Solved a big hidden danger, Gu Laozi thanked the table, invited the prefecture adults at the Qingfeng Building, and had the honor to invite Jun Yonglun, a friend of the prefects. During the dinner, Jun Yonglun saw his friend frown and asked his reason.

Yao Zhifu put down his glass and sighed deeply. He said: "The youngest son in the family was diagnosed with pox, and the inner child and several waiters were also sick. Please ask some doctors, say... Hey!"

Pox, whitening is the out of chickenpox or rash, this modern small illness, in the ancient times behind the medicine, accidentally will have a human life.

The wife of Yao Zhifu, after having four daughters in a row, got his son. Natural baby is abnormal. After her son got sick, she took care of her clothes. She had never had chickenpox and she was accidentally infected.

Yao Zhifu and his wife are very happy, even if she did not have a son, she never thought of Nayong. At this moment, the son and the daughter-in-law are all ill, and they are so sinister pox, they are almost white.

Jun Yonglun remembered a village in the suburbs of Yancheng more than ten years ago, because many people and children died because of pox. Fortunately, the Yancheng prefecture at that time reacted quickly and quickly blocked the village, and did not let the disease spread.

"Mrs. and my nephew, can I still be okay?" Jun Yonglun wanted to ask how the sick people in Yao Zhifu were placed, but after all, some people were hurt, and they swallowed back.

Fortunately, Yao Zhifu is not a confused person. He sighed heavily and said: "The nephew and her mother, as well as a few sick people, are sent to Zhuangzi to rest. The brothers are relieved, I am not a person who is arrogant. ""

In order to prevent the spread of pox, Yao’s Zhuangzi in the suburbs has been banned from entering and leaving. Every day, Yao Zhifu will send people outside Zhuangzi, yelling far and asking about the condition of his wife and son. Their condition is not optimistic, especially Mrs. Yao’s high fever for three days, and she will not be able to stand up...

Gu Xiaogu’s father suddenly said: “Is there a doctor from Jimintang to see?”

"Jimintang?" Baijia, a new family of drug dealers, is still shallower than those of the century-old drug dealer family. At the beginning, Jimintang was run by other drug dealers and could only be opened in a small town. That is to say, after cooperating with Gujia, it gradually developed. For the person who has a slight status in Yancheng, the name “Jimintang” is somewhat stranger.

Gu Laozi nodded and said: "Jimintang's doctor is good, maybe he has a way." Gu did not expect that his kind words caused his granddaughter to commit a crime and even contracted a pox. ......

Some dramas happening, and it is taken for granted. The prefectural adult asked the doctor of Jimintang to visit, and Bai Jingxuan Bai Sanye naturally attached great importance. The doctor of Jimintang was helpless, and Bai Sanye found his family on the cheeks and asked for the doctor's head to cure the intestines.

After Gu Xiaoyan invited the prefects, they did not go home but went to the winery. When he came back from the winery in the evening, he heard that his granddaughter was asked to go to the hospital of the master of the prefecture when he was treated by Bai Minye of Jimintang. He regretted that he could not slap himself.

In the usual cases of other incurable diseases, he asked his granddaughter to heal. He was not worried at all. It’s good to be cured, but it’s not a cure. After all, acne is an incurable disease, and it is highly contagious. If the granddaughter has a case... How can this be good?

Gu Yu, who came back from school, listened to his sister and went to treat the pox, and the cold sweat suddenly came out. He put down the book box and solved the horse from the backyard, and he was going to rush outside the city.

Gu Xiao drank him: "Stop! How did I teach you? When you have to calm down, you can only calmly think and make accurate judgments before you can survive!"

"That's my sister! My sister! How can I calm down? My sister is weak from a young age. If I get a pox, I have only one way to die! Grandpa, have you forgotten the cold that winter?" The more I talk about it, the more I worry, the tears almost rushed out. "No, I am going to bring my sister back! The life of the wife and children of the prefects, isn’t the life of my sister not a life?"

"Stand up!" Gu Xiao's voice is full of coldness.

Gu Yu had already lost his mind and shouted at him: "Grandpa, this is related to my sister's life, no one can stop me!"

"Do you know where the celebrity of the prefecture's family is? You can only miss more time when you fly out like a fly. Go, go to the house first, let the prefects send people to lead us." The backyard pulled out his mount and walked out of the house.

Gu Yu saw from his father's hasty footsteps that Grandpa was not worried, but as he said, the more he worried, the more he could not panic. He wiped a tear and turned his horse to his grandfather.

When I arrived at the mansion, the Yao family said that the prefecture adults accompanied the doctor to Zhuangzi. However, there are people in the house who have sent things to Zhuangzi, and they have pointed out the way to both the grandson and the grandson. The grandson and the two went out of the East Gate, galloping all the way, and finally arrived at the Zhuangzi before the sun completely set.

However, at the entrance to the village, they were stopped by the shackles of the government. Although Zhuangzi was sick of his own relatives, the prefects were not worried and affectionate. In order to prevent the spread of the disease, Yao Zhifu has long blocked his own Zhuangzi. Yao Zhifu himself, who stayed outside Zhuangzi, looked at Zhuangzi, who was gradually covered by darkness in the night, and his face was full of sorrow and worry.

"My sister?" Gu Yu looked at the Zhuangzi in the night as if swallowed by the behemoth, and asked with a trembling lips.

The prefects closed their eyes and slowly spit out a sigh: "Gu girl has gone in for two hours..."

Gu Yu Deng collapsed: "My sister has not had acne, she will be infected! No, I have to go in and bring her out... What are you doing, don't stop me, get out!"

Gu Yu practiced for more than a year, and with great talent, more than a dozen servants could not stop him. In the end, Gu Xiao went to the front and only took him.

Looking at the crying grandson, Gu Xiao can't bear to blame him, just gently persuaded: "There are six or seven patients currently known, your sister is already busy enough. Don't mess with it! Your sister If you are not medically savvy, I believe she will not be in danger."

"That... then I am waiting outside the Zhuangzi for news?" For her sister, Gu Yu has always believed in it, and he has calmed down and said that he is not willing to go in the wilderness. In the north of March, the wind of the night was wrapped in cold and cold, and Gu Yu, who only wore a thin coat, made a slight shudder. He stood there reluctantly, no matter who persuaded him, he did not leave!

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