The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 249: boast about the sea

The difference between the current Louis and the previous life is that he has enough time to observe the growth process of these superstars who have gone far.

He can confidently say that he knows Bird, Magic and the stars who came into the league after them.

He watched the group grow, from a new star to a superstar and even a supergiant.

Magic has been compared to James many times by him.

Compared with him, James' offensive is more ferocious. We will never see Magic win the scoring title, but Mr. Zhan is confident that if he wants, he can win the scoring title every season. His fans swelled with this confidence, and then offered a shocking statement: As long as Mr. Zhan wanted, he could average a triple-double in a row like Westbrook.

It sounds like Chamberlain boasted in his autobiography that if he played as hard as Russell, he could win everything. It just makes you sick when you see the key performance of his terrible.

If you don't, just shut up.

"If" is a luxury.

Now, Louis has initially changed his mind.

Magic is not James, James is not Magic, they should not be compared together.

In Game1, Magician was decisive and then hesitant in the face of the long shot that the Celtics gave him. This is related to his feel.

Once he can't make a shot, he hesitates.

It's a bit like James before 2014, but not quite. No one knows why James hesitated, and Magic's reason is simple.

On the opposite side stood Bird, he didn't want to lose; there was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar inside, he had to worry about the feelings of the **** of death; the Lakers' offense was very dependent on his turnover, and he couldn't just think about himself.

This triple burden bound the magician's hands and feet.

Even his current situation is very similar to Ben Simmons and Embiid.

The two of them were good seedlings at the core level of team building at first, but they couldn't achieve the effect of 1+1>2 when put together.

The style of the game doesn't match, that's all.

Luckily for the Lakers, Abdul-Jabbar is 37 years old, and he can't "get in the way" of Magic for a few years, and a peaceful handover of the scepter is just around the corner.

But if Magic and Abdul-Jabbar are separated and let them play alone with a lineup, the Lakers may be more difficult to deal with.

Putting Magic and Kareem together, Kareem is easier, Magic is more struggling, he has to suppress his ShowTime style, properly control the rhythm and wait for Big Brother.

That's why he "hesitated" last night.

Instead of hesitating, it's better to say that the Lakers' lineup stuck with him, and if he wasn't sure about making the ball, he had to pass the ball.

Louis ate supper, thinking about how the Lakers would adjust next.

With their lineup, Magic and Abdul-Jabbar are destined to do something out of the ordinary.

Defend as hard as the teams in the East, increase the intensity of the game to the extreme, make the shooting percentage of both sides low, and eventually the game will evolve into a more ruthless contest.

Impact rebounds, this is the Lakers advantage.

They have enough height, speed, strength, physicality, and they can really do it if they want to.

If there are a few games where their shot is all of a sudden, they can connect with Abdul-Jabbar inside and out.

These are all predictable rebounds.

And, if the Celtics don't change their strategy, that's all they can do.

However, even if you know what your opponent is doing, it is not easy to limit the fight.

Defensive intensity and offensive rebounding are all about determination and talent.

The talent Lakers have, and they are determined that they are not enough tonight, but if they lose in a hurry, it is difficult to guarantee that the dog will jump over the wall.

After Lui finished his late-night snack, he listened to the voice message.

It was mostly congratulations, except for a text message from Blazers owner Larry Weinberg that caught his attention.

"Lu, congratulations to you guys for your great start to the World Championship... (Cheers) If you have any thoughts on this year's draft, please feel free to call me."

Louie glanced at the time, it was almost two in the morning.

Instead of calling back, he decided to leave Weinberg a message.

In this message, Louis solemnly suggested that they choose Jordan.

This year's coin war was no different from the one Louis remembered.

Rockets first, Trail Blazers second, Bulls third.

Olajuwon made it clear that he wanted to participate in the draft, Ewing had to return to school for four years, and Jordan decided to run at the last minute.

In this way, Olajuwon will definitely be selected by the Rockets. If Louis does not interfere through Weinberg, the Blazers will choose Bowie, and Jordan will go to the Bulls.

Louie wants to change this history. On the one hand, he will also benefit from Weinberg's favor. On the other hand, he will see what kind of follow-up will Jordan, who started in the West, have. Will the combination of him and Drexler make the Blazers a ShowTime? After the decline of the Lakers, the most entertaining team in the league, and his dominant personality, can be controlled under Jack Ramsey.

