The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 540: Yang Fei's Interview Questions

"Hello boss, the interviewees have been arranged."

On the ninth floor of Wanhua Building, in Yang Fei's office, Jiang Wanxia reported softly.

"A total of thirty people?"

"Yes, thirty people are carefully selected by the human resources department to compete for seven positions in the mineral water factory. One is the boss, and there are also vice presidents of the six major departments of production, sales, personnel, finance, products, and administration. "

"Okay, you can arrange for someone to come in."

"Boss, how many minutes is everyone's time limit?"

Thirty people, even if each person takes five minutes, it will take two to three hours.

Yang Fei pondered for a while, and said, "No need, I'll just control the time."

The first interviewer walked in nervously.

This is a young man in his thirties, wearing a neat suit, and his hair is meticulously styled with mousse.

Seeing that his head was covered with sweat, Yang Fei asked, "Is it very hot? Is the air conditioner turned on too high?"

"Not hot." The man shifted his position restrainedly and said, "Boss, my name is Xu Rulin. I am applying for the vice president of production."

"Okay. Now, I'm your customer, and you're selling me an invisible pen."

"Invisible pen? How can there be an invisible pen in the world? If it is invisible, who can hold it in his hand?" Xu Rulin said, and glanced at Yang Fei, trying to get some clues from the other's face.

"..." Yang Fei's face was calm and calm, making it difficult to understand his inner thoughts.

"Oh!" Xu Rulin suddenly realized in a trance, "Boss, you want me to sell a pen, but you don't have the real thing, right? Then I know."

So, he began to sell pens endlessly.

Yang Fei listened to him patiently, and said, "You can go out now."

Xu Rulin said in a daze, "Boss, I'm interviewing the vice president of production. I may not be very good at sales, but my other abilities are still very strong. Do you want to make another exam question?"

Yang Fei said: "Don't be nervous, this interview is just a procedure.

The real admission will be based on the usual assessment and performance. "

Xu Rulin said: "Boss, please test me one more question! I didn't answer it well just now, so I feel uneasy."

Yang Fei said: "I'll give you ten yuan, and you can help me buy two bags of pure white natural soap powder!"

"What?" Xu Rulin was stunned, "Are you still short of white soap powder?"

Yang Fei said: "This is the topic."

"Ah?" Xu Rulin was extremely nervous for a moment, with sweat billowing from his forehead, "Okay, I'll go buy it right away."

Yang Fei said: "This is just an exam question, and I don't really ask you to buy it."

Xu Rulin calmed down a little, and said, "White natural soap powder costs seven yuan a bag, and ten yuan can't buy two bags."

Yang Fei said, "Is this your answer?"

"Yes." Xu Rulin said, "Just like an exam, this is an inequality and cannot be established."

Yang Fei said: "Mr. Xu studies mathematics?"


"Then let me ask another question."

"Okay, thank you boss."

"25 horse races, no stopwatch, five tracks. Use the least number of races to find the three fastest horses."

Xu Rulin quickly repeated the test questions, and said: "Six times. Five tracks, five horses can be run each time, and 25 horses must be run in five times. Finally, gather the first place in each group and run again , take the top three."

Yang Fei was noncommittal and said, "Okay, you can go out."

Xu Rulin murmured, "Is there something wrong?"

Yang Fei said: "This is just to test everyone's reaction ability and attitude towards things. You answered very well."

Xu Rulin breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you boss."

The second interviewer came in, a young man wearing glasses.

The talent reserve is mainly composed of young people, most of whom are college students who have just entered the society, and some are experienced workers recruited from various talent markets.

"Hello boss, I'm He Zhiping."

"Hi Mr. He, please sit down."


"The interview starts now. I will give you ten yuan to buy me two bags of white natural soap powder."

"Okay, I'll go buy it now."

"I said if. It's an interview question."

"Oh, then my answer is the same. I will do what the boss tells me."

"Is there not enough money?"

"I don't know enough, but I can pay in advance first, and then I can ask for financial reimbursement later. The boss's words are orders. If there are conditions, you must obey them. If you don't have conditions, you must implement them to the end!"

Yang Fei nodded and said, "These two bags of washing powder are for my personal use, not for the company."

"That's okay, I'll just put it on for you. When I ask you later, can you still send me a few dollars? Even if you don't give it to me, it's okay, I can still pay a few dollars."

Yang Fei smiled slightly: "Listen carefully, the second question: 25 horses, no stopwatch, five tracks. Use the least number of games to find the three fastest horses."

He Zhiping thought about it seriously, and said, "I think it will take at least six to ten times to be completely sure."

Yang Fei said, "Why?"

He Zhiping said: "Every time five horses are run, the five fastest horses can be selected, and then the first place in the five groups will have the sixth race. If the five horses are average If you choose three horses at random, they will be the fastest horses. If the difference in results is too large, then you have to consider the issue of differences. You have to choose the second place from each of the previous five groups. , to conduct a competition with the other No. 1. Therefore, six to ten times is more reliable."

Yang Fei nodded slowly, and said, "What is the most memorable thing in your childhood?"

He Zhiping was stunned for a moment, apparently he didn't expect Yang Fei's thinking to jump so much, but he immediately replied: "The thing that impressed me the most was that my brother and I shared an apple. Our family is poor and we have never eaten fruit. The apple The apple was brought back by my dad from a wedding outside, and he cut it in half, and my brother ate the bigger half, I always remember it.”

Yang Fei said, "Why?"

He Zhiping said: "Because of his quick hands, I kept telling myself that in the future, I must be quick when I distribute anything!"

Yang Fei said: "I thought it was the warm story of Kong Rong letting pears!"

He Zhiping said: "If the two brothers have a large age difference, they may still give up pears. Or people with good family conditions who can eat pears every day will also give up pears."

Yang Fei was thoughtful: "I understand. Thank you."

He Zhiping said: "Boss, is my answer bad?"

Yang Fei said: "It's very real. You go out and wait for the result."

The third was a woman, who looked younger and was very well dressed.

"Hi boss, my name is Ye Ying, Ye Zi's, Ye Ying's Ying. I am applying for the position of Vice President of Finance."

"Very good." Yang Fei said, "Miss Ye, please sit down, and the interview will start now. Please pay attention to the listening questions: 1 to 10 points, how much do you rate your life?"

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