still save it."


Ning Xin and Chen Mo, one on the left and one on the right, each took a roster to register for the pledge.

There are still a small number of people who are really small.

Most of the students think this way. It is more of a kind of experience to start your own company when you are a student. This is also started under the guidance and help of Yang Fei. Now donate some money, although It hurts, but if you can contribute to the development of the school's infrastructure and leave your name on the school's honor roll, isn't this a kind of investment?

Enterprises need fame, and entrepreneurs need fame even more.

Why do so many successful and famous people like to do charity and donate money and materials for free?

A good reputation is more difficult to obtain than a good business, but it is also easier for people to succeed.

"Our computer training class, donate 200,000 yuan!"

The first to donate money was the computer training course sponsored by Yang Fei, which was also the most successful start-up company that Yang Fei directly guided.

In 1995, Microsoft launched a new generation of Windows operating system, which allows people who do not understand profound computer knowledge to easily operate and get started. This epoch-making innovation has brought personal computers into the homes of ordinary people faster and more More and more companies have also started paperless office.

What followed was an upsurge in learning computers.

No matter which major you study, you will go outside for computer tutoring and training.

And many wage earners and factory girls in society, in order to seek higher development opportunities and enrich themselves, will also pay hard money to learn computers, hoping to change their destiny.

Although nine out of ten people did not engage in related jobs after learning computers, and more people only learned to type and play games, but the popularity of the training class was beyond doubt.

The training class of the Entrepreneurial Club has increased from the initial three classes and 30 computers to the current 30 classes and 300 computers!

In this day and age, everything related to computers is surprisingly expensive.

Even if you just come to practice typing and practice Wubi in DOS environment, you will be charged four yuan an hour.

As for the training fee, it is even higher. Each student has to pay hundreds of tuition fees every semester, and there is only one class per week. If you want to improve as soon as possible, you have to spend money to practice.

Moreover, the money for the training class was all funded by Yang Fei, and the students just helped to take care of and manage it.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the computer training class to pledge 200,000 yuan.

"Tawny, donate two hundred thousand!"

This project was proposed by a girl. She wanted to imitate it after seeing the popularity of the milk tea sister.

Yang Fei agreed to her entrepreneurial project and made an investment.

Unexpectedly, the tea color is very impressive. The same tea is made, but the tea color has a different style. The traditional tea is mainly used, and the taste of milk tea and fruit tea is added to make a taste more suitable for Chinese people. Girls' love, to some extent, can keep pace with grandma with milk tea.

One donation of Brown is 200,000 yuan, which shows the success of this project.

With the start of these two companies, others immediately felt a lot of pressure.

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