The full moon once followed the father to recognize the door, and both Fobo and Fuxi recognized her. The old couple had no children, and they lived in such a large yard, which was slightly deserted. When Lin’s mother and son were arranged to come in by their own girls, they enthusiastically helped Zhang Luo.

Linuo refused the good intentions of Forbe to let them live in the east wing, and only would like to live with the Fubofu nephew in the inverted room of the front yard. The moon is no more than him, so he has to let it go.

Not long after Lin Nuo came in, Ji Mintang came to a few buddies and sent a batch of medicinal materials. Among them are the four herbs and all the ingredients he has been practicing. The Liang Laofu of Jimintang also personally went to the door to give Lin mother diagnosis and treatment, and opened a prescription for her to go to Jimintang to take medicine. It's all free.

Lin mother grateful to Dade, in the room to the son of the home of the family established a longevity card, daily dedicated to incense, and ask the Buddha to bless this kindhearted person.

Lin Nuo spent his sleepless nights in the production of the four-system incense. He is very talented in pharmacy, and after a few days of attention, he quickly mastered and mastered the four-system fragrant method. He began the practice of fragrant charcoal.

Since then, the front yard of Gu Zhai has always been shrouded in smoke and smoke. When the first time I was concocted, the five-product officer who lived next door thought that the house was in flames. I took a few sons and the next person from the family to come and see that it was a small pharmacist, and then I smiled and shook my head and left.

Afterwards, Linuo also went to the door to apologize and disturbed the neighbors. I am deeply sorry. People of this era are still very tolerant to pharmacists. The five-product official sent him out with enthusiasm, saying that it is appropriate to watch and help each other.

The processing method of fragrant charcoal seems to be simple, but it is not. First of all, the size of the fire in the furnace must be precise; secondly, the heat of the cooking should be in place; the moment of spraying the water, it should be just right.

Linuo wasted a dozen pounds of incense, still did not touch the embarrassment. When I was alone, I remembered that there was still a drug boy. When I strolled over, I realized that my little drug was stuck on the charcoal for a long time. She personally concocted a pot, explained and practiced while teaching him.

If Linno can't learn again, then it's stupid to be nowhere. In the face of the night, he made several more, and he succeeded three times in at least five times. Gu night patted his shoulder and let him practice more without worrying about the problem of medicinal herbs.

Mastering the processing method of the four-system fragrant and fragrant charcoal, on behalf of his pharmaceutical surgery has taken a step. Sure enough, Master’s guidance was different. He had pondered for more than two years and had no progress at all. Now, after Master’s appointment, pharmaceutical technology has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Linuo cherished this rare opportunity. He wanted to throw a dry sponge into the water and try to **** the water. Seeing his good night, he taught him several intermediate difficulty methods.

Lin Nuo practiced day and night, and in the few days before the big medicine meeting, he thoroughly taught Master what he had taught him. Strive for the pharmacist assessment, do not give Master a shame!

Jun’s days are not open to Sen! ! As the drug association approached, her daughter became more and more busy, and she was busy than her elder brother. I go out early every morning, knowing that I will be back in the evening or even later.

And the medicine she took had the right amount of sleeping ingredients. When her daughter left, she still didn't wake up. When the daughter came back, she was already asleep. She hasn't seen a beautiful and lovely daughter for three days! !

But she couldn't drag her daughter's hind legs, and she had to vent her heart's depression to her child. The town’s public heart hurts the wife, but the prostitute is not a pharmacist gathering every day, or a predecessor who was taken by her master to visit the pharmacist world. When he saw a prostitute, he was few and far between, and he was powerless.

He complained a little through the mouth of the younger son. I happened to be tired of talking with some pharmacists and smuggling snakes. I pushed all the things on this day and stayed at home with my mother.

After taking the special medicine for five days, the symptoms of Jun's blood loss have been reduced a lot. Yesterday, Zhang Yuan was giving a diagnosis, and she was amazed at the speed of her recovery. She even praised Gu’s pharmaceutical surgery.

Gu Ye came to Rongan Garden early in the morning and accompanied her mother for breakfast. At this time, the sun was not big, and the mother was walking in the garden.

There are seven spacious rooms in Rong'an Park. There are five rooms on each side of the ear, and there are two buildings on the back. In the garden, there is a rockery made of stone from Taihu Lake. There is a square pond next to it. The lotus inside is withered and the lotus leaves are withered. However, the Xifu sea lychee leaves at the lakeside are lush and green.

Jun pointed to these Xifu Haitang and smiled and said: "These are all planted by you. In the spring, the sea otter is gorgeous, like a red glow, attracting butterflies and butterflies to dance, so lively."

Then, she took her daughter to a piece of Merlin: "When winter, the snow is red, and the fragrance is bursting. There is a small pavilion with a octagonal spire in Merlin. It is a good place to enjoy the plum. When winter comes, you You can have a Mei-Mei banquet and invite the familiar girls to meet. Hey, we haven’t held such a banquet for more than ten years!"

"Mother, I am just holding the chrysanthemums in the house. When you are well, you can get a chrysanthemum feast, and enjoy the chrysanthemums and eat crabs. It must be lively. Mother, you go to the garden every day, it is good for your health. Looking at these flowers and plants, I feel better and my body can recover faster."

Gu night saw the mother's forehead had a slight sweat, then she helped her sit down at the Guanlan Pavilion on the lakeside. The koi in the water, seeing a flash of people, will be surrounded by a bee. Gu night took over the fish food in the hands of the donkey and fed it to the pool to feed the Jun knows that her daughter is afraid of heat, she sat next to her, fanning her in the fan of her hand, watching her put Fingers stretched into the water to make a fish, and his face showed a smile of love and affection: "As long as Boa is at the mother's side, the mother is happy, and no disease is gone! Most of the disease is a heart disease!"

"My daughter will always stay with her mother, so that her mother is happy every day!" Gu night flew into the arms of Jun, tired of the mother's arms and reluctantly come. She made a note to Miss Jiao who did not come to the door and did not leave the house. It was rare to be with her mother. It was natural to find ways to marry her.

Jun’s daughter, who was soft and soft, smiled and appeared in the corners of her eyes: “That’s not what it is. It’s said that the female university is not staying, staying and staying to stay in the enemy. The big man’s marriage is a big marriage, not a few In the year of my treasure, I should wear a wedding dress and be a happy bride!"

"Daughter does not marry! The daughter must stay with her mother forever. Hey, can't afford me!" Gu night's head, drilled into the mother's arms, smiled and said, "If you want to be a official in the future, there is still no Brothers?"


The new week begins, and the referral ticket in your hand is thrown over?

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