The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 221: ABO Plane 1.19

As soon as he hung up the phone, the phone rang again, Borg glanced at the phone call, and then whispered: "What else?!"

"..." "Tonight is the live broadcast of the original song contest?" Borg frowned slightly, looked at Jonas who was sleeping in the distance, and whispered into the phone, "I see, you'll be there on time at five o'clock in the afternoon. Jonas's downstairs, I'll be responsible for waking him up."

Hanging up the phone, Borg picked up his phone and walked to the bathroom, making a call, "Hey, it's me. I want you to help me investigate someone."

"Well, yes. His name is Nichols, he's an omega, and he claims to be from a small village east of the imperial capital. Help me find out. I'll send you his photo later, he's less than 25 years old this year. It's only a few years old, and it's still a rare omega, so it should be easy to identify."

"The reward for you after the completion of the matter is still the same, okay, that's it, let's hang up first."


The original song contest is in full swing, and at this time, the mineral water advertisement endorsed by Bai Lixin finally met with everyone.

Bai Lixin originally thought that the advertisement would meet everyone in more than a month, but in the middle, Big Brother Mansli didn't know what was wrong, and suddenly decided to re-shoot a few pictures. Bai Lixin had to accompany the film crew back to the Holy Son again. Shan, I took a lot of pictures, and then I gave up. Therefore, when the advertisement started to play, it was already more than two months later.

The super-long advertisement of more than two minutes is almost catching up with the length of an MV.

In a green forest surrounded by white clouds, it was originally silent, and suddenly a crisp bird chirped, followed by a yellow and green emerald warbler flying through the trees. The camera moved with its flight, and the picture gradually changed to the clear Sacred Child River. Cuiying stopped by the river. It stopped by the river and lowered its head to peck at the clear water. The camera slowly gave a close-up of the river water. Below the crystal-clear river water are pebbles one after another, and the emerald green branches extend above the river surface, which is quiet and clean. Up to now, no music has been played in the advertisement, and there is no other sound except the murmur of the river flowing quietly.

Suddenly, the sound of a branch being stepped on broke into the picture.

The sound was like a stone thrown into the river. One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the picturesque picture was suddenly broken. The sound of the river flowing disappeared, the green warbler spread its wings and left, the wind blew the leaves, and the leaves fell on the water surface and slowly flowed away. This still nature seems to suddenly come alive, showing green vitality!

The singing of "The Calling" began to appear in the advertisement. Along with the singing, a young man walked into the picture from the downstream along the river. The flowing clothes on his body were like a cloud, and his body was like a cloud. A gust of wind and freedom. The young man took a deep breath of the fresh air in the deep forest and listened, as if he was attracted by something. He looked around, frowning in confusion. When he saw the clear river water, his eyes lit up, and his slender, white hands stroked the river and went upstream again like a rolled-up cloud.

Along the way, he crossed rocks, passed flower fields, and stepped on thorns. The matching music has also reached the climax, with loud voices, clear singing accompanied by this beautiful picture, each frame is cut out to be a work of art. It is hard for people to believe that such a beautiful picture turned out to be an advertisement.

The wind-like young man's face is always filled with smiles and love. He keeps looking for it, but tirelessly, he enjoys the process very much. Finally, he stopped in front of the origin of the Shengzi River - Shengzi Spring. The singing also gradually came to an end, and with the climax of the ending, Bai Lixin slowly walked towards the Holy Son Spring. He bent over and grabbed a handful of water and put it in his mouth, the singing stopped abruptly. Then the picture slowly turned to the air, giving a bird's-eye view of Shengzi River and Shengzi Spring. In the picture, the sign of Shengziquan mineral water appeared, and as soon as the mellow bass sounded: "The call of nature, the most pure and pure search - the voice of nature, Shengziquan."

So far in the advertisement, people listened to the familiar song "The Call" and looked at the picture just now. Not only did the singing match the advertisement, but the advertisement was specially designed according to the singing voice. The combination of picture and singing is so perfect that it is impeccable.

This advertisement seems to be tailor-made for "The Calling", but after thinking about it, it seems that the song was specially composed for Shengziquan. The lyrics and theme are so in line with Shengziquan's long-term theme, this song and this advertisement have achieved each other.

For a time, advertisements about "The Call" and Shengziquan on the Internet were hotly searched, and some netizens even started posting discussions.

"God, is this an advertisement? This is the MV for "The Calling", right?!"

"I believe this advertisement is the MV of "The Calling"!"

"You guys say, Mitchell is so beautiful in the MV!"

"Don't you think it's strange that this advertisement fits the lyrics too well. Did Mitchell create this song specifically for this advertisement? Could it be that Mitchell and the high-level understanding of Shengziquan mineral water?"

