The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 741: Moment of glory

The little guy's eyes were wet, like obsidian washed by spring rain, with a deer-like understanding and innocence. Meng Gu Ye's face. She couldn't help but get up and kissed the little boy's fleshy face.

Uncle reluctantly stepped up: "Mom, please, kiss!"

Gu Ye was also on the baby's face, kissed gently. She looked up at Princess Hejia's eldest son. After contacting her for a moment, the young lady's gaze moved away quickly, and the small expression on her face was so unnatural.

The guy at Qingfeng Lou took a menu, looked around the three, and passed it to Princess Hejia. Those who can dine in Qingfeng Building are either wealthy or wealthy businessmen, and the guys still have the eyesight.

Princess Hejia sent the menu to Gu Ye: "Yeer, today I invite you. Please order whatever you like!"

Gu Ye didn't pick up the menu, and said to the guy, "A cumin roasted lamb chop, Beijing sauce shredded pork, braised pork, the best pork belly. I want another meat dish!"

"It seems that you are also a frequent visitor to Qingfeng Tower! These dishes and soups are the signature of Qingfeng Tower!" Princess Jia also ordered a table full of her favorite dishes, not to mention their three adults and their children, Even a dozen people may not finish.

Gu Ye couldn't help crying and laughing: "Too much? Isn't it too much waste to eat!"

Princess Hejia smiled with a grin: "It's okay! Qingfeng Tower provides package service. Let them serve a few dishes first, pack the rest and take them back, and use the ice cellar to slowly eat them!"

"As a doctor, I have to remind you. If the dishes are kept for a long time, harmful bacteria will grow in them. If you eat them often, you will get sick easily!" Gu Ye shook her head and warned her.

Princess Jia was entangled and said, "But many people do this! Besides, we do n’t eat it often, and we pack it once in a while. It should be okay? Oh, forget it, it ’s just that ... You are so disappointed! "

Gu Ye smiled and said to the guy: "Yes, dessert after meal, come with a yellow peach pudding, if there is no yellow peach, cherry will do. Also, egg tarts will come!"

The boy said indifferently: "Sorry, today's dessert is jam cake, neither pudding nor **** ..."

Gu Ye took out a sheep fat jade pendant and handed it to the boy. "Give this to your shopkeeper, he will arrange it."

Seeing the style of sheep fat jade, the boy's face changed slightly, and he took it with both hands respectfully: "Subordinates let the kitchen do it, please wait."

After the guy left the private room, he ran very fast, anxious to use all his merits. The news that Dianzun's sweetheart has arrived in Shengjing has already spread in the Hidden Soul Palace's industry in Beijing. The shopkeeper will warn them every day, keep their eyes open, and do not inadvertently offend the future female protagonist. Unexpectedly, he was met today.

The little girl is at the age of Cardamom, holding the jade pendant that represents the status of the Dianzhuang ... definitely right! Hurry up, tell the shopkeeper the good news! Among all industries in Shengjing, the first female protagonist to come in the future is their Qingfeng Building! How shameful is this? The shopkeeper has the capital to show off in front of a group of old folks!

The surname of the shopkeeper of the branch of Qingquelou Suzaku Street is Yang, who is about forty years old, does not look like a businessman, but looks like a refined scholar. He was always shocked. After seeing this jade pendant, his hand slipped, and his most precious tea set fell to the ground, and he could not care to check whether it was broken.

The shopkeeper Yang was excited and a little nervous: "Quick! Hurry up and tell the kitchen, meet Huan ... are you meeting Huan Yajian? Right! The dishes and pastries of Huan Huan must be refined and refined! What are the requirements, to meet the conditions, to create conditions without conditions ... By the way, haven't you come here for a batch of southern fruits this morning? Cut the banana, mango, pineapple and dragon fruit into a fruit plate, I personally Send it over! "

The boy agreed, and his legs were like hot wheels, and he ran nonstop to the kitchen. He said in the kitchen that the chefs in the kitchen suddenly turned over.

This is a great opportunity to show your face in front of the heroine! Did n’t you say that? The female protagonist's mouth is the most tricky, if anyone's craftsmanship can be praised by her, that is definitely the highest praise for their cooking! Several chefs have worked hard to bring out the martial arts, and they must satisfy the guests of the "Meeting Huan" Yajian.

As for the chef in charge of dessert, there are only five kinds of light puddings, and the tarts are baked in several cases to achieve his satisfactory results. This is the name of the heroine, but you can't mess it up! Otherwise, he may have to rebuild the training camp!

The shopkeeper Yang held the fruit plate and went straight to the second floor. Prince Jing came to dinner and saw the fruit in the fruit plate that he had never seen before, and said to the shopkeeper: "This kind of fruit plate is for Nian Nujiao."

The shopkeeper Yang said politely: "Master, I'm so sorry. This fruit plate is the last one ... But there are not many canned peaches and strawberries in the store today. Why not ... leave you a share?"

