"Okay." Yan Yaoshun agreed.

"Call Cousin and Dan Tong, and give them a chance to develop a relationship between husband and wife." Ni Lehui suggested.

The corner of Yan Yaoshun's mouth twitched, can this cultivate the relationship between husband and wife? Isn't it private to cultivate the relationship between husband and wife? Would three large light bulbs fit? "as long as you are happy."

The plan couldn't keep up with the change, they packed up, and before they had time to go to Wen Zhifan, Wen Zhifan came to them, and the hospital sent a dangerous mother and called them back to the hospital.

The plan changed, Yan Yaoshun could only send them to the hospital, they went to the operating room, Yan Yaoshun came to Wen Zhifan's office, playing with Ni Lehui's mobile phone.

Yan Yaoshun clicked on the group of rotten women and scumbags again, and the news popped up.

The dusty years: "It's rare to be confused. I have been married for four years. I had an induced abortion in March of the first year. I have never used contraception until I found out that I was pregnant in early June this year, but my stomach hurts. I went to the hospital for an examination, but the doctor said that the embryo was not good, and it fell off naturally within a few days. Okay, my menstruation is not very good, it is always delayed, sometimes it takes half a month, the amount is not too much, and there is moderate to severe cervical erosion, leucorrhea is not good, everything else is fine, Now I can’t stand the pressure from the elders. In fact, I really like BB myself. The first abortion was because I took drugs and I was afraid it would be bad for BB. Now I think about it. I really regret it. I am 26 years old this year, and my husband is 28 years old. , although it is not big, but it feels not small. Now I suddenly think of test-tube babies. The success rate seems not very high, but as long as it succeeds, it will be twins, so I want to try it. I don’t know if I am in this situation. It can be done, do you have any sisters who know, please give me some advice, I want a baby too strongly now, I am so envious to see those happy big bellies, every little baby is so cute .”

Yan Yaoshun knew that it was Ni Lehui who was so confused. Last time he helped her chat, she was angry. This time Yan Yaoshun stopped talking. He just watched. Yan Yaoshun was not interested in their topics. To pass the time, he didn't mind to have a look.

The dusty years: "It's rare to be confused, are you there?"

Dusty Years: "Why is no one paying attention, I am really anxious to do it, and I have checked the information, but I am still a little scared. I heard that women suffer very much. Have you ever been a sister? Can you describe it? ?”

Yu, who fell in love with cats: "It's rare to be confused but a busy person. I'm not around in nine out of ten cases. Leave her a private message."

Fish who fell in love with cats: "The dusty years, I'm sorry, I really don't know much about this thing."

Shengru Xiahua: "I know the cost seems a bit high, but when I think about having two babies, my heart boils. Have you ever thought about it?"

Laughing often: "It's not certain that there will be twins! My friend's uncle and aunt's children are test-tube babies. Their first child is a daughter, and the second child is twins, but they are not doing it in China. Yes, and when they did it, the woman had already been certified as infertile. She was already in her 30s at the time. I think that if it wasn’t for the doctor’s diagnosis of infertility, it’s better not to do it. How nice it is to be natural! Moreover, you have not been married for long, and you are not very old, hehe, it is purely a suggestion, and I don’t quite understand it! It’s just thinking about it.”

Laughing often: "The more anxious you are, the less likely the baby will come, so let's take it slow! You have to have a good attitude and have confidence. I didn't ask if it was a success. After all, it's not my uncle. I'm sorry. Ask!"

Life is like a summer flower: "I am in the same situation as the dusty years. How could it be such a coincidence, but the time is a little different from yours. Now I can only let nature take its course and don't want to be a test tube."

Who is in charge of Fuchen: "I have a relative who also did test tubes. The first time it didn't work, and then he succeeded again. In fact, why would I want to do test tubes if I can conceive! My relatives didn't have twins, so the test tubes are also good. It doesn't have to be twins."

