The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 69: Glowing Mist Moon Ring

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

Queen Su laughed bitterly in her heart, but her face was chuckled: "The elder sister really said what we did as parents! This child is not sensible, and following her is like breaking up his heart! This child is too sensible , Think about it again and feel distressed! All in all, from the moment this child fell, there is no one who is not worried about it! "

"Since you are worried about it, you should teach it well." The princess said she was not interested in her euphemistic complaints, and her eyelids were not raised. "After all, it is better to hurt people than hate them, right?"

In the presence of the queen mother, the long princess said a lot.

Rao is a long-sleeve queen of the Queen of Su, and her face was slightly stiff, and she smiled a moment later, "Sister said."

It is implied that Princess Changxing will be disciplined well in the future, and the queen will fight hard for her own sake. The child walked through the door and honored her sister together. This sister ’s joy is so enviable! "

Seeing the eldest princess caressing her for a while, she was obviously not very satisfied. The queen had no choice but to beckoned Song Yi to laugh at her, and unraveled a pair of rings around her waist to give her. Er, this pair of haze and misty moon rings is an antiquities handed down from the former dynasty. The greeting ceremony given to you by the right palace, I hope you and Ah Xu will go back and be beautiful and beautiful, I will be healthy forever! "

Just looking at the glowing appearance of the Xiaguangwuyuehuan, although Song Yixiao has never heard of it before, he also knows that it is of great value and dare not take it.

However, the princess of the Kingdom of Jin was somewhat discouraged: "Since the chaos in Siam a hundred years ago, a large number of artisans died in the city of Fencheng. There are only a handful of soldiers who have survived to this day, especially for this flawless appearance. I am afraid that there is such a pair in the palace. You are willing!

Although the long princess was annoyed that the niece had lost the face of the prospective daughter-in-law and hit her son's face indirectly, she also knew that Song Yixiao had not yet come through the door and her status was so disparate that it was impossible for the queen and the princess to make personal gifts.

Now that the queen promised to discipline the princess, she took out the precious glowing haze of moon and moon as compensation, and it was an explanation. If you continue to investigate it, you will not get much benefit. Instead, you will hate your son and prospective daughter-in-law.

"Sister laughed, no matter how good the thing is, don't take it out and use it in the old warehouse, what's the point?" Seeing the princess said so, Queen Su was relieved, with a smile, "Not to mention such bright objects, I just want them to be young to look good! "

"The emperor's aunt is really eccentric!" Seeing that the storm is about to pass, the empress queen is ready to give Song Yi a smile, who knows that the master of Nanzhang County suddenly tasted, "This pair of haze and misty moon, I I ’ve had it before! The mother-in-law of Huang Huang was talking about the others, and she brought the topic over. Now that Miss Song has said nothing, you gave it to her. "

With a tear in her mouth, Queen Su really didn't know what to say about this little ancestor.

Fortunately, the princess of the Kingdom of Jin just forced her to show a stance, and now she also deliberately eased the relationship and opened up for her: "Zixiang, why are you so overbearing? From childhood to age, the good things your emperor gave you Is it still small? It ’s delicious, delicious and fun, when have you forgotten? Now I ’m just thinking about your cousin ’s face and giving you a quasi-couture gift, you also have to fight? What can only be co-authored with your imperial aunt Here you are, no one else can touch? "

"Sister, Zixiang is joking with the emperor!" The princess acting princess was weird when she saw her daughter being sobbed by her aunt, dissatisfied, "Why are you so serious?"

"There are so many elders, and other girls are obedient and clever enough to learn the book, so she comes out to intervene!" Princess Jin Guochang said impatiently. "Nothing! I said something wrong with her?"

Suddenly, the acting princess princess blushed. "Sister didn't look at me pleasingly and said I was, what's the matter of angering the younger generation?"

"I need to anger the niece?" Princess Jin Guochang gave her a sneer and gave her a sneer. "I want to teach you, when can't I? It's as if I haven't given you rules!"

"You !!!" The princess acting on behalf of the country went smoothly in this life, and even the Emperor Xian Jia was very accommodating. Where can I stand so publicly? At the moment, "You are my ..."

"Both of you give me a break!" The first queen queen's face didn't look very good after she spoke to the master in Nanzhang County. Now when she sees the two daughters, the more noisy they are, the more she looks, and finally she can't bear to yell out loud, "How old People are still as willful as a child! In front of the juniors, is there a little consciousness of being an elder !? "

Seeing the queen mother getting angry, the two sisters looked at each other coldly, not willing to plead guilty: "The lesson of the mother-in-law is! The son-in-law is out of order, and the mother-in-law is punished!"

At this time, the palace people came in and told the obituary, saying that Miss Skong, who had given off the King of Liang, and Miss Xie, who had given birth to Yiping Bo Shizi, were here and were listening to the announcement outside the hall.

Queen Su and others took the opportunity to persuade the queen mother to exasperate: "Today I have said that I have to meet a few children. Now that people have arrived outside the temple, I am afraid that they will be upset if they wait for a long time. Don't scare people! "

The queen mother had no plans to deal with the two daughters, but was annoyed that they argued with their juniors and lost their elder status. So they coaxed a few words from the queen, and then nodded: "Let them in!"

After a while, Sikong Yiluo joined a girl who was as old as a cloud and a beautiful girl. After the ceremony was as ritual, the queen mother asked Sikong Yiluo for a few words and said nothing, but paid special attention to Miss Xie— After a while, the next generation of the princess said: "If Sister Lu Guo is still here, how happy to see Xier getting married?"