Qingfeng Tower's canned sugar is also a must in Beijing, and it is not something that can be encountered every day. Although Prince Jing was not quite satisfied, he nodded. His eyes still couldn't help but rubbing on the fruit plate. The red, yellow and yellow color was very bright. The fruit inside, except bananas, he had seen.

Prince Jing couldn't help asking: "Who ordered the fruit? Do I know it?"

The shopkeeper Yang said embarrassedly: "Well ... there is a rule in the building, you can't divulge the information of the guests. Prince Jing, please don't embarrass yourself!"

Prince Jing also knew the rules of Qingfeng Building, and although he was a little unhappy, he waved his hand and let the shopkeeper leave. Prince Prince Shizi frowned, and said, "What kind of background is this Qingfeng Tower, and you shouldn't put the princes and nobles in the eyes!"

Prince Jing slowly shook his head and said, "The people behind Qingfeng Building have always been a mystery. Anyone who has had troubles in Qingfeng Building did not end well. Remember the book of the Ministry of Industry three years ago Relying on his identity, Lai Qingfeng Lou Yaowu Yangwei, and also smashed the hall downstairs. Not long after, the evidence of corruption over the years, before the emperor. He was accused of extortion ... "

Prince Jing Shizi's eyes flashed and he said, "Father, do you say ... will the person behind Qingfeng Tower be related to the man in the palace?"

"Even if he is not the one, the relationship is probably not far away!" Prince Jing shook his head slowly, solemnly admonishing the young and vigorous son, not to cause trouble in Qingfenglou.

Treasurer Yang knocked on the door of "Meeting Each Other" and pushed in to enter after getting permission. His gaze swept across the three big and small children in the room, and finally stopped on the little girl wearing a moon-white pharmacist's uniform.

The shopkeeper said with a smile: "This is the fruit that has just arrived from the south. Please try the princess, the horse, and the distinguished guest."

"Well? The shopkeeper, is your shop very busy? You actually went to the table to serve the guests?" Princess He Jia looked at the fruit plate, coveted, but honestly, "I remember, the palace did not order fruit dish……"

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "The fruit plate is given away at every table. The princess came by chance, the only special fruit plate was spread out by you!"

As the shopkeeper spoke, he bowed politely towards Gu Ye. Gu Yehan nodded with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Princess Hejia said happily, "Yeer, we are so lucky today. Is this a banana? It was brought from the south, and this kind of fruit is difficult to preserve! I ate it last time, and was rewarded by my father. Ye, you taste it! "

Gu Ye used a small fork to fork a slice of banana and handed it to Situ Xian, a small pot friend who sat beside her. Situ Xian was moved to tears: Being an aunt's son, he was really happy, and everything was close to him first. Unlike the princess, only the children's food is grabbed!

Princess Hejia pointed at the fuchsia pitaya in the fruit tray and asked, "Yang, shopkeeper, what kind of fruit is this? It seems that Jingzhong has never seen it before."

The shopkeeper Yang introduced them one by one. He Jia princess tasted a piece of sweet taste to stimulate her taste buds, she admired: "You Qingfeng Lou really has the ability, even the good things that can't be found in the palace, you can eat here. Unfortunately, The table is too difficult. Can't you open more in Beijing? "

The shopkeeper Yang glanced at Gu Ye and said, "If you come with this master, do you still need a reservation?" The best elegant room on the third floor, waiting for you!

He smiled and said, "If the fruit in the south is not transported properly, the road will be completely broken. Although we have a special shipping channel in Qingfeng Building, there are still not many. A fruit tray like this can only be launched occasionally. Two or three plates. The reason why I didn't go to the tribute palace was that I was afraid that the fruit would be picked for a long time.

"Isn't this palace afraid of making troubles ~ ~ Is this dragon fruit and mango still available? I bought it at a high price!" Princess Hejia said boldly.

The shopkeeper Yang said in a difficult way: "This is really the last plate and it's gone in the ice storage ..." Dianzun said, the girl likes all kinds of fruits. After a while, the remaining fruits in the ice cave will be sent to Ning Wangfu. He said it was not a lie.

"Oh! It's so disappointing! It brought back the maggots in this palace, but it's gone. This fruit plate might as well not be served at the beginning!" Princess He Jia complained in the mouth. Did not slow down.

"Okay, you go down! There is something good in the shop, despite coming up, this princess is not bad money!" And Princess Jia waved to the shopkeeper Yang. Fruits are all delivered. What are you doing here?

When the shopkeeper withdrew, he turned to Gu Ye again. Seeing that she had no other orders, she left Yajian. Princess Hejia found that every dish today tastes more delicious than she usually eats. At the same time, she couldn't help sighing:

"The chefs at Qingfenglou are good at it! Take this braised pork, for example, the ingredients are finer and the taste is more delicate. If I am not afraid of fat, I can eat the whole plate alone!"

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