Laughing often: "Don't worry, you are only 26 years old, and you have been pregnant before, so it proves that you don't have any reproductive diseases. Now you mainly need to take care of your body. If it is cervical erosion, you have to hurry up and treat it. The disease must be treated to give birth or not. If it is serious, the consequences will be unimaginable. Think about it, if you are pregnant during the illness and then treated, it will be hard to say whether you can keep the fetus. I used to be constipated and procrastinated. The indiscriminate use of drugs leads to drug-induced constipation. After accidentally conceiving a child, I dare not take the drug again, but if I don’t take it, I will become constipated, which is very painful. So you should treat your disease as soon as possible, and you can meet it with a healthy body. Healthy BB!"

Laughing often: "The dusty years, don't be impatient, you will be fine after recuperation, I don't think you will be able to do it in such a situation, and it's not like you won't have children."

Happy Yuelao: "Take care of your body. Without a healthy body, no matter if you are pregnant naturally or through test tubes, it will definitely be very painful. At such a young age, it is better to take Chinese medicine first, plus exercise, and develop healthy living habits. The chances of getting pregnant are very easy. big."

Kiss my lips: "When I gave birth to our twin sons in the Maternal and Child Health Hospital this year, there was a pair of dragon and phoenix twins in the bed next to me, which were test-tube babies. But hearing her talk about test-tube babies, I suffered a lot and it was very hard. of!"

Shengru Xiahua: "Yes, I also know that it seems that women who have test tubes suffer a lot, but I also went to the Maternal and Child Health Hospital to ask about it today, and I was scolded by the doctor! They said that test tubes are not easy for everyone. Yes, hey! What should I do, I’m dying of anxiety.”

The dusty years: "My menstrual cycle is very inaccurate, and the time of each month is not accurate. What should I do?"

Kiss my lips: "Don't worry, my menstruation is not accurate, the short period is 30 days, and the long period is 50 days, so I have been using ovulation test strips, and I will do my homework on the days when I get a strong yang. I also went to the hospital for follicle monitoring, and in the few days when the ovulation is fast, I also work hard, and the chance of pregnancy is higher."

Life is like a summer flower: "Take your time, you are still young, wait for two years to talk!"

Who is in charge of Fuchen: "Why are you in such a hurry to do test-tube babies? You are still so young. Test-tube babies are not successful every time. I heard that if you do it, it may not necessarily be successful, and the cost is high."

Shengru Xiahua: "My menstrual cycle is not accurate. The shortest time is 30 days, and the longest time is 60 days. After taking Chinese medicine for 2 months, I was pregnant with the baby. Now the baby is in my It's been more than 4 months in my stomach, haha, the dusty years, have confidence, the baby will come back."

The dusty years: "Hehe! Sisters, I have already thought about it. I have canceled the plan to do test tubes. I am going to go to the hospital to have a good look. I have heard many people say that you should not be impatient. No, you have to put your mind at ease, hey! I can only comfort myself, I just want to know what to do about my cervical erosion, whether to treat it first or wait for the baby to be born, I don’t know if it will have any effect!"

Kiss my lips: "If cervical erosion affects pregnancy, please consult a doctor. If you want to conceive now, should you take drug treatment or other treatment methods first."

The Dusty Years: "Okay, thank you! I want to go and see it on Monday, and I can't keep worrying about it. I need treatment! Hehe!"

Shengru Xiahua: "I also understand how you feel right now."

Love is off the rails: "I'm from Tianjin, and I'm doing test tubes. There's nothing scary about it. I have polycystic ovaries, a type of infertility. Pregnancy is a very complicated process, and it's very troublesome if there is a problem in any link. I want to share with you sisters, my feelings! In the dusty years, you can try artificial insemination first, and if it doesn’t work, you can be a test-tube baby, it seems like this.”

Shengru Xiahua: "I want to ask, is test-tube baby covered by medical insurance?"

The miserable angel: "If anyone knows, please tell me quickly, okay, I'm in a hurry, I feel the same as the dusty years, I'm not too young, because I like children very much, and the mood of wanting to have a baby soon It’s the same, I’ve been waiting for a miracle every month, but when I see that I’m menstruating, I feel so depressed every time, I cry almost every few days, I really want to Hurry up and have a baby, I want to do a test tube, but the cost is so high, it may not be possible, hey!"

