The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 588: So father and daughter

Sun Yinuo still does not know, it is because of her move that she succeeded in accepting her for the night. In the eyes of Gu Ye, a person who really cares about his cousin, the character will not be bad where to go... This is a follow-up!

Anya County mastered the snacks from the kitchen, full of boxes, and entered the Qing Wangfu in a good mood. Instead of going back to her yard, she went to the study room of her brother in the outer court.

The disciples of Gong’s family, Wang Hou’s family, usually have two ways to be an official. One is Enyin and the other is to test the Bible. In the degree of eccentric eyes of Qing Wang, it is good to keep her brother in the position of Qing Wang Shizi, and don’t think about it.

In May next year, the test of the Ming dynasty, Qing Wang Shizi has been asking for a referral, is studying the scriptures that need to be shot. The eccentricity of the father and the viciousness of the side, the brothers and sisters are struggling in the government. Qing Wang Shizi experienced a situation of death and death, realizing that they can no longer sit still.

He held the conviction of breaking the boat and decided to make a blockbuster in the Ming Kee. As long as the emperor can treat each other with the other eye, the father will look at him, and the person/person will also vote for the rat, and he will not be able to rush their brothers and sisters to poison the hands!

"Brother, take a break and watch it again! I will bring you a snack, you must love it!" Anya County owner opened one of the boxes, and pushed the snacks to the front of his brother.

Qing Wang Shizi's face was thin and handsome, showing a smile. He put down his books and picked up a mango pudding from the good. The pudding is decorated in a beautiful bamboo cup, and the golden pudding is dotted with a few honey-stained mangoes.

Gently smack a small piece into the mouth with a spoon. The mango is sweet and fragrant, and the pudding is soft and smooth. Even if you don’t like the snacks, you can’t help but eat a few more.

"It's delicious! This is the new style of snack that Ye Erjie borrowed from my cook. The famous city's famous reputation." Have you heard of it? The snack thief inside is delicious, and the supply is in short supply. Going to buy, you may not be able to get it!

Today at this girl's banquet, I know that the taste has not yet been released, everyone can eat hard! Ye's sister really helped a lot, you didn't see it, those noble women and Yan Xiu who were higher than the top on weekdays, the amazing eyes when they tasted the snacks, and the look of love... I am embarrassed to describe! ”

Anya County pinched an egg **** and sent it to his mouth, taking a big bite and chewing.

Ye Er sister? The pharmacist girl who had been treated for him in the town government office? Qing Wang Shizi’s hand paused and he continued to send a spoon of pudding to the entrance.

In the face of his unhealthy disease, the quiet expression of the little girl, the indifferent eyes, let him shy, for a moment, I thought that I had nothing but ordinary illness. His impaired self-esteem and traumatic mind were quietly soothed.

Ever since I accidentally took the road of Yong'anyuan, who was infected with the disease, Qing Wang Shizi could not wait to die immediately. If you are not worried that your sister is struggling in the hands of the person/person, if he is not unwilling to be in the heart, he may have chosen to be self-satisfied.

After he was diagnosed, when he almost gave up, his sister had been working tirelessly for him. He was ignorantly asked about the disease of Hualiu disease, and invited him to a famous doctor in Beijing or even outside Beijing. In order not to live up to his sister's attachment, he must also persist to the last moment.

Seeing that the cockroach/person framed him, his condition became more and more serious, his body began to fester, and he mourned from time to time. He has also been weak, stunned, and feared... even thinks that if he chooses, he would rather die with dignity than to fall to this point...

Just when he was already thinking about how to die without pain, this time, my sister invited a little girl.

As if in the dark and desperate life, the sunshine that shines makes him want to hold the light tightly. Then the young and thin girl became his last straw. He also ridiculously agreed to her diagnosis and treatment.

The cautious sister did not directly let her give him a cure, but first took the squatting "hands" of the next courtyard. The cockroaches that had been tortured to death by the illness, after the diagnosis and treatment of the little girl, improved at an alarming rate, the fester began to be scarred, and people were spiritually stronger every day.

He suddenly saw the hope of life, eagerly asked his sister, and let the little doctor give him healing. It is a pity that the little girl with a bright black scorpion only appeared in front of him for two days. After the follow-up treatment, she changed her body.

Every day, I put a needle into my body and lost a strange potion to eat the same strange pills... This novel diagnosis and treatment method and medicine, he did not hesitate to actively cooperate, without any doubt.

He can clearly feel that his body is gradually recovering, and the red rash on his body is no longer increased, and now it has completely faded. The little girl said that his illness is not serious and can be cured, but it still needs a process.

He is now going to inject penicillin every once in a while. The little girl also gave him a Chinese medicine for later conditioning treatment...

