The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2551: Vibrant or mediocre?

After Yi Shu returned home, he came to report to Yang Fei.

She asked with some confusion: "Boss, there are all acquaintances on the island, and surveillance has been installed in many places. Why do we need to install it again?"

Yang Fei smiled meaningfully: "Nothing. Is everything done?"

"It's done, no one will notice."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Yi Shu smiled and said: "The island is so beautiful, like a kingdom in a fairy tale. I don't want to leave!"

Yang Fei said: "Li Juan said I can't even keep you, you have to come back."

Yi Shu said: "I have something on my mind, and I want to come back and report my work to you. Besides, no matter how beautiful it is there, it is not a place I can stay."

Her eyebrows flashed slightly, and there were waves of light flowing.

This trip to the island brought a great psychological shock to Yi Shu.

She always thought that just because of the company's restructuring, the former secretary and Han Yiyi were transferred away. How could she have imagined that these beauties were all living happily on the island!

Yi Shu is a smart person. Although no one told her the relationship between these people on the island and Yang Fei, she felt like a mirror in her heart.

That small island is Yang Fei's property, but the people on that island are definitely not Yang Fei's employees.

After returning to China, Yishu described the experience of the island in detail to his sister Yidai.

Just like Marco Polo's travels, she was full of joy and longing for that small island in the sea, and described everything there as if it were heaven and earth.

Yi Dai originally had nothing to do, but after hearing her sister talk a lot, she couldn't help but feel a little longing for her.

That night, the two sisters were at their residence and talked about life on the island again.

Hearing her sister's unreceptive compliments, Yi Dai couldn't help but ask: "Is it really so good? Why does it feel like the kingdom in Disney fairy tales?"

Yi Shu said: "Yes, that's what you imagine, plus modern facilities and tools. Even at the airport, I have never seen so many airplanes and yachts at one time! They are all private! Incredible! All the modern facilities we can imagine are there, by the way, it’s a modern fairy tale kingdom!”

Yida said: "That has nothing to do with us. Don't be obsessed with that kind of life. It's not something we can live."

Yi Shu said: "Who do you think are the people living up there? Chen Mo, Ning Xin, Jiang Xiaojia, Chu Xiu? And Han Yiyi and the others! Weren't these people like you before, also Yang Fei's secretary? Now they are She actually became a princess!”

Yidai pursed her lips.

Yishu said: "Sister? What do you think? How did they hook up with the boss?"

Yida said: "Don't talk nonsense, what are you talking about? How can you talk nonsense?"

Yishu chuckled and said, "Sister, you're not still in the dark, are you? That means you're innocent! Don't you even think about it? Between them and the boss, if they were pure, would they be able to live on that island?" In the life of the top rich, no need to work or do anything? Open your eyes every day? Just think about how to play and how to spend money..."

Yidai pinched her sister's cheek gently: "You can't yearn for such a life!"

Yi Shu said: "Why can they do it but I can't? Are they born nobler than me? Except for Li Juan, Jiang Hanying, Chen Ruoling and Shi Si, how different are the backgrounds of other women from ours? Chu Xiu's Life experience is not as good as ours!”

Yida said: "You can't think like that? Once you think like that, you will become bad!"

Yi Shu said: "Going bad? Sister? Do you really think that the life Chen Mo and the others are living now is a bad life? Are we living here in a snail's nest, struggling for three meals a day? I don't know that we can be here in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse and the Moon. Who owns a two-bedroom apartment of his own in a big city? But others have already lived the life of a billionaire? Sitting in the blue sky and blue sea, having bodyguards when going out, flying on airplanes, driving yachts, and buying whatever you want without blinking an eye. There are maid services..."


Is this kind of life a bad life?


The way Ning Xin and others live their lives is indeed contrary to the educational concepts Yi Dai received.

"No, this is not good." Yida insisted, "We should rely on our own hands and work to create a better life. Instead of thinking about getting something for nothing all day long. This kind of thinking is very dangerous."

Yi Shu smiled: "Sister, let me ask you, do you admit that this is a male-dominated society?"

Yida said: "Men and women are equal!"

Yi Shu said: "Do you really think that men and women are equal? ​​In all classes you come into contact with, whether it is politics or business, are there more men or women at the top? Occasionally, there are a few strong women who embellish the Just a different scenery!”

Yida wanted to refute, but was powerless.

Yi Shu said: "Even if you don't have access to very high-level people, you have always watched TV news, right? Look at those high-level leaders, how many women are there? Only when we women are needed to work and work, men That’s why we shout out the slogan that women hold up half the sky! Some women are stupid enough to use this as an excuse! They don’t know how to show weakness. For us weak women, showing weakness is the best way to protect ourselves!”

Yi Dai was shaking with anger and said, "You really went to college in vain! Look at you, what have you learned!"

Yi Shu said: "I have learned to think instead of following what others say. If we want to position ourselves correctly, we must first understand ourselves. You said that men and women are equal. Do men need to take menstrual leave every month? Do men need to take maternity leave? No Need. With these bonds, what can we women do to compete with men? Inequality is inherent. What we can seek is equality in personality and social life, and there is no such thing as equality. Concept. It is precisely because of inequality that women shout for equality every day. Equality between men and women should have been a slogan used by women to protect their rights and interests, but now it has become a tool for men to use laziness to control women!"

Yi Dai shook her head and said: "Stop talking. Your thoughts are very dangerous. Anyway, I tell you, Yi Shu, you are a person who has gone to college. You must follow the right path and not the crooked way! I allow you to follow Chen Mo and others The way!”

Yishu chuckled and said, "Sister, you think too highly of me. How can the boss like me?"

Yi Dai said: "Listen to what you mean, if he takes a fancy to you, would you still want to get on his boat?"

Yi Shu said: "Don't ask me, ask yourself first. If it were you, would you do it?"

Yidai said without hesitation: "No!"

Yi Shu said: "Sister, are you really unwilling?"

Yida said: "You can't do that either! Live your life honestly and plainly is the real thing!"

Yi Shu rolled his eyes: "That's because you can't live vigorously!"

At this time, her cell phone suddenly rang.

Yi Shu picked it up and looked at it, and smiled happily: "Sister, it's a call from the boss, do you think I should answer it? It's so late, and he asked me out, doesn't he have some thoughts about me? Hehe! "

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