Yan Ziyou was sitting on a chair outside the yard, feeling her stomach being kicked, Yan Ziyou looked down at the baby who kicked her in her stomach, her nose was a little sore, Sun Yu asked her to slap her for no reason After losing the child, she clearly agreed to let her have the child, and promised that she would treat the child well, as if it were her own child, but Sun Yu suddenly changed his mind about what happened.

The child is seven months old, no matter what, she must protect the child in her stomach.

Yan Ziyou touched her stomach, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, but her eyes were cold, she sniffed and comforted her. "Baby, don't kick your mother. Don't worry, your mother will take good care of you and let you come into this world healthy and healthy. My baby, my mother is very greedy. I want you and my father. You must trust your mother, etc. When you were born, your father will love you very much, and your mother will not divorce your father, and your mother will not let you lack fatherly love. If anyone wants to take away my baby's father, my mother will fight with all her strength. And, baby, I can't tell grandma about this, we have to keep it from grandma."

"Young Mistress, don't sit for too long, the weather is cold, you will catch cold, I will help you back to your room." The servant said.

"Go and do your work first, and I'll sit down for a while." Yan Ziyou said.

"Young Mistress." The servant hesitated for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth. "Young Mistress, in fact, if you want to keep someone's heart, you must first keep his stomach."

Sugar-coated cannonballs, this is not the point, Yan Ziyou stood up, pointed at the servant, and angrily said: "You eavesdrop on me."

"I'm sorry, young mistress, I didn't mean it." The servant lowered his head, and his attitude was not humble.

"You can forgive me if you want, but you have to tell me, what do men like?" Yan Ziyou squinted her eyes slightly, and actually forced her to ask a servant who was her age, as if she was in a hurry to go to the doctor.

"Surprise, accident, love breakfast, everyone hopes to suddenly receive a love breakfast from a loved one without knowing it." The servant lowered his head, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Surprise, surprise, love breakfast." Yan Ziyou held his chin and murmured, looking up at the sky, it was already past the time of delivering breakfast, and it was almost time to deliver lunch.

Sun Yu works so hard every day, and he has to go to work today on Sunday. If he suddenly received lunch from her in the office, would he be excited, but she can't go out! Mrs. Sun is not in the main house, nor is the housekeeper. She is the mistress of the house, and she has the final say in the house.

Yan Ziyou suddenly stared at the servant with a smile, which made the servant feel numb. "Young...young mistress."

"What's your name?" Yan Ziyou asked.

"Young Mistress, you can call me Xiaolan." Xiaolan said.

"Xiaolan, you are really my savior sent by God, will you help me?" Yan Ziyou put his hands on Xiaolan's shoulders, smiling strangely and sinisterly.

Xiaolan naturally did not dare to disobey Yan Ziyou's order. With Xiaolan's help, what Yan Ziyou wanted was quickly prepared. Yan Ziyou took Xiaolan and rushed to Sun's to deliver thing.

"Hmm." There was an uncontrollable groan in the car.

"Xiaolan, what's wrong with you?" Yan Ziyou moaned in pain when he saw Xiaolan sitting next to him clutching his stomach.

"Young Mistress, my stomach hurts." Xiaolan bit her lower lip, looking very painful. "Ah, no, I can't take it anymore, master, please step aside for a moment, I know where the president's company is, wait for me... Ah, no, young mistress, I will look for you later."

When the driver stopped the car, Xiaolan quickly opened the door and got out of the car, and ran towards the opposite shopping mall.

"Don't you need to wait for her?" Yan Ziyou asked a little puzzled when she saw that Xiaolan got out of the car and the driver started driving.

"Hehe, I'll take the young mistress downstairs to the CEO first, and then drive back to pick up Xiaolan." The driver replied through the mirror.

"That's fine." Yan Ziyou nodded, all she was thinking about was Sun Yu's surprised expression when she saw her loving lunch, and she didn't realize that she had fallen into a trap.

