The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 319: Rich festival

The drug factory has a full holiday on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. Gu Ye not only gave the employees double the money, but also doubled the bonus. Those who work hard and contribute outstandingly, the wages of the twelfth lunar month are four to five times the usual. The highest employee, took ten or two silver!

In addition, Gu Ye also prepared a rich new year for them - ten pounds of pork, two chickens, two fish, a piece of venison, half a piece of cloth, a box of delicate cakes. Employees can have a big fat year! This cannot but be said that Shaodong’s consideration is more thoughtful.

Some people are used to it. After receiving the money, they are not willing to buy more new products. This is good, Shaodong’s family has thought of them. Don't say that you have used it yourself, and you have a gift to go to relatives.

Going to my grandmother's house in the past year, taking a few pieces of egg and a coarse cloth, it is already a good gift. This year, you can cut two pounds of meat and add a piece of cloth. The Shaodong family sent them a fine cotton cloth. The average family is not willing to buy it. Don't mention more face.

The employees who lived in and around the town and returned home were held as successful candidates. Although they have signed the deeds, they can only do non-technical activities such as net medicine and decocting, but they have also received four or five silver dollars to go home, not to mention a whole basket of new year!

Zhang Xiaomei, the little girl who was cared for by the night-time pharmacy, returned home with a basket full of New Year’s goods. Her family lives in a slum-like area south of Yancheng. It is mostly a poor family, or a migrant population who fled. The 35xs Zhang Xiaomei family was suffering from a drought in their hometown in the past few years and came to Yancheng.

Like these foreign populations, there is no field, only relying on men at home to do hard work, even the food is not enough, where is the money to repair the house? Therefore, Zhang Xiaomei’s family was crowded in a shack that was leaking. It’s better this year, and Zhang Xiaomei’s wages are almost left untouched. The addition of cotton coats and quilts at home is not as difficult as it used to be. In the slums, almost every winter, some people will die and die!

"Sister is back!" A thin radish head, wearing a large new cotton coat, leaped up and greeted. Behind him, a tall, tall boy followed and took over the heavy recital in Zhang Xiaomei's hands.

The old lady of the neighbor's house, holding the leaking mouth, smiled and asked: "Plum, send the goods for the year? This time your family sent you a good thing?"

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the drug factory issued moon cakes and meat, and the enemies of the neighbors were envious. Neighbors' old ladies usually take care of their families. When they are busy, they help them see their children. Zhang Xiaomei’s mother sent her two moon cakes.

After the old lady had eaten, she said that the moon cake made by Mei Zidong’s family tasted better than the most expensive Tongfangzhai in the city! In fact, how can she afford the cakes of Tongfangzhai? In her opinion, the delicious moon cake is not as good as the two pieces that Mei Zijia sent her!

Zhang Xiaomei rushed the old man and smiled. "Nothing, it's a piece of meat and a box of snacks! You are waiting for Li, grandma, and send two snacks for you to taste!"

Mrs. Li’s wife heard the words and laughed so that she couldn’t even see her eyes: “You have more children, keep yourself to eat!” said this in his mouth, but he thought in his heart, when the New Year’s, the prostitute who is married will want this year. Come back, these two pastries are left to taste for the granddaughter.

Looking at Zhang Xiaomei's brother and sister into the shack of her house, the neighbors who heard the movement and came to watch were all talking about:

"Zhangjia's daughter-in-law has a good time. The pharmaceutical factory has high wages and good treatment. Not only does it send money and clothes, but it also produces meat and snacks from time to time. This time, I also made a lot of it, enough for Zhang’s fat year. It!"

"But it's not! You see this for half a year, the days of Zhang's family are getting better and better. The children have made new winter clothes, and the food in the family has risen straight! I also smelled her family eating meat in my early years!"

"If we can have someone working in a pharmaceutical factory, even if we look at the door, we have a few hundred yuan of work every month!"

"Yeah, yeah! I don't know if the drug factory still invites people?"

The neighbors looked at each other with a heart and turned back to their own shack. They all figured out that they would go to Zhangjia in the evening to find out if the drug factory had any intention of collecting people.

Zhang Xiaomei’s brother Zhang Shi, carrying a heavy back, is very happy in his heart. Back home, Mei Zi Niang took over her back and opened the straw above, revealing a large piece of pork belly, two fat hens, and a fish that was more than a foot long.

The smile on Meizi's face can't be hidden. She took these carefully out of the raft and hung it by the window. She took out the half of the cloth and laid it on the raft. She pondered her niece and got a kiss. She sent a piece of cotton cloth and made a new dress for the scorpion. As for the two boxes of snacks, take a box and go back...

Mei Zi Niang’s maiden was in Yancheng, and she fled the maiden’s home when she fled. However, her mother's family did not have a good time, and it took some effort to put them down. In their most difficult time, the tens of thousands of grain and dozens of copper plates sent by her brothers made them through the storm.

In the past few years, the family was poor, and the children could not live. Although they wanted to give the mothers some annual gifts that could be seen, the family situation was not allowed. This year, when she returned to her family, she could finally look up in front of her sisters.

Zhang Xiaomei took out six or two silver from the inner pocket of the clothes and placed it on her own dilapidated Meizi Niang saw it and immediately rounded her eyes and was surprised: "How is it so much?"

At the beginning, I was told that I was recruited by a pharmaceutical factory. I said that men and women who are between 12 and 15 years old, including food and shelter, have money to pay. Originally she did not agree with the prostitute. Girls go out to earn money, and they don’t come back at night, they will make people talk, and later may affect the prostitute’s marriage.

However, Zhang Xiaomei insisted on going, and secretly took her to the interview. When the prostitute pressed the fingerprint on the dech paper, when everything was settled, Meizi’s opposition again would not help. She never imagined that the prostitute went to the pharmaceutical factory to work, and in the first month she brought back the money of one or two silvers, earning more than she had been working outside for three months.

In the days that followed, the prostitute could bring back silver of one or two, two or two every month. Everyday at the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, meat and snacks were also sent! Prostitutes eat well in the pharmaceutical factory, live well, and send two new clothes every season.

This made people who had been pointing at their homes and said that they let their daughters go out to work, they closed their mouths. Of course, those who can't look at someone's broken mouth, say a few words are still there! Some people are like this, hate people and laugh people!

Zhang Xiaomei grinned and smiled in her eyes. "Mother, I volunteered to stay in the pharmaceutical factory to work overtime. This month's work and bonuses have doubled. Plus, I work hard, it is the most efficient group, was selected. For the advanced employees, I won two or two silver medals! I am still a small one. The highest in the factory, I took a whole pair of silver!"


Sometimes, I ask myself in my heart: in order to write a text, the cervical vertebrae are not good, the friends are gradually alienating, there is no time to date and single... All this, value?

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