Thinking of the little girl's doctor's advice, he put down the snack in his hand, and looked at the snack box with some reluctance. He smiled: "The snack is really delicious. However, I can't eat more sweets now, and the rest you get your yard. Eat slowly!"

The Anya County sorrowed anxiously on his skull and said: "Look at my brain, how can I forget this! You shouldn’t eat this pudding... Brother, Ye’s sister said, you have more on weekdays. Pay attention to rest, but also strengthen your exercise. You can't always sit and read a book!"

"Do not worry! I will run two laps every morning in the training field, playing a boxing method ~ also has a fixed time. Last time I spent a good girl to give me a dive, I asked her to ask Ye Er girl, as long as it is not too tired, the book can still be seen." Qing Wang Shizi naturally will not make fun of his body.

Anya County nodded and smiled and said: "My brother has a sense of concentration!"

"Please give peace to the prince!" Purple and Lan Ying, who stayed outside, heard the voice of Ann. The brothers and sisters looked at each other - what did he do?

Qing Wang walked in with a round belly. When he entered the door, he asked: "Anya, you have a banquet today, how can you miss your two sisters? They are their own sisters, they are helping each other, you will not make trouble. Come out today's incident!"

There was a sneer on the face of Anya County. It was not salty or ruthless: "My daughter's dinner today is a famous niece. Let the two prostitutes help the hospitality, I am afraid it will make a bigger joke. !"

"You! Dear children, Yuan Er, is a prostitute who is recorded in your mother's name, a prostitute who is a prostitute, don't mention it later!" Qing Wang gasped his eyes wide open.

The coldness on the face of Anya County is even worse: "Remember the mother's name? Did the mother agree? Did they over-examine their mother and respect the tea? Father, let me admit that they are my sisters, let them Go to the land and get the mother's consent!"

"You are not a filial daughter!" Qing Wang's fat palm, a heavy shot on the table.

Qing Wang Shizi wants to say something, Anya County owner grabbed in front, smiled and said: "Yes! I am not filial, savage, bullying, brothers and sisters, heart and evil... Who knows these people in Beijing? Do not know the father 'The ground is dirty and dirty.'

"Pour dirty water? Don't you take your whip to pump your brother's sister? Don't you hit the side of the king? Didn't you frame their mothers again and again?" Qing Wang Yu rounded his eyes and smashed his eyes. Asked to drink.

Qing Wang Shizi stood up and wanted to explain. The Anya County Lord did not want his brother to carry the reputation of "not filial piety" and stopped him:

"Brother, why bother to talk to him. The **** and the disgusting guys she gave birth to have always been a play--hey, it’s a pity to not be a play. Some people are blind and deaf, just watching others show him Listen to the pillows of others. Let us explain it in vain. Will he believe?"

Qing Wang rushed to her, raised her hand, and saw the face of Anya County, like Wang Hao’s face, and finally did not fall, just angrily said: "Do you have my father in your eyes?"

"Father Wang?" The eyes of Anya County gradually filled with tears and slammed back. "When you indulge the beasts and the beasts she gave birth, killing my mother, the 'father' is in me. In my heart, I died with my mother-in-law..."

"You are not a filial daughter! Are you dying in the curse of the king?" Qing Wang couldn't bear it, and a slap in the face.

Qing Wang Shizi stepped forward and grabbed his hand before Qing Wang’s hand fell on his sister’s face: “Father, please anger!”

"Let me go! Let me kill this unfilial girl!" Qing Wang gasped his chest and gasped., you take care. If the daughter is really angry, then the beggars and the beasts she gave birth to will not have the capital to support them. Can you let them go to this savage, vicious daughter? "Anya County's main eyes flashed a trace of desolateness, and the smile on his face was more intense."

In the sad sight of her daughter, Qing Wang’s heart flashed a bit of wolverine. He and Wang Hao, it is also a mutual affection, but also Qin Qin and Ming for a while. However, the man's heart is all changeable. When Wang Hao was pregnant with the world, Qing Wang met the sideline who deliberately approached him, was confused by her means, and carried her into the government.

There is no such thing as a sideline in the royal palace. The man is nothing but a noble man. However, this white lotus, but a little bit of the relationship between the King and Wang Hao, even when Wang Yusheng An Yajun, the hands and feet, almost killed her a corpse two lives.

Qingwang, however, has always regarded that person/person as a weak, weak, and weak person who needs protection. When Qing Wang gave birth to her daughter, she was injured and was provoked by the cockroach/person, and she was separated from Qing Wang.

The 贱/人 even bought the next person around Wang Hao, and gave her a chance to see even the doctor. Finally, when the owner of Anja County was ten years old, the oil left the world.

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