Bright winter sun, through the transparent glass, sprinkled on the colorful flowers. The flowers are bright and lively, and the leaves are green, making people feel like they have crossed the season and come to the spring day with flowers.

In the flowers, on the antique Huanghuali openwork rose chair, a quiet figure leaned obliquely on the soft pillow, the slender fingers fluttered, the drooping eyes, the long eyelashes, cast two curved shadows, Sakura pink lips evoke a beautiful arc. The little girl, like a fairy among flowers, the flowers around her seemed to dim into the background.

Yuan Haiqing and Lin Ruohan, who came hand in hand, couldn't help holding their breath when they saw this scene, for fear that it would alarm the flower fairy.

Standing behind her own girl, watching her **** intently, she still looked at the full moon, and noticed the movement at the entrance of the greenhouse, looking up. Seeing two guests, she quickly reminded her girl: "Girl, girl Yuan and girl Lin are here."

Gu Ye raised her long eyelashes, as if there were stars shining in the darkness. After touching the two figures, she suddenly burst into a shining light: "Sister Qing, Sister Lin, are you here? Please sit down."

Each chair was covered with snow-white fur cushions, and fluffy cushions were placed on the back, just like sitting on a sofa, very comfortable. Yuan Haiqing took off the cloak outside and handed it to the girl next to her, and sat down comfortably.

Liangchen has given two guests with sweet and sour fruit juices, and a variety of nuts and treats for guests. Lin Ruohan is a little bit cautious today, not even reaching for his favorite dim sum.

Gu Ye immediately pulled a chair, crooked to her side, knit her woolen scarf up and down with her fingers, and opened her mouth coquettishly: "Sister Lin, my hands are so busy, can you help me peel the walnuts? ? "

Lin Ruohan naturally would not refuse, she peeled the walnut kernel and sent it to Gu Ye's mouth. Looking at Gu Ye's scarf already in her hands, she asked curiously, "Sister Yeer, what are you doing?"

"Woolen yarn! The woolen **** just sent by Yinzhenge have rabbit hair and wool. Woolen yarn **** can't be worn close to you. Some are thorny. This is rabbit hair. You touch it. It's soft and warm, so I'm not afraid of the cold around my neck! "Gu Ye's hand stopped and he sent the semi-finished scarf to Lin Ruohan.

Lin Ruohan carefully touched, it was really soft. The scarf has a white bottom and is decorated with a red pattern, so elegant and lively. Gu Ye also held a semi-finished scarf, and made a few strokes on Lin Ruohan's neck, lined with the little badge she wore today, which was very beautiful.

Yuan Haiqing came together with a dazzling look and a smile on her face: "This thing is pretty pretty tied around the neck. Sister Yeer, wait for my aunt's weaving this one. Would you help me also weave one? Wear it during Chinese New Year The appearance of such a beautiful and fresh object must be the envy of other ladies! "

Gu Yebai gave her a glance, and said, "My mother's weaving is finished, but we have to weave it for grandpa. I have two grandpas!"

"Then ... the two grandpas are finished weaving, can it be my turn?" Yuan Haiqing looked at her eagerly, her hands folded, looking like a prayer.

"Grandpa's weaving is finished, and there are fathers. In addition, I have seven elder brothers! You wait slowly!" Gu Ye smiled at the corner of her mouth, and while kneading with her teeth, the knitting speed was not slow at all. Come down.

Yuan Haiqing was disappointed: "Ah-could I still wear this before?"

Gu Ye shook his head and smiled, "I don't have three heads and six arms, and there are only five or six days away from the New Year. I can't make one if I have one each day!"

Yuan Haiqing heard the words, and her mouth gasped. Gu Ye tilted her glance and said, "Let the mountain fall, and everyone runs. Rather than asking others, you might as well!"

"But ... you know, my needlework is messy. I can learn to blame for such meticulous work!" Yuan Haiqing frowned and sighed long.

Gu Ye pointed to himself and said, "Is my needlework better than you? This is much easier than making clothes and sewing bags. I can learn, do you admit that you are stupid than others?"

"Compared to others, I will definitely not admit that I am stupid. But ... sister Yeer, you can also heal medicine, you can also make medicine, and you always come up with some weird things. I dare not compare with you!" Yuan Haiqing's heart Gu Ye is described as an omnipotent little monster.

"Ten fingers have length and skill, and I have no expertise in martial arts!" Gu Ye encouraged the future Erji, "Knitting a sweater looks tedious, but it is composed of many repeated stitches. As long as the basic The acupuncture society, fools can weave! "

"Really as easy as you said?" Yuan Haiqing was said to be a little emotional.

"Sister Qing, take a look. This is what Yueyuan just learned this morning. She is just like you. She knows nothing about needlework. She only knows how to use a knife to make a gun. How can I learn it? Look! "Gu Ye mouthed at the small basket on the table.