Song Yi laughed and knew—Bo Shi Yiping should be one of Xian Jiadi's sisters and the child left by the late Princess Lu.

Without his mother-in-law's pro-grandson, it is no wonder that the queen mother is particularly interested in his fiancee.

"Sit down!" The queen mother was very satisfied with Miss Xie's performance. After asking, she moved three embroidered stools and the girls all took their seats.

Of these three embroidery stools, two were placed behind Princess Jin Guochang and one was placed behind Princess Cui Gui, apparently allowing them to sit with their respective elders. The order of Princess Lu Guochang was between the Kingdom of Jin and the acting princess. Miss Xie followed Princess Jin.

After Song Yixiao took the seat, Pei Yourui from the top gave a friendly smile. She smiled back when she was busy, and then tickled Miss Xie from the bottom-the silent greeting between the girls was not finished. When the acting princess princess glanced at her, she suddenly frowned: "Miss Cui? Cui's house is not far away from the palace. How come Miss Skong and Miss Xie who live in the south of the city have not arrived yet?"

Say Gui Cui, "It's not the palace that said the concubine, but who is the girl in this hall who was raised like a pearl and a treasure in a splendid heap? Why are they all here, but your niece is late and called us Are these many people waiting for her? "

In fact, Cui Guifei was also worried for her niece, and she heard her secretly gritting her teeth, but in front of the queen and the queen, she had to laugh at her: "Your Highness, you don't know, I just got sick of the child a while ago, although The last two days were fine, but my vitality was gone. I don't know if it was the reason why I was delayed? "

"Sick recently?" The princess acting on the wrist pulled a bracelet on her wrist, smiling, "Ah, isn't that the time when the wedding gift was just gone? The connection is sick, is the child's wealth and commitment? Can't you? "

Turned to the queen mother, "Mother-in-law, if this Miss Cui can't be the prince's concubine, it's better for me to replace someone earlier. After all, it's not easy for the Cui family to raise a daughter, right?"

The queen mother looked at her and frowned.

"The queen mother loves her, and the child is naturally flattered." Cui Guifei was furious, but she didn't reveal her face, smiling slightly. "However, Her Royal Highness the Princess has thought about it. This person is consuming grains and it is inevitable that there will be a headache and a fever. . Moreover, that child is already fine. "

The acting princess princess said, "It's all healed. What haven't you done till now? Don't you get sick again? Although there is a princess in the East Palace, there is no need for the concubine to serve the princess. Worrying, but these three days of illness at both ends, not to mention the continuation of the prince, isn't this bothering the East Palace? "

This is equivalent to believing that Cui Jianli could not have a child or even live long—Cui Guifei could not help but show her annoyance: "His Royal Highness was laughing and joking! Seeing Lian is really bad, this year's feast in the Spring Hall But on the mountainside, the head of Qingjiang County and the head of Nanzhang County took the lead to go up the mountain. How could she participate? "

The acting princess princess laughed and wanted to say something, but in the corner of her eyes, she saw the warning handed by the empress queen--Cui Guifei had lifted the eldest daughter of the princess of the kingdom of Jin Jiangqing, the princess of the princess, and she pursued it again. The lord of Qingjiang County will inevitably be accused of not intentionally choosing the side concubine for the prince, and the princess of the Kingdom of Jin has maintained the daughter-in-law who has not passed through, will it not hurt her eldest daughter?

The Queen Mother did not want the two daughters to quarrel again.

"I heard that Ms. Cui has a beautiful face, and Ye Li is very good." You can't provoke the anger of Princess Jin Guo, but you can't continue to find Cui Guifei.

The acting princess princess thought for a moment, and changed her leisurely tone. "Everyone has the so-called love for beauty. Just wait for her to be a rare beauty, and wait a minute!"

She said that she was dying, but Cui Guifei not only did not relax, but she became shameless!

The act of acting the founding princess is too vicious—whatever “beautiful heart is for everyone” and what “rare beauty” is not red. Naked. Naked reminding the queen mother, carefully Cui Jianli became a sorrow for evil?

Not to mention that the queen mother is very satisfied with the prince and wife, even if she gives Cui Guifei a face and points Cui Jianli to the prince as the side concubine, but she will never allow Cui Jianli to cross the prince with her aunt; Emperor Xianjia all hoped that the prince would strive for good governance. In the future, how can he allow someone to boast of his beauty and trouble the East Palace?

Just because Cui Jianli was late, and Cui Guifei didn't know why, this wouldn't know how to share the niece!

"What's wrong with Ziyu?" Cui Guifei was angry and hated. Besides cursing the acting state princess, she was also very dissatisfied with her younger brother. It's all people who want to be concubines, how can they be disciplined! "

Fortunately, when the concubine was feeling poor, the palace man finally entered the obituary again: "Miss Cui is here and is waiting outside the hall!"

Cui Guifei breathed a sigh of relief, and then tightened her fist, ready to speak for her niece.

However, when Cui Jianli, who was slightly pale, entered the palace, he saluted and did not wait for the princess to attack the emperor. Then he pleaded guilty. Ranjiu, who urgently needed the doctor's presence, gave up the steed to the man, so she was late and asked the queen mother to punish her! "

"Ping'an?" The queen mother had not spoken yet, and Princess Jin Guochang's face had changed. "What's wrong with Ping'er?"

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