On the other side, Xiao Lan stood on the opposite road, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and dialed Bi Xue's number. "Miss Bi, the matter you explained has been successfully completed."

"Well done, just stand there and wait for a while, and someone will send you the money." Bi Xue said.

"Thank you, Miss Bi. If you have anything to do in the future, just ask." Money is a good thing, and some people will do anything outrageous for money.

Sun downstairs.

"You just wait here for me, and I'll come down after delivering the bento." Yan Ziyou held the bento in both hands and said to the driver with a smile. She likes to eat, but in fact she doesn't know how to cook. Thanks to her mother-in-law, she can cook now, washing, cooking and cleaning.

"Okay, young mistress, be careful." The driver helped Yan Ziyou out of the car, and said with some concern, "You really don't want me to go in with young mistress?"

"I can do it alone." Yan Ziyou touched her swollen belly with one hand, and held a lunch box in the other. She looked up at the tall buildings in front of her, and walked carefully towards the steps. This is the first time she has been married for so long. Come to the place where Sun Yu works.

The driver watched Yan Ziyou's back, and didn't close the door until she entered the building, and drove to find Xiaolan to share the money.

As soon as Yan Ziyou pushed the door and entered, he was preempted by others and staggered. Seeing the glass door bounce back, Yan Ziyou backed away to avoid being hit in the stomach by the door.

"I was scared to death, but luckily I didn't hurt the baby." Yan Ziyou said frightened after patting her chest, but fortunately she reacted quickly, otherwise she couldn't imagine the consequences.

Da da da, the sound of high heels stepping on the floor is particularly harsh, through the glass door, Yan Ziyou looked at the impolite woman just now, only saw her back clearly, wearing a fiery red dress, said a few words to the receptionist , and walked towards the elevator entrance with her proud steps.

Yan Ziyou was wearing maternity clothes, with a pair of flat shoes on her feet. In the past, she was dressed up like the woman just now. Because she was pregnant, her mother didn't allow her to dress herself up.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" the front desk lady asked in a sweet voice.

"Hello, I'm looking for Sun Yu." Yan Ziyou grinned, and a bright smile appeared on her delicate and moist face.

Sun Yu, the lady at the front desk was stunned, she looked Yan Ziyou up and down, she really couldn't see anything special about this little pregnant woman who dared to call their president by his first name, she just took Yan Ziyou as if she had escaped from a psychiatric hospital Patients, do not have the heart to chase others. "security guard."

"Fuck! Let me tell you, Mr. Zhu, is your head squeezed by the door? You dare to leak this kind of criticism, and it even caused me to come to the company with you on Sunday." A furious voice covered the voice of the front desk lady.

Seeing the two of them, the front desk lady immediately stood up straight and bent over at 70 degrees. "Hello, President Zhu, and Assistant Li."

Li Hai glanced at Yan Ziyou inadvertently from the corner of his eye, and Li Hai was taken aback, his eyes were familiar, and he took a closer look, isn't it the wife of the president?

"Assistant Li, what's the matter?" Mr. Zhu saw that Li Hai stopped suddenly, followed his gaze, and saw the front desk lady blushed, and slapped him on the shoulder. "You can do it, kid! Even our front desk lady is not spared. I remember who said that rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests."

"Get out, deal with the low-level mistakes I made." Li Hai threw the document in his hand onto Mr. Zhu's chest, ran up to Yan Ziyou, and shouted with a smile on his face, "Madam President."

When Li Hai called her the president's wife, the two were dumbfounded.

Under Li Hai's leadership, Yan Ziyou came in smoothly and got out of the elevator. Li Hai said: "Madam President, the President's office is just ahead. I still have something urgent to deal with, so I won't send you in."

"Okay, thank you." Yan Ziyou sincerely thanked you. "If I hadn't bumped into you suddenly, I think I wouldn't have gotten in so smoothly."

"Hehe, it should be, you are the wife of the president, and it is my responsibility to serve you." Li Hai's eyes fell on Yan Ziyou's swollen belly, and he shook his head regretfully. It's a pity that he is not the president's child.