Girl, are you bragging about me or hurt me? Yueyuan took out the woolen needles from the basket in a slightly complicated mood, and showed the two girls Yuan and Lin their clumsy fingering.

Gu Ye pointed her stitches, and said, "Sister Qing, you can learn the most basic stitches like her. After you become proficient, learn the patterns. I knit the best scarf. You can also knit gloves, socks, hats, and sweaters and trousers. It is said that the scarf of the person you send can hold the other's heart firmly and surround him forever! "After that, she squeezed her eyes at Yuan Haiqing.

Yuan Haiqing's face was reddish, and she gave her a glance without saying anything, but her body took the two wool needles very earnestly, and she followed Gu Ye's acupuncture seriously.

Lin Ruohan said with envy: "Can I learn together?"

Gu Ye nodded, taking it for granted: "Of course! Sister Lin's ingenuity and dexterity must be faster than I did!"

Sure enough, Lin Ruohan started quickly, and after reading it almost twice, he mastered the most basic acupuncture. Gu Ye teaches the unit treasure knitting method. The patterns weaved are like small ingots, which are most suitable for weaving scarves.

Lin Ruohan chose gray and white threads to prepare a striped scarf, which was made for men at a glance. Afraid of the misunderstanding of two good friends, she explained with a blush and whispered, "My father is afraid of cold in winter, so we will give him a practice hand ..."

Yuan Haiqing's narrow smile appeared in her eyes, and she just wanted to say something. She was stunned by Gu Yexuan's thigh. During these days, she was always asked by her mother to behave like a lady. After jumping, she looked around and found that in the glass conservatory, except for them, there was only a gardener at the very end busy, so she felt relieved.

She sat down again, pinching two wool needles awkwardly, and whispered, "Sister Yeer, you just pressed too hard, right? It hurts me!"

Gu Yesheng was afraid she would say something that made Lin Ruohan embarrassed and shy. If she scared her away, where would she go to find such a concubine? She pointed to Yuan Haiqing's sharply bent needle, reminding her, "Sister Qing, if you break the needle again, you won't have it replaced."

Her voice didn't fall, she only heard a soft bang, and Yuan Haiqing's woolen needle was killed again. She scratched her head in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "You are too late! What can you do now?"

"What else can I do? Let my second brother cut a few more for you, enough for you to make it!" Gu Ye looked helpless. "Sister Qing, can you not use the force of a sword to pinch the wool? Needle? Think of it as a piece of mung bean cake. Handle it with care and care ... "

Yuan Haiqing held her head and said with a bit of frustration, "I don't seem to have the talent for knitting wool. What should I do?"

Gu Ye raised his eyes and saw his second elder brother walking over. He might not have thought that the guests would come so early, entered the greenhouse, bypassed the screen, only to find that there were two more pampered guests in front of his sister, one of whom was his young fiancee.

"Second Brother, you came just right. Your daughter-in-law has given me all my wool needles, and quickly pay for it!" Gu Ye saw Yuan Haiqing bowed her head shamefully, jokingly.

Yuan Haiqing heard that his face was instantly red like the red thread on the table. She stretched out her hand and wanted to sip the little girl who didn't cover her mouth.

Before she could touch Gu Ye's arm, she heard a scream from the little girl's mouth: "Oh! Second brother, second brother she bullied me, you don't care!"

Chu Mufeng's gaze swept across Yuan Haiqing and stayed next to Gu Ye's arm, still two inches away from his hand. That hand, unlike the ordinary little girl, is slender and tender ~ ~ The bone joints are a little obvious, and there is a faint thin cocoon at the tiger's mouth. At first glance, it is the hand of a person who practices martial arts. And he has always been impatient with those coquettish young ladies, the little girls who practiced martial arts, should not be very coquettish, and they have a common language after becoming married ...

Yuan Haiqing noticed her fiance's gaze, stayed in his hands, and drew back his hands, hiding in his sleeves. How ugly her hands are, she knows it very well-Brother Er ... wouldn't she betray her for this?

Gu Ye saw the interaction between the two, grinned, and joked a few words, but was interrupted gently by her brother: "Yeer, you must be naughty!"

"Second Brother, are you distressed?" Gu Yehong blinked at him, giving him an expression of face, "Well, since Second Brother has spoken, I will let your daughter-in-law go. Second Brother, your daughter-in-law said , I want to knit a scarf for you, your wife has no ache. "

Yuan Haiqing blushed, raised his head in a hurry, and glanced at the end of Chu Lang, who was very handsome, and lowered his head again. Her hand, gently pulling Gu Ye's dress under the table, said quietly: "When will I knit a scarf for ...? I haven't learned at least the stitching ..."

Gu Ye squeezed her eyes and lowered her voice: "Practice makes perfect, you can try a few more times-second brother, the needles are not enough, can you help us prepare more?"

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