"I also said that the advertisement was inspired by the song! Why do you say that the song was adapted by the male **** based on the advertisement? It is obviously the song that came first and then the advertisement."

I don't know how the building is crooked, but there are actually two factions on the Internet, supporting advertisements or supporting songs first.

The situation was incompatible, and some onlookers began to collect evidence from various parties to verify their own claims.

While saying that "the voice of nature" has always been the theme of Shengziquan, it has been the creation of this brand from the very beginning. On the other hand, it is said that "The Call" first created by Bai Lixin is the only advertising display. The stalemate between the two parties has intensified, causing the people who eat melons to think that there is a contract problem between Bailishin and the advertising company that signed the endorsement agreement.

And this side hasn't discussed the reason, yet another voice interjected. I don't know who broke the news first that it was originally decided that the imperial singer Jonas would endorse the advertisement of the Holy Water Spring, but somehow, it was finally replaced by the little-known Mitchell. The whistleblower was right and right, and it was a set of photos of Jonas walking into the studio surrounded by the general manager of the mineral water company on the first day of the post's release.

As soon as this revelation came out, the Internet exploded again.

At this time, the voice began to lean towards Jonas. Jonas has been out for more than ten years. He is a popular singer praised as "The Voice of the Empire". His fans are all over the world. Can submerge a city.

And when it was revealed that Bai Lixin stole Jonas' endorsement, Jonas fans, who were originally melon eaters, couldn't sit still anymore! They attacked in groups and counted Bailishin from the beginning to the end.

Numerous so-called "grass news" about Bai Lixin began to appear on the Internet, and the black material continued, and Bai Lixin was portrayed as a narrow-minded and scheming arrogant singer who achieved results by selling his body. On the Internet, it is even said that Bai Lixin is very scheming, and that innocent appearance is simply his disguise. In fact, he is a **** with a chaotic private life and a wrong view.

Jonas fans even set up an "Anti-Mi Club", refusing to buy anything about Mitchell, refusing to listen to any music about Mitchell, their slogan was "Mitchell Get out of the entertainment circle"!

Bai Lixin smiled helplessly when he saw this remark on the Internet. He pointed to the computer screen and said to Halliwitt: "Although it is black material, it was unexpectedly correct several points."

Halliwitt raised his eyebrows and looked around for a while, holding Bailishing's neck from behind, his face suddenly turned ashen. The scar that was originally abrupt became more and more hideous, "Do you know who is hurting you?"

Bai Lixin smiled and said, "I know, but you don't need to come. Let me do it myself first. If I really don't believe it, then replace it with our dear Lord Halliwitt."

He paused for a while, then added: "Actually, what they said is right, I did 'sell my body to get an opportunity to be an endorsement', and I do have a deep mind, and my 'pure appearance' is mine too. Pretend' ah! How good, it seems that 50% of the revelations are in line with the facts."

Halliwitt couldn't help laughing, "Since it's all fake, then it's always fake outside. It's true and false. Baby, anyway, we have done things like hidden marriages. What are you afraid of pretending to be?"

"Hey, others are so red and purple, I'm so stinky and black now. Will my advertisement have any impact on your company's performance?" Bai Lixin sighed and looked at Halliwitt worriedly.

Halliwitt smiled indifferently, "Baby, you underestimate Lambert's family business, it's just a mere mineral water company, and I've never counted on it to support my family. Baby, don't worry, it's just this time I wanted to help you, but I didn't expect it to hurt you."

"Some people want to hurt me, he always has a thousand reasons to hurt me, even if I don't shoot this commercial, he will find other reasons. He only appeared to arouse the dissatisfaction of the audience against me, that's his purpose, What does it have to do with what commercials I shoot and what I sing?"

Halliwitt lowered his head and took a deep look at Bailishing, then bent over to put his lips against Bailishing's mouth and kissed deeply.

There was a tsk tsk in the mouth of the two, and the lips and tongues were intertwined, and they were extremely lingering.

After a long time, Halliwitt let go of Bai Lixin, hugged him in his arms and whispered to his ear: "Baby, even if everyone in this world thinks you are black, in my eyes You are the most natural and pure white one. Even if people in this world refuse to listen to your singing, I will always be your most loyal listener. Your singing is so beautiful, people who love you will not gossip because of other people's rumors Just change their liking for you. If someone really keeps away from you because of those slanders, it only means that they don't understand you. They may just like this song of you, but they don't see your essence through this song The people who fall in love with you. I believe that there will be listeners who can hear your heart in your singing. They will still spare no effort to support you. Although the voice may be small now, a spark can start a prairie fire. I It's that huge fire that can start a prairie fire."

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