Because today is Sunday, the surrounding area is unusually quiet, and even the secretary didn't come to the company.

Before arriving at the president's office, Yan Ziyou raised his hand to knock on the door, but found that the door was not closed at all, and it happened that Sun Yu's cold voice came from inside. "Am I worth your trouble?"

Through the gap, Yan Ziyou could see clearly the back of the coquettishly dressed woman just now, her heart beat suddenly, and she told Yan Ziyou to leave rationally, only by leaving would she not be harmed, but her feet seemed to have taken root on the ground .

"Yu, I explained to you that I have difficulties."

Yan Ziyou was taken aback, the voice was so familiar, it was Bi Xue.

"Yu, I, Bi Xue, have never regretted anything I have done. Yu, I also know that we should keep a distance, but I can't help it." It was exposed in front of Sun Yu's eyes.

Yan Ziyou's head was buzzing. Apart from Yan Dantong, Sun Yu really had other women. It turned out that Mrs. Sun had not lied to her. Thinking of Mrs. Sun's words, Yan Ziyou suddenly felt a whirlwind, and grief swept over him.

"Calamity star, do you think Yu'er really likes you, and tell you that the person Yu'er really likes is her. I don't know why Yu'er married you, but I can guarantee that as soon as she comes back, you have to let her marry you." Take the position of the daughter-in-law of the Sun family."

She thought that the person Mrs. Sun was talking about was Yan Dantong, but now it seems that the person Mrs. Sun was talking about was Bi Xue.

"Yu, when will you get divorced..."

"Ziyou, kill the child."

There was a stabbing pain in her heart, as if she was about to die. Fear buried her deeply. Was it because of Bi Xue that Sun Yu wanted her to abort the child? However, the child in her womb was not Sun Yu's, and it was a threat to them at all. Why didn't she just ask for a divorce, but asked her to abort the child in her womb?

Sun Yu was silent, the expression on his face was still indifferent, his eyes under the lens were sharp, and after a while, his thin lips pursed his words decisively. "Remember what I said?"

"Remember." Nodding, Bi Xue straightened up, walked around the table, came to Sun Yu, knelt down and hugged his arm, and whispered in his ear. "Yu, I'm pregnant."

The sound was not loud, but it was enough for Yan Ziyou outside the door to hear.

Sun Yu crossed his legs casually, unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt, revealing his strong and lean chest, a few strands of hair hanging down to cover his handsome face, his thin and ribbed lips pursed coldly, a pair of soul-catching Leng Mei eyes, sharp eyes, like a sharp sword in the cold wind, makes people shudder.

Sun Yu pulled out Bi Xue's arm holding him, stood up, and walked to the French window behind the chair, like a king, looking down at the busy traffic below. "What are your plans?"

Looking at Sun Yu's tall and straight back, women are obsessed with the charm of Apollo, the ancient Greek sun god. Call the wind and call the rain, and know the direction of the mall at his fingertips. Legend has it that as long as he uses his shrewd mind, he can turn a pile of dung into gold.

With such a man, as long as she clings to him tightly, she doesn't have to do anything in the future, and she can enjoy the glory and wealth.

"Yu, if I don't have children, I am willing to be your cousin, and I am also willing to be your underground lover, the mistress who is scolded by others, because I love... no matter what identity is given to me, I don't mind, but, I If I'm pregnant, I have to be responsible for the child in my womb, I don't want my child to be an illegitimate child, Yu, do you understand what I mean?" Bi Xue said aggrievedly.

Yan Ziyou almost rushed in and applauded, what an arrogant mistress, she doesn't want her child to be an illegitimate child, so what is the child in her stomach? However, the child in her womb had a different relationship with Sun Yu, it was messed up, all messed up, flustered, and at a loss.

Yan Ziyou's body trembled uncontrollably, her trembling hands tightly grasped the corners of the jacket, her fingertips turned white from the force, and sadness surrounded her tightly, lingering.

