The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 743: Iranian ships approached for surveillance

On the surface of the Persian Gulf at this moment, the wind and waves are calm, the breeze is blowing, and the salty sea water is not as obvious as usual.

When the three Red Police Navy warships were conducting various formation sailing tests in the high seas of the Persian Gulf, a small fishing boat was following far and near on the sea far away.

Regarding this small fishing boat, the Red Police Navy, which is undergoing formation training, did not take it seriously.

Not to mention that all the combat systems on the two sea scorpions and one multifunctional destroyer are all in a shutdown state, even if all the electronic systems are turned on, they are not afraid of such a small reconnaissance ship.

Because it is impossible for such a small fishing boat to be equipped with equipment that can intercept all the electronic equipment and a large amount of information on the warship.

At most, there are some small monitoring equipment, and then take some high-definition photos, there will be no more capabilities.

Otherwise, if it is replaced by a professional electronic reconnaissance ship, it will be completely different. In front of such a professional reconnaissance ship, all systems on the warship must be turned off, especially the radar signal and electronic spectrum, otherwise these signals Will be intercepted immediately.

As for the sonar signal of the ship, there is no way. After all, it is impossible to cover up this kind of thing if it sails on the sea.

The three warships that are undergoing various formations to form a sailing test have been freely changing their formations and are conducting various high-maneuverability evasive sailing tests.

This time, Cai Ruichen did not conduct anti-explosion sea trials. The test results of Sea Scorpion were very good. Naturally, the production level of warships at the base was beyond doubt.

Therefore, there is no need to waste such time to engage in such meaningless tests.

However, if there are other warships in the future, especially warships that may perform combat missions in high-threat theaters in the future, it is still necessary to conduct such tests.

Anti-explosion testing, testing the operating conditions of ships and equipment is one purpose, and another purpose is to test the endurance limit of this warship.

These are very important data, and can also be a basis for warship commanders to conduct risk assessments during the war.

At present, the Navy of the Red Police Corps has not formally formed any maritime formations. When there are more multi-functional destroyers and sea scorpions, the Red Police Navy's fleet will be officially formed.

The main task of the Red Police Navy is to **** with the U.S. Navy and counter-terrorism at sea, leaving only training tasks.

In the shipyard, there is a second batch of sea scorpions about to be completed, the second multi-purpose destroyer is about to launch, and there will be a third and a fourth ship.

The multifunctional destroyer is a very good warship with moderate tonnage, capable of performing various combat missions, and a veritable all-rounder.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen does not intend to stop the construction of the multifunctional destroyer. In the future, it will be normal to build a hundred and eighty ships. However, it is easy to build a warship, but the maintenance and use costs of the whole life cycle are even more expensive. Huge expenses.

Even though the cost of building a multifunctional destroyer is only the base’s two-day capital income, in fact, after a warship is put into service, it is another expense for naval personnel to deploy all weapons, ammunition and missiles in place. Ships are also a cost. The fuel consumption of navigation, future maintenance, training, etc. add up, and the cost will be at least five or six times the cost of construction.

Everyone says it’s easy to buy a car and it’s harder to maintain a car. This is especially true for warships. As high-end combat weapons and equipment, in fact, in many ways, it can be said to be spoiled and must be taken care of. Regular maintenance and overhauls are also required. necessary.

With the current base and the financial resources of the Future Technology Group, it is impossible to raise one hundred and eighty ships. Of course, it will certainly be possible in the future.

It is now in the early stages of development, and everything needs to be gradual, otherwise it may lead to an imbalance in revenue and expenditure.

Otherwise, Cai Ruichen would like to produce thousands of such warships at one go. When the time comes, see who dares to treat himself, and directly overwhelm the fleet, which can blast any country in the world.

At present, Cai Ruichen is only planning to build five or six multi-function destroyers. When it is needed in the future, it can be built on a large scale at any time.

After all, it only takes a few months, and it can be built on a large scale at one time. In terms of efficiency, only enough funds can completely beat the speed of shipbuilding in all countries in the world.

At that time, if it can accelerate, then a large number of warships can be launched every day, even reaching the point where there are warships but no one is operating.

In terms of training, similar to the current formation sailing test, it is also an inevitable procedure.

Although the naval soldiers of the Red Police Corps are all very good naval sailors, it is one thing to understand, and every naval soldier must be trained to the point where they can no longer be proficient.

With the integration of various high-tech Red Police naval vessels, the number of personnel required on the warship has become very But because of this, every post on the warship has become more important.

Take the all-electric propulsion system on the multifunctional destroyer as an example. Every operation link cannot go wrong, because it is very likely that an error in a certain link or carelessness in the operation will cause a power failure, which will cause the whole The warship turned into scrap iron.

The soldiers of the Red Police Corps are not gods. In Cai Ruichen's view, they are also human beings. If they are human, they will inevitably make mistakes. However, compared with soldiers from other countries, the Red Police Corps soldiers have the least chance of making mistakes.

Cai Ruichen is to continue to reduce this minimum probability to a smaller probability to ensure that every time there is no error.

So even if the soldiers of the Red Police Corps came out, they were qualified soldiers, but Cai Ruichen still hadn't stopped training the troops to improve the combat literacy of the Red Police Corps soldiers.

This time, he came to the warship to take a good look at the operation of every department on the warship.

After simply visiting the outside situation of the next warship, he immediately came to the core of this multi-functional destroyer-the combat situation center.

The War Situation Center is short for the War Command and Intelligence Analysis Center, and it is also the core key department of the entire warship's combat effectiveness.

All weapons and electronic equipment of the entire ship are controlled here, and the commander of the combat situation center is also the third-ranked person in the entire ship, and is the third task under the captain and deputy captain.

According to the architecture of the Red Police Navy, the captain of the multifunctional destroyer is a lieutenant colonel, and the rank of the commander of the combat situation center is generally captain or major.

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