The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Chapter 663: Tragic Kurdish

The Kurds, like Arabs, Turks, Persians, and Jews, are one of the oldest ethnic groups in the Middle East and have a long history. There are currently about 30 million Kurds in the world, mainly living in Kurdistan, including the eastern and southeastern part of Turkey, northwestern Iran, northern Iraq and northeastern Syria, covering an area of ​​about 400,000 square kilometers. The Kurdistan Autonomous Region is located in northern Iraq.

In war-torn Iraq, the Kurdistan Autonomous Region has the best opportunity for development. The Kurds, who have been suppressed by Turkey, Iran, and Iraq all the year round, have the best Kurds in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region in northern Iraq. The timing of the founding of the nation.

However, Kurds in Turkey and Iran have long been oppressed by high-pressure policies.

In Iraq, the Kurds in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region have difficulties in building a nation.

Regardless of the current combat effectiveness of the Iraqi government forces, before the emergence of the future technology group, it has always been difficult for the country and Kurdish forces to grow.

But once the Kurds in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region want to establish their own country, it will surely cause a huge backlash throughout the Middle East.

Even Saudi Arabia, which is seriously at odds with countries such as Iraq, Iran, and Syria, will not sit back and watch the Kurds build a nation.

Not to mention Turkey, a NATO country. Once the Kurds are established, Turkey must be the first to send troops to kill the Kurds.

Therefore, even the Kurds, who have absolute autonomy in northern Iraq, have never dared to easily establish a country on the premise that they have strong military strength.

At present, no power or country is willing to stab such a super powder keg, and even the United States will not weigh such pros and cons.

Thirty million Kurds have always been scattered in various places in the Middle East, whether it is politics or a way out. All extremely difficult.

This kind of all-round blockade and suppression. Few Kurds can get ahead because there is no chance for them to get ahead.

Due to a little support from the Iraqi government and the previous US government, Kurdish forces began to have a relatively large force in northern Iraq. The decisive military power.

The armed forces in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region, although there is no air force. Naturally, there is no navy, but based on the armed competition with the country, an army with good combat effectiveness has been created.

however. Unfortunately, the Kurds are not a highly united nation. Compared with the other three races in the Middle East, the Kurds are more capable of intrigue.

From the time of Saddam. The Kurds have many opportunities for development and growth in northern Iraq.

But every opportunity has just been seized. When rights are established, almost all of them are destroyed by their own struggle for power.

The current Kurdistan Autonomous Region is almost like this, with Kurdish armed forces with nearly 300,000 armed forces. In fact, it is in the hands of three Kurdish people.

What these three people do most often is not to work hard for the founding of the Kurds, but to concentrate their power, and they have been fighting each other.

The three forces acted respectively in the three provinces of the Kurdistan Autonomous Region. These three provinces have been the three northern provinces of Iraq controlled by the Kurds since they were planned as the Kurdistan Autonomous Region after the Gulf War.

Each province has nearly three million Kurds, and all the regular armed forces have reached one hundred thousand.

The independent economic system has almost no rights to entangle with the Iraqi government, and there are often frictions and conflicts with the Iraqi government forces.

Therefore, although this region has not yet truly established an independent nation, in fact, it is not much different from independent nation-building.

This is also the main reason why the Iraqi government has classified Kurdish forces as rebels.

And this name has been in existence since Saddam’s time, when tens of millions of Kurds in Iraq, under the instigation of Britain and the United States, armed defense against Saddam’s rule.

However, due to the lack of actual support from the United Kingdom and the United States, it was quickly suppressed by Saddam’s National Guard. In order to give the Kurds a little bit of pain, Saddam was still in the Kurdish gathering place, using biological and chemical weapons, resulting in a large number of Kurds. People died.

At that time, tens of millions of Kurds all flooded into Turkey madly. Finally, under the final intervention of various countries and the United Nations, the Kurdistan Autonomous Region was established.

Naturally, Saddam was not reconciled to the all-round blockade of the Kurdistan Autonomous Region at that time, and often had fierce armed conflicts with the Kurdish militias at that time, and regarded these Kurdish armed forces as rebels.

So far, the conflict between the two sides has never ceased.

Although the Saddam government has disappeared in the long river of history, the Iraqis still have not forgotten the three provinces in the north occupied by Kurds.

You know that the three northern provinces are the main agricultural and animal husbandry bases in Iraq, and the places near the Mesopotamia are the best natural pastures.

The Iraqis who have lost the three northern provinces have undergone significant changes in their lives. The biggest change is that almost all food is imported, which has caused the cost of living to rise sharply.

But in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region, because of the abundant water resources and fertile land, the lives of Kurds are getting better and better.

Therefore, the Iraqi government has always been obsessed with these three important grain-producing provinces

However, recently, the Kurds in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region have had a hard time at all.

It can even be said to be very difficult. The Iraqi government completely cut off all passages to the north and prohibited the provision of any goods and basic public services, making the three northern provinces almost isolated from the world.

Iran and Turkey have long separated the Kurds in the country from the Kurds in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region, and they are not allowed to communicate at all.

The real tragedy is that the Kurdish has been the most important source of emergency, falling into a huge crisis.

Occidental Petroleum has always had the right to extract oil in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region. In this land, the proven oil reserves exceed 4 billion barrels, and this oil has always been exploited by Occidental Petroleum.

Occidental Petroleum is a century-old American energy monopoly with a market value of hundreds of billions. However, the recent sharp drop in oil prices has also caused a rapid decline in oil extraction profits.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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