Tears flowed out uncontrollably, wet her beautiful face, without the courage to listen any more, Yan Ziyou turned around and left with heavy steps, her feet were like stepping on thorns, every step was so difficult.

"Who is that man?" Said in an indifferent tone, with a hint of alienation.

After seeing the pair of eyes disappearing through the crack of the door, Bi Xue stood up, even a trace of grief flashed in her eyes. "Yu, your indifferent tone makes me very sad. I really doubt whether you have loved her before?"

Sun Yu's eyes froze, and his feeling for Yan Dantong was already deep, and he couldn't extricate himself.

"It has nothing to do with you." Sun Yu could only answer in this way. When he was with Yan Dantong, his heart was still fluctuating. After Yan Dantong got married, he became angry. The relationship is very strange, and its depth cannot be determined by the length of it. .

"It has nothing to do with me, Yu, your answer is very hurtful, even if you are not true to me, but I am true to you, you can't understand my feelings, please don't be so cruel?" Bi Xue hurt Ji smiled back, took a step forward, and put his hand on Sun Yu's shoulder, giving people the illusion of being reborn. "However, this is you. Whether it's in business or in love, you are relentless. I lose and admit defeat. Yu, as long as you are happy, I will let you go completely. On the other hand, if you If you are not happy, I will do whatever it takes to snatch you away from her."

Sun Yu was taken aback, did she really communicate? Sun Yu turned his back to Bi Xue, and did not see the strange light flashing past her seductive eyes.

"Who is that man?" Sun Yu asked again.

"Yu, can you stop asking who he is?" Bi Xue turned around, and there seemed to be unbearable loneliness and grief in her slender back.

"I know him?" Sun Yu turned around and asked.

Bi Xue was still silent, and her stiff back at that moment gave Sun Yu the answer.

"Do you love him?" Looking at her slender back, Sun Yu's expression was complicated, and all the people he knew appeared in his mind.

"Besides you, he is the man I love the most." Bi Xue turned around and stared at Sun Yu without any surprise on her calm expression. "Unfortunately, he has a wife and won't marry me."

"Does Bi Yiyao know?" Sun Yu asked.

"I dare not tell her." Bi Xue smiled reluctantly, feeling a little more melancholy in her heart. Although Bi Yiyao was an older sister, Bi Yiyao never cared about her affairs.

"Are you going to have a baby?" Sun Yu questioned Bi Xue's words. Is there anything she dare not do in this world?

"Yes." Bi Xue nodded, and said firmly: "I love this child, even if the whole world opposes me, I will give birth."

A trace of complicated emotions flashed across Sun Yu's eyes. When she said, "I love this child", he didn't catch a bit of maternal love in her eyes, so he pursed his lips and didn't say much.

"President's wife, what's the matter?" Li Hai, who had just finished his work, was about to go to the president's office, but saw Yan Ziyou walking in a daze with a bento in his hand.

When Yan Ziyou saw him, tears overflowed from his eyes, and when Li Hai saw her crying, he became anxious. "Madam President, what happened? Is the President not in the President's office?"

"Are you familiar with Bi Xue?" Yan Ziyou raised his tear-stained face and looked at Li Hai. From the expression on his face, Yan Ziyou knew the answer. "Very familiar, right? Can you tell me about the past between her and Sun Yu, I don't want to listen to the superficial, I want to listen to the truth, please."

Li Hai hesitated for a few seconds, and grabbed Yan Ziyou's shoulders. "Do you really want to listen? No regrets?"

Yan Ziyou nodded first, then shook his head, and then said forcefully, "Yes."

"Okay, let me tell you." Li Hai brought Yan Ziyou to his office and poured her a glass of water. "Madam President, what do you want to know, just ask directly, and I will definitely tell you everything."

"Thank you." Yan Ziyou was grateful to Li Hai.

In fact, without Li Hai telling her, she could guess that Yan Ziyou only felt that the blood in her body seemed to freeze, and the surrounding area was so cold, as if she had fallen into a world of ice and snow. Suffocating despair.

