The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2575 Original Intention

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The result of Yang Fei's visit to Meifang Factory was beyond his expectation.

He originally thought that Li Juan's changes to the company would definitely cause dissatisfaction among employees, but he did not expect that employees' ability to adapt to the new system was far beyond imagination.

That's right. Those who are not used to it and are unwilling to work under the 996 working hour system have already left the company, either voluntarily or by force.

These years have been a period of demographic dividend for our country, and the most indispensable thing is general workers. After these people leave, a group of people can be recruited soon.

If one factory is like this, the situation in other factories must be similar. There is no need for Yang Fei to inspect it anymore.

After returning to the company, Yang Fei called a few old employees who had worked in the group for a long time to come in and have a heart-to-heart talk.

When asked how they felt after the welfare housing allocation was canceled after fifteen years of employment, these old employees all showed indifference.

It turns out that after so many years of hard work, coupled with the company's high wages and benefits, these old employees have good positions and good income. They no longer rent the company's houses long ago, but work in their favorite places. location, bought a new house.

Old employees who have been with the group for more than ten years and have reached certain supervisory or above positions are basically those who own houses and cars.

As for the company's welfare housing, the old employees smiled and said that they had never expected to get it.

Yang Fei was startled and asked why?

Old employees said that when they heard about the company's plan, they thought it was just a pie drawn by the company, a wish made by the company in its early stages to attract outstanding employees.

Since it is a vision, it is open to question whether it can be realized.

Moreover, fifteen years is a long time. Even if the company can continue to exist, the policy changes will be huge.

Even the government's welfare housing allocation can be canceled at any time. What's more, Meili Group is only a private enterprise?

Can you become an employee above a supervisor? Are your IQs online? Everyone will discuss this issue in private, and the results are the same? I just think that the company’s welfare allocation is good, just listen to it? Don’t take it seriously, refer to Not sure when it will be cancelled.

Yang Fei couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed after hearing this.

It is undeniable that he originally drew up this pie to retain talents.

This system did play a positive role in the start-up stage of the enterprise, retaining a large number of useful talents for the enterprise.

With the cancellation of the government's welfare housing allocation system, employees have lost hope in the company's welfare housing policy.

The country's good policies have been cancelled, so it's only a matter of time before the company's policies change.

When Li Juan announced the cancellation of this policy, no one was surprised. They just sighed. This day has finally come!

It can be said that the time of cancellation came neither early nor late. It was after the company's tenth anniversary celebration and relatively far away from the fifteen-year period.

Of course, some people have expressed opposition? But what's the use?

Not to mention canceling a welfare housing allocation? Even if I want to fire you, it's just a matter of words.

In a word, if you want to work, then stay, if you don't want to work, then resign, as long as you get the money you deserve.

Rules are always made by the strong. You are already working for others, what else can you do?

The company's rules and regulations are constantly changing!

The most important thing is that Yang Fei paid attention to it at the beginning. Regarding the welfare housing allocation, it was always just a verbal promise and was not written into the employment contract.

Besides, employment contracts are signed once a year or every two years, and the content of the contract will change every year. The content of the contract is also clearly written. Even during the contract period, if the company wants to fire you, it can still fire you, but it will only compensate you for one month more salary.

The real top management, managers like Wei Xinyuan, of course don't care about a house. Now they care more about equity dividends.

The company's current market value is so high,

A few more shares are more affordable than a house.

After the conversation, Yang Fei's mood did not become comfortable, but instead became heavier.

He thought of the two words Su Tong said, "original intention."

These changes in the company may seem serious, but they have not affected the fundamentals of the company, and have not even stirred up a single wave.

This is also the reason why Yang Fei didn't hear the different sounds at all.

The company's top management, people who have access to Yang Fei, don't care about this house at all. They also understand that it is just a painting, and it is gone now. They will not come to Yang Fei to reason with this matter. It will appear that the layout is too small and will be looked down upon by the boss.

Without access to Yang Fei's employees, there was no way to reason with Yang Fei. They didn't even have a place to reason.

After the conversation, Yang Fei had a rough idea.

Why can Su Tong hear different opinions but not himself?

No matter whether he was working at the grassroots level or having a heart-to-heart talk with the old management, everyone was smiling in front of him and saying good things, and no one had anything bad to say.

Yang Fei quickly understood because he was the boss and Su Tong was now the outsider.

Whether they are grassroots employees or senior managers, they all depend on Yang Fei for their survival. They don't dare to complain in front of Yang Fei, and they don't dare to fail even if they are in trouble, for fear that if they say something wrong, they will be targeted by their boss.

So they can only complain to people outside the company.

Yang Fei asked Li Juan to come over.

Li Juan came to his office and saw Yang Fei writing calligraphy. She asked curiously, "Can you do this?"

Yang Fei said, "I have been practicing, but you don't know it."

Li Juan smiled and said, "It seems that I don't know you well enough. What word did you write? Let me see - original intention?"

Yang Fei said, "Yes, it's the two words original intention."

Li Juan said, "It's well written. It feels very powerful, like an iron hook and silver stroke!"

Yang Fei said, "Juanzi, what do you think is the original intention of our Beauty Group?"

Li Juan said, "Of course it is profit. The purpose of any enterprise is to make profits, which is beyond doubt."

Yang Fei said, "I'm not asking about the purpose, but the original intention."

Li Juan said, "You founded the enterprise, and only you know it."

Yang Fei put down the brush and said, "I forgot it too."

Li Juan smiled and said, "Recently, I have been hearing people talk about the word 'original aspiration'. How did it become popular? Do people nowadays like to talk about the original aspiration? How should the word 'original aspiration' be understood?"

Yang Fei said, "It can be understood as the original intention."

Li Juan asked, "Is this a word invented by modern people?"

Yang Fei said, "There is this word in 'Soushen Ji', 'If you don't agree with your original aspiration, you will never see the end of life and death.' There is also a saying in 'Avatamsaka Sutra', 'Don't forget your original aspiration, and you will get the beginning and the end.'"

Li Juan said, "Yang Fei, then I don't understand. Isn't your original aspiration to make money?"

Yang Fei put his hands behind his back, looked at the two words he wrote, and shook his head, "I have forgotten. Now I have been running on the road of making money, but I have forgotten why I wanted to make money in the first place..."


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