Louie listed several advantages of Jordan in detail, and he put the commercial value last.

It seems to be the least important, but it is actually the most important, and it is also the point he emphasizes the most.

The bosses are not professionals, there are fans among them, and they hope that the team will select good players to strengthen their competitiveness, but they also have an identity, that is, businessmen. If you have a team with a high commercial value, the value of the team will also go up.

Louie divided the speech into two paragraphs. The first half was about Jordan's career prospects, and the second half was about his business value.

He didn't say everything except "roughly" why he wanted the Blazers to draft Jordan. If Weinberg is interested, we can talk about it another day.

This kind of violent interference in his team's internal affairs is immoral, but it is very cool, especially, it is very likely to change the entire history of the NBA in the 1990s, and it may even change the best candidate in history... Louis's remarks revealed a Shares of indescribable excitement.

The next day, when Louie went to the Greek Academy, he heard about what happened to the Lakers last night.

The fire brigade's fire alarm went off multiple times outside the hotel, and the hotel staff "panicked" and asked the guests to leave the hotel room and gather outside.

The Lakers had a grueling night, and Riley reportedly didn't cancel early practice because of it.

The more difficult it is, the harder it is to persevere.

This is Riley's creed.

The Lakers, known as the Hollywood team of the NBA, play fancy games, but their training intensity may be the highest in the league.

After Riley took office, he had a fixed 180-minute training schedule. Only Abdul-Jabbar had the privilege, and everyone else had to complete the training.

"I heard that Coach Riley trains his players for three hours a day."

On this day, before the training started, Louis gave a routine lecture.

Everyone looked at him intently, wondering what medicine he was selling today.

"Also, they didn't rest well last night, but they still had training in the morning, and we didn't train every morning, don't you think we should study like them?" Louie said the media to promote both sides, "Los Angeles It's Hollywood, and we live in the land; Los Angeles is the bustling ShowTime, and we're the hardworking basketball leaders AttendanceTime; Los Angeles represents the brightest things in the world, and the only color in us is the color that makes me feel uncomfortable every day. Comfortable green...but they train so hard and we neglect to train."

Ranbir said in surprise, "Are we going to train for three hours too?"

"Are you going to concede defeat in this matter? They are the losing side. They lost the game, didn't rest well, and kept training. If we win, can't we spend an extra 60 minutes on basketball?"

Bird was about to say "I have no opinion" when Ranbir covered his mouth.

M.L. Karl Yang said: "Coach, we just want to beat them with less training time than them!"

"That's right, although our training time is short, our training is to strive for perfection, which is very different from their hard time training!"

"Yeah, that's why we won three straight against them. They put their energy on the training ground. How can they still play?"

Seeing that all these lazy dogs turned into Zhuge Liang and quibble with tongues in order not to increase the training time, Louis laughed.

"Okay, since you said so, I believe that we must win the game of the day after tomorrow."

"We can't wait to start the game tonight! It's really a dereliction of CBS that the finals didn't go back to back, they didn't do this before!"

Due to CBS' broadcast arrangements, the second game between the Celtics and the Lakers was scheduled four days after the end of Game 1.

This offseason is in time for the All-Star Weekend.

Some people miss the back-to-back finals is something Louie didn't expect.

The back-to-back schedule of the finals is one of the most incomprehensible schedules for Louis. Decades later, the media are eager to deviate from the finals. They are good at building momentum. What else can they do with back-to-back arrangements? The fans didn't realize that the series was halfway through.

" Since you all think so, we'll stay the same and hope to see you sweep the Lakers in the Finals."

"That's a must, coach!"

In Louie's mind, the Lakers were never an opponent that could be swept away.

He's ready to play six games, or all seven.

The reason for doing this today is to increase the training time to pave the way for the next loss.

Once he loses, he needs more time to correct his mistakes, so the training time must be increased, not increased.

These **** dare to brag about Haikou, don't blame him for turning his face and ignoring anyone and training them well.

He promises he'll be more merciful than Riley.

Riley trains in the morning and afternoon every day, so he chooses the afternoon to train for three hours in a row.

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