"Are they childhood sweethearts?" Yan Ziyou stared at Li Hai with dead eyes, and his trembling voice was so pale and weak.

"No, Bi Xue... No, her real name is not Bi Xue, she is a lady from a hotel..." Li Hai told him everything he knew, and he did not forget to comfort him: "Madam President, Don't worry, the president is just playing tricks on Bi Xue."

Even pregnant with a child, are you still playing around? Her heart ached, she twitched and trembled helplessly, and the sadness in her eyes flooded like a flood, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Yan Ziyou didn't know how she bid farewell to Li Hai, she didn't know how she got out of the building, and she didn't know where the driver parked the car, she just walked aimlessly, she didn't know where she was going, she only knew where there was a road just go wherever.

His eyes were full of tears and doubts, and there was also a touch of hopeless pain after being deceived. There were tears in his smile, and Yan Ziyou wiped away the tears vigorously, feeling ashamed and unwilling for his own weakness.

When Li Hai came to the president's office, he saw Bi Xue crying bitterly in her arms and holding Sun Yu. He looked extremely wronged, and Li Hai frowned. "Are you busy crying too? Who is the winner?"

"Assistant Li, you are here." With a strong nasal voice, Bi Xue withdrew from Sun Yu's arms, and had already greeted the eighteen generations of Li Hai's ancestors in her heart. Damn Li Hai, he didn't come early or late. Appeared at this juncture.

Li Hai gave Bi Xue a disdainful look, his eyes glanced at Sun Yu, ignoring the existence of the two of them, he walked to the sofa beside him, took out the bento left by Yan Ziyou, and ate it at his own leisure.

In an instant, the scent of vegetables wafted into the air, and Sun Yu was slightly taken aback. These dishes were all his favorites, but Li Hai hated them the most, because they added chili peppers, and Li Hai didn't eat chili peppers. He wouldn't even touch chili dishes.

"Assistant Li, don't you not eat chili?" Bi Xue asked in surprise.

"I don't eat chili." Without even looking at Bi Xue, Li Hai picked up a piece of diced chicken that was stained with chili powder, put it in his mouth, and chewed it slowly. "But these are all made by the wife of the president herself. How can I trample on that kind of heart, not to mention just chili, I will eat arsenic as well."

Li Hai raised his head and saw Sun Yu's gloomy face, and his stern eyes were chilling. Li Hai swallowed what was in his mouth, regretting it a little. He lost his life just to support the president's wife. It's a good deal, besides he is dead, who will support the president's wife. "President, your eyes are very unfriendly. Speaking of it, I still want to thank you. These were originally made by the wife of the president, and they were delivered to you in person. It may be that you have seen sex in your office... Hehe, all in all , thanks to you, I can eat."

"Yan Ziyou has been here?" Sun Yu couldn't help but tremble, rushed over and grabbed Li Hai's collar, lifted him up, and raised his cold eyes, as if piercing through his heart. .

"President, demeanor, demeanor." Li Hai looked at Sun Yu playfully.

"Say." The voice became even colder, and the eyes were as sharp as knives.

"Yeah, the lady at the front desk blocked her. I happened to bump into her and brought her up. Later, the bloody scene was played out."

Sun Yu staggered, Yan Ziyou really came, and suddenly remembered, damn it, this link was not planned by him.

Sun Yu tensed up on high alert, suddenly thought of something, grabbed Bi Xue's wrist suddenly, and asked in a cold tone: "Did you do it on purpose?"

"Yu, let go, you're hurting me." Bi Xue patted Sun Yu's hand that was holding her, seeing her face wrinkled in pain. "Yu, I didn't. I didn't know she would come. Besides, even if she heard our conversation, she wouldn't be able to leave in anger. She should be happy that she lost a rival in love."

"Instead of arguing who is right here, it's better to save effort and find someone. She just left not long ago, and she has a big belly, so she shouldn't be able to go far." Before Li Hai could finish speaking, Sun Yu disappeared into the office .

Bi Xue, who was freed, rubbed her wrist that was pinched by Sun Yu, and glared at Li Hai angrily. "What did I owe you in my last life for letting me meet you in this life."

Li Hai couldn't bear it anymore, it was too spicy, rushed out of the president's office, ran to the tea room, drank three glasses of cold water with ice, and swore that he would never dare to eat spicy food again.

Bi Xue stood outside the elevator, pressing desperately. She wanted to find Yan Ziyou before Sun Yu found her, otherwise all her efforts would be in vain.

Bi Xue couldn't wait any longer, and was about to run up the stairs, when the cell phone in her bag rang, she took it out and saw that it was Xiao Lan's call, and quickly picked it up. "Say."

"Miss Bi, I saw young mistress." Xiaolan said.

Bi Xue was taken aback, and asked eagerly, "Where is she?"

Bi Xue put away her mobile phone, a cold smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and vicious thoughts arose in her mind, if she asked someone to destroy her, what would happen if she took a picture of the process and sent it to Sun Yu? up.

Bi Xue took out her mobile phone again and dialed a group of numbers. At this time, the elevator also opened, and Bi Xue walked in.

After hanging up the phone, Bi Xue leaned against the cold wall weakly, pain flickered in her pupils, the unbearable memories played back in her mind like a video rewinding, the piercing pain wailed in every cell in her body .

She hated them so much, but now she demands them and commits herself to them. They ruined her. If it wasn't for them, she wouldn't be like this.

She can't forget that night, her pleading, in exchange for men to plunder even crazier, no matter where she hides, the nightmare follows her everywhere, and finally she comes back to face the men who ruined her, reach an agreement with them.

Bi Xue, Yan Ziyou's heart was shocked, looking at the person standing in front of her, she didn't expect to meet her here, no matter it was a coincidence or man-made, although it was unavoidable to be shocked, she could face it calmly.

Yan Ziyou just stood there, neither talking nor leaving, waiting for the mistress opposite to make a move, some passers-by cast curious glances at them.

One has a big belly, and the other is majestic. One can tell at a glance that it is a duel between the mistress and the wife, but it is not known who is the wife.

The air seemed to freeze, and there was a deathly silence all around, so quiet that no sound could be heard, only the rapid breathing of the two of them could be heard.

"Miss Yan, we meet again." Bi Xue spoke first.

"What's the matter?" Yan Ziyou closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and her tone was unusually calm.

"I love Yu, we love each other, we have a foundation of affection, I know why he married you, it was to revenge me, and to use you, Miss Yan, if you don't want to be hurt, please leave Yu voluntarily, otherwise, When it's too late to regret it, don't blame me for not reminding you." Bi Xue's tone was filled with pleas and strong threats.

"I'm Sun Yu's wife now. It doesn't matter what you say. I used to be so bad that people and gods were angry, and so despicable that people resented people. So what? Even if you have feelings for him, it won't affect me. After a long time, it may not be enough. Advantage, as long as I still love him and have hope in him, I will never divorce him, absolutely not." Yan Ziyou emphasized the word "absolutely", showing her determination, and then said: "I don't want to divorce him." I thought Sun Yu would turn his back on me, but he didn't tell me about you, which is enough to prove that he still cares about me. For the sake of my child, I can forgive his betrayal. I need a husband, and my child needs a father even more."

"You..." Bi Xue was about to explode with anger, took a few deep breaths to calm down the anger in her heart, and tried to calm herself down.

Now Bi Xue's only bargaining chip is to make Yan Ziyou misunderstand that the child in her belly belongs to Sun Yu, and she is also betting.

"The past doesn't mean the present. People have to look forward. Now I am Sun Yu's wife, and your role is just a mistress who destroys other families, a mistress who is reviled by others. Besides, you still have an identity, Sun Yu's." Cousin." Yan Ziyou cut off Bi Xue's words, she chewed the word "little three" very hard.

Bi Xue took a deep breath, clenched her hands into fists, and gradually tightened her fists. Yan Ziyou was right. Now she is Sun Yu's wife. As long as she didn't divorce Sun Yu, their marriage would be protected by law, and she would Will always be a mistress